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11    Database Manager

This chapter provides an overview of the Database Manager's features and capabilities. For more detailed information on how to use this tool, choose Help: On Database Manager. You can print Help topics using the HyperHelp Viewer.

The Database Manager is used to create, update, modify, and delete any static analysis databases used by FUSE tools during your FUSE session.

The browser tools (Call Graph Browser, Cross-Referencer, and C++ Class Browser) use a database that is generated using a set of static analysis data files. When you use one of these tools, the Database Manager automatically creates the database if you have previously generated the static analysis data files. If the database has already been created, the Database Manager automatically updates it when you use one of these tools.

You use the Builder to create the static analysis data files. See Section Section 4.8 for more information.

You can also create a static analysis database (including the static analysis data files) outside of a FUSE session. See Appendix Appendix B for more information.

You can have only one static analysis database per project. All the browser tools in the project use the same database.

The following figure shows the Database Manager main window:

In this figure, the main display area lists databases that are available in the current FUSE session. To work on a database, click on its name and use the Actions menu. When connected to the database symbol, the plug icon indicates that the database is being used. When the plug is disconnected, the database is not in use.

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11.1    Accessing the Database Manager

The Database Manager main window is automatically iconified when you start one of the browser tools.

To access the Database Manager, double click on its icon. You cannot start it from the Tools menu independently of the tools that use static analysis databases. You cannot use the Control Panel to deiconify it because the Control Panel does not list it.

Only one instance of the Database Manager is run during a FUSE session. The Database Manager main window lists and shows status for all databases being used in the current FUSE session. (Typically, each project has a database.)

It also displays a transcript of the database creation process so that you can determine the status and interrupt the process in case of errors. It maintains a transcript for each database until you delete the database file. See Section Section 11.6 for more information on database transcripts.

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11.2    Static Analysis Data Directory

The Database Manager uses as its target a static analysis data directory named project_name.data. This directory is actually a directory tree created by FUSE to specify the directories that contain static analysis data for your project. You can have any number of directories (or levels of directories), each containing static analysis data for your project. All static analysis data files found in this data directory tree will be included in the database, unless you specify that FUSE should ignore them. The project_name.data directory is found in the project's data directory (or the working directory, if a data directory is not specified).

When you start a browsing tool that already has a static analysis database, the Database Manager automatically updates the database if any static analysis files are more recent than those used to create the database.

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11.3    FUSE Language Scanners

The accuracy of a static analysis database produced by the Database Manager depends on the following:

Except for DEC C++, DEC Fortran 90, and DEC Cobol, the Database Manager relies on compiler-independent language scanners provided with the FUSE software. The Builder uses these scanners to scan source files during a build. The Database Manager then uses the information to create the database.

For DEC C++, DEC Fortran 90, and DEC Cobol, the language's compiler is used for scanning.

For standard implementations of supported languages, you don't need to change source files to generate accurate static analysis databases. In rare instances, FUSE language scanners will generate inaccurate or incomplete information if you use reserved words as identifiers in your program or if you use certain language extensions. See Appendix Appendix A for the lists of static analysis database reserved words for each language.

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11.4    Scanning Resource File

To customize the creation of your static analysis database, the Database Manager uses a scanning resource file to provide information about the environment and rules for scanning, including the following:

FUSE creates one scanning resource file for each project. The file is named .project_name.xrefrc and it resides in the project's data directory. This file is automatically created or modified when you click on OK in the Project Manager (Browser Tools Settings Category). To bring up this dialog box, click on the Set Browser Tool Properties button in the Database Transcript window or the Database Manager.

Before loading an existing static analysis database, the Database Manager checks to see whether a scanning resource file has been created or modified since the database was created. If it has, the Database Manager automatically updates the database.

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11.5    Updating a Static Analysis Database

A recent build might create static analysis data files that are more recent than those used to create the current static analysis database. You can use the Database Manager to update the database. In the Database Manager main window, click on the name of the database for the current project and choose Actions: Update Database.

If you are using a browsing tool, you can also update the database from the tool. Choose Database: Update.

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11.6    Using the Database Transcript Window

When you start one of the browser tools, the static analysis database is created or updated. The transcript of this process is displayed in the Database Transcript window and stored on disk. The messages listed in the transcript help you determine whether the database was correctly created or updated. A separate transcript is created for each project in the FUSE session.

The following figure shows the Database Transcript window:

You can use the Set Browser Tools Properties button to display the Project Manager. After making any changes in this dialog box, click on OK. Then click on the Update Database button to update the database.

FUSE does not automatically delete a transcript file for a static analysis database. If you are having disk space problems or if you delete the database file, you might also want to delete a transcript file.

To delete a transcript file:

Step Action


Wait until you exit FUSE. If you delete the transcript file while FUSE is running and you are still using the associated database, Database Manager activity is not reported anywhere.


Change directories to the directory tree (project_name.data in the data directory).


For a directory target, delete the .xrefdberror file.

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