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21    Version Controller

This chapter provides an overview of the Version Controller's features and capabilities. For more detailed information on how to use this tool, choose Help: On Version Controller. You can print Help topics using the HyperHelp Viewer.

The FUSE Version Controller provides a graphical user interface for managing a source code library. The Version Controller supports many UNIX-based source control library utilities, such as ClearCase. The Code Manager is most suitable for an RCS or SCCS library because of its more functional user interface.

Figure Figure 21-1 shows the Version Controller main window.

Figure 21-1:  Version Controller Main Window

Key elements are the major window panes running from the top to the bottom of the window:

Transcript area

Shows transactions and status of Version Controller operations.

Information area

Displays Quick Help on menu items when you press and hold MB1 on the item.

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21.1    Summary of Features

Use the Version Controller to:

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21.2    Requirements for Using the Version Controller

To use the Version Controller to maintain source code libraries, make sure of the following:

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21.3    Starting the Version Controller

You can start the Version Controller in several ways:

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21.3.1    Use the Command Line

You can start the Version Controller from the command line using the following command:

% fusevc [-Xt-options] [-cwd] [library]

See Appendix Appendix D and the specific reference pages for the command syntax and options.

If the Control Panel is not running, it starts automatically as a minimized icon. If FUSE is already running, the Version Controller is placed in the current project.

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21.3.2    Use the Version Controller Icon from CDE

When you have CDE installed, FUSE provides a FUSE application group icon and icons for the individual tools that make up the FUSE environment.

To invoke the Version Controller:

  1. Double click on the Application Manager icon in the CDE Front Panel to display the application group icons.

  2. Double click on the FUSE application group icon to display the icons in the FUSE application group.

  3. Double click on the Version Controller icon to start the tool.

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21.3.3    Use the FUSE Control Panel

To start the Version Controller from the FUSE Control Panel, select Version Controller from the Tools menu in the Control Panel. FUSE first lists the tool in the Control Panel under the current project. Then the tool main window appears.

Like all tools, the Version Controller inherits its working directory from that set for the current project. See Section Section 21.4 for information on selecting a library.

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21.3.4    Use the Tools Menu from Most FUSE Tools

Most FUSE tools have a Tools menu. To start a tool, select the tool from the Tools menu.

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21.4    Selecting a Library

When the Version Controller starts, it looks for a library based on previously entered project information. If you haven't specified one, a dialog box appears to let you enter a library. You can bring this dialog box up from the Version Controller by choosing Commands: Set Library. You can save this library as part of the project data.

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21.5    Additional Requirements When Using ClearCase

In addition to the requirements in Section Section 21.2, if you use the Version Controller with the ClearCase source control library, make sure of the following:

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21.6    Activating ClearCase from the FUSE Environment

FUSE incorporates EnCASE features that allow you to activate ClearCase, if it is installed on your system, directly from the FUSE environment. This lets you take advantage of direct communication between ClearCase and FUSE editors. You will also want to use the Version Controller rather than the Code Manager to fully exploit integration between ClearCase and FUSE.

To activate ClearCase:

Step Action


In the Control Panel, choose Modify Tools Menu... from the Tool menu.


Click on ClearCase in the Inactive Tools column.


Click on the Add button. You will also likely want to remove the Code Manager from the Active Tools column and add the Version Controller tool in the same way.


From within FUSE, choose ClearCase from the File menu.

You will be able to stop ClearCase from the Control Panel or from the ClearCase interface. If you save your project when ClearCase is running, it will restart when you open the project. The Open File menu item within the ClearCase interface will bring a file selected in the ClearCase interface into a FUSE editor automatically.

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21.7    Using the Version Controller Transcript Area

The Version Controller maintains a transcript of output from each Version Controller action (output from a previous action is erased). The transcript includes success and error information and output from library actions. Check the transcript after you execute a Version Controller operation to determine if the operation was successful.

Figure Figure 21-2 shows an example of the transcript for a checkin operation.

Figure 21-2:  Transcript of a Checkin Operation

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21.8    Defining Version Controller Commands

You can redefine the commands on the Commands menu if the default definitions are not sufficient for your purposes.

To redefine the Version Controller commands:

Step Action


Choose Commands: Setup from the Version Controller to display the Setup dialog box.


In the Setup dialog box, click on the Define options menu and select the command you want to define. The Setup dialog box changes according to the command you choose.


Complete the Setup dialog box by entering a command definition, specific to the source control library utility you are using, into each of the fields. For more information, see the online Help.

Tables Table 21-1, Table 21-2, and Table 21-3 list the FUSE-supplied command definitions that you can modify.

Table Table 21-4 describes the variables that are used in these tables, along with some additional variables that the Version Controller supports for the command definitions.

