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B    Static Analysis Database Outside FUSE

You can create a static analysis database for a FUSE project without starting FUSE by using the -xref target option to the fuse command.

For example, you might want to create a static analysis database for a large program that can take an hour or more to process. You can create the database overnight and it will be ready for you when you start FUSE the next day.

This appendix describes how to create a static analysis database outside a FUSE session. See Chapter Chapter 11 for information about creating a static analysis database inside a FUSE session.

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B.1    Steps to Follow

You must have an existing FUSE project before you attempt to create the database. Follow the steps below for a project named TicTacToe:

  1. Start FUSE, create your project, and save it. Be sure to remember the project name and the project's data directory name. (If you don't specify a data directory, FUSE uses the working directory as the data directory.) For TicTacToe, assume that your data directory is /usr/users/foo/data.

  2. Set the environment variable FUSE_PROJ_ROOT_DATA_DIR to point to the static analysis data directory. The static analysis data directory is a directory tree created by FUSE in the data directory. This directory tree is named project_name.data. For TicTacToe, the static analysis data directory is /usr/users/foo/data/TicTacToe.data.

  3. Modify calls to compilers in your build scripts and makefiles to call the FUSE wrapper routines. FUSE normally installs in /usr/opt, so the wrapper routines will be found in /usr/opt/FUS400/bin for FUSE Version 4.0. The wrapper routines used for various compilers are:

    For example, if your Makefile defines the CC macro to be /usr/local/bin/gcc, then you should change this macro to the following:

    CC = /usr/opt/FUS400/bin/fuse_cc /usr/local/bin/gcc

    If you use build scripts and the calls to the compilers are hard-coded, you need to replace these calls and set environment variables.

  4. Run your build. The wrapper routines will take care of generating the static analysis data you need and placing it in your static analysis data directory (for this project, /usr/users/foo/data/TicTacToe.data).

  5. Invoke FUSE using the following command: fuse -xref static_analysis_data_dir, where static_analysis_data_dir is the name of the static analysis data directory (for this project, /usr/users/foo/data/TicTacToe.data). The static analysis database will be created for you.

Now you can start FUSE and open the project TicTacToe. Any browser tool you bring up (C++ Class Browser, Call Graph Browser, or Cross-Referencer) will use the static analysis database you created.

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