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16    Message Monitor

This chapter provides an overview of the Message Monitor's features and capabilities. For more detailed information how to use this tool, choose Help: On Message Monitor. You can print Help topics using the HyperHelp Viewer.

The Message Monitor is available only in the FUSE base system and is most useful when you are using EnCASE utilities to integrate a non-FUSE tool into the FUSE environment. It displays tool state changes and all messages sent among FUSE tools and other tools that have been integrated into FUSE.

Figure Figure 16-1 shows the Message Monitor main window.

Figure 16-1:  Message Monitor Main Window

For more information about EnCASE utilities, see the DEC FUSE EnCASE Manual (available on the documentation CD-ROM as a Web browser document).

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16.1    Requirements for Using the Message Monitor

Before using the Message Monitor, start FUSE using the command fuse -D so that the Message Monitor displays FUSE messaging. If you start FUSE without the -D option, only a small portion of messaging is displayed.

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16.2    Starting the Message Monitor

To start the Message Monitor, select Message Monitor from the Tools menu in the Control Panel.

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