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A    Reserved Words

For standard implementations of supported languages, changes to source files are not required for accurate scanning to create the static analysis database. In rare instances, FUSE language scanners will generate inaccurate or incomplete databases if reserved words are used as identifiers in the program.

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A.1    Reserved Words for C Programs

Table Table A-1 shows the reserved words for C programs. Only the lowercase forms of words (exactly as shown in this list) are reserved.

Table A-1:  C Reserved Words

_align for sizeof
auto globaldef static
break globalvalue struct
case goto switch
const if typedef
continue int union
default long unsigned
do noshare variant_struct
double readonly variant_union
else register void
enum return volatile
extern short while
float signed  

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A.2    Reserved Words for DEC C++ Programs

For DEC C++, follow the rules for use of reserved words as described in the DEC C++ documentation.

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A.3    Reserved Words for Fortran 90 Programs

For Fortran 90, follow the rules for use of reserved words as described in the Fortran 90 documentation.

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A.4    Reserved Words for Pascal Programs

Table Table A-2 shows the reserved words for Pascal programs.

Although only the lowercase form of each word is listed here, the respective uppercase and mixed-case forms are also reserved.

Table A-2:  Pascal Reserved Words

and function real
array goto record
begin if repeat
boolean in rem
case integer set
char label text
const mod then
div nil to
do not type
donwto of until
else or var
end packed while
file procedure with
for program return
alfa integer8 single
and_then integer16 string
break integer32 timestamp
cardinal integer64 univ_ptr
cardinal16 integer_address unsigned
cardinal32 intset unsigned8
continue module unsigned16
double next unsigned32
exit or_else unsigned64
extern otherwise value
external pointer varying
fortran quadruple  

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A.5    Reserved Words for Fortran Programs

Table Table A-3 shows the reserved words for Fortran programs.

Although only the lowercase form of each Fortran reserved word is listed here, the uppercase and mixed-case forms are also reserved. Furthermore, it is the sequence of nonspace characters that is reserved rather than word entities themselves. For example, all the following strings are treated as the definefile reserved word:

        DefineFi le
        DE FIN EFILE

Table A-3:  Fortran Reserved Words

accept endmap pause
assign endstructure pointer
automatic endunion print
backspace entry program
blockdata equivalence read
byte external readonly
call find real
character format record
close function return
common goto rewind
complex if rewrite
continue implicit save
data implicitnone shared
decode implicitundefined static
definefile include stop
delete inquire structure
dimension integer subroutine
do intrinsic then
doublecomplex key to
doubleprecision logical type
else map undefined
elseif namelist union
encode none unlock
end nospanblocks virtual
enddo open volatile
endfile options while
endif parameter write

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