Table 21-1:  FUSE-Supplied Command Definitions for ClearCase

Command Command Definition

Checkout (with a lock)

cleartool checkout -reserved $rev_opt $options $comment_opt $filelist

Checkout (without a lock)

cleartool checkout -unreserved $rev_opt $comment_opt $options $filelist

Checkin (keep file)

cleartool checkin -keep $comment_opt $options $filelist

Checkin (remove file)

ci $options $comment_opt $library/$filename,v

Insert New

cleartool mkelem $options $comment_opt $filelist

Cancel Lock

cleartool unreserve $comment_opt $options $filelist


cleartool reserve $options $comment_opt $filelist

Comment Option

-c $comment

Revision Option

-branch $revision

Table 21-2:  FUSE-Supplied Command Definitions for RCS

Command Command Definition

Checkout (without a lock)

cd `dirname $filename`; co -u $options $rev_opt `basename $filename`

Checkout (with a lock)

cd `dirname $filename`; co -l $options $rev_opt `basename $filename`

Checkin (keep file)

cd `dirname $filename`; ci -u $options $comment_opt `basename $filename`

Checkin (remove file)

cd `dirname $filename`; ci $options $comment_opt `basename $filename`

Insert New

cd `dirname $filename`; ci -u $comment_opt $options `basename $filename`

Cancel Lock

cd `dirname $filename`; rcs -u $options `basename $filename`


cd `dirname $filename`; rcs -l $options `basename $filename`

Comment Option

-t-$comment -m$comment

Revision Option


Table 21-3:  FUSE-supplied Command Definitions for SCCS

Command Command Definition

Checkout (with a lock)

cd `dirname $filename`; sccs -r edit $rev_opt $options `basename $filename`

Checkout (without a lock)

cd `dirname $filename`; sccs -r get $rev_opt $options `basename $filename`

Checkin (keep file)

cd `dirname $filename`; sccs -r delta -n $comment_opt $options `basename $filename`

Checkin (remove file)

cd `dirname $filename`; sccs -r delta $comment_opt $options `basename $filename`

Insert New

cd `dirname $filename`; sccs -r create $comment_opt $options `basename $filename`

Cancel Lock

cd `dirname $filename`; sccs -r unget $options `basename $filename`


Lock is not an SCCS command.

Comment Option


Revision Option


Table 21-4:  Summary of Command Definition Variables Supported by FUSE

Variable Description


The name of the file being checked in, checked out, and so on. The full path or relative name can be specified. If multiple values are specified for this variable in the command dialog boxes, the command is executed multiple times (once for each value specified).


The name of the file being checked in, checked out, and so on. The full path or relative name can be specified. If multiple values are specified for this variable in the command dialog box, the values are substituted as a list and executed as one command.


Specified in the Set Library dialog box, this variable specifies where the command is to be executed.


Specified in the Set Library dialog box, this variable specifies the location of the source control information.


Optional command options that can be entered in the Options field in command dialog boxes.


The syntax for the Comments option. The definition of this variable usually includes the $comment variable.


Optional comment text that can be entered in the Comments field in command dialog boxes.


The syntax for the Revision option. The definition of this variable usually includes the $revision variable.


Optional revision text that can be entered in the Revision field in command dialog boxes. The value for this variable can be a symbolic name.

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21.9    Checking a File Out of the Library

When you want to modify a file in the source control library, you should first check the file out of the library.

To check a file out of the library:

Step Action


Choose Commands: Checkout to display the Check Out File dialog box.


In the Filename field, enter the file or files that you want to check out of the library.


If the Comments field is available, you can optionally enter a comment to be associated with the library entry. The comment applies to all the files listed in the Filename field. (The Comments field is available if either the $comment or $comment_opt variable appears in the command definition.)


If the Options field is available, you can optionally enter any command options to be used for this checkout operation. The options apply to all the files listed in the Filename field. (The Options field is available if the $options variable appears in the command definition.)


If the Revision field is available, you can optionally enter the revision of the file you want to check out of the library.


Click on the Lock toggle button to check the file out of the library with a lock.


Click on OK to check the files out of the library.

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21.10    Checking a File Into the Library

After you have modified a locked file that you checked out of the library, you should check it back in. This lets you track changes made to the file.

To check a file into the library:

Step Action


Choose Commands: Checkin to display the Check In File dialog box.


If the Comments field is available, you can optionally enter a comment to be associated with the library entry. The comment applies to all the files listed in the Filename field. (The Comments field is available if either the $comment or $comment_opt variable appears in the command definition.)


If the Options field is available, you can optionally enter any command options to be used for this checkout operation. The options apply to all the files listed in the Filename field. (The Options field is available if the $options variable appears in the command definition.)


Click on the Keep File toggle button to keep a copy of the file in your working directory.


Click on OK to check the files into the library and remove the lock.

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