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D    Options for Invoking FUSE and Its Tools

This appendix contains several tables that describe command-line options for starting FUSE and its tools.

Table Table D-1 describes the options for the fuse command.

Table D-1:  FUSE Control Panel: fuse Command

Option Description

Starts FUSE in debugging mode. This mode is most useful when you are testing the integration of a non-FUSE tool into FUSE, and you want the Message Monitor to display useful information. See the DEC FUSE EnCASE Manual (available from the documentation CD-ROM as an online Web document) for more information on the Message Monitor and integrating tools into FUSE.

-display local-system:monitor

Starts FUSE and redirects the display of the Control Panel to the specified system. See Section Section E.3 for information on running FUSE remotely.

-proj project_name

Starts FUSE with the specified project as the current project. The name can be a relative or absolute pathname. The extension .proj is not needed.

-rc resource-filename

Starts FUSE with the specified resource file. This option is used to test the integration of a non-FUSE tool into FUSE. The TIL compiler generates a resource file (named tools.rc by default) that contains an entry for each tool on the Tools menu and provides the tool's name and invocation string. See the DEC FUSE EnCASE Manual for more information.

-schema filename

Specifies the absolute pathname of the schema file, fuseschema.msl, produced by the TIL compiler. See the DEC FUSE EnCASE Manual for more information.


Specifies to always start the ToolTalk server. By default, the ToolTalk server will be started on systems where the command /usr/dt/bin/ttsession exists and is executable when this option and the following one are not present. The ToolTalk server will not be started by default if /usr/dt/bin/ttsession does not exist or is not executable.


Specifies not to start the ToolTalk server.


Causes active tools that are part of a specified project or the default project in the working directory to not start as would normally happen when FUSE starts from the command line.

-xref static_analysis_data_dir

Creates a static analysis database and places it in the static analysis data directory (project_name.data is the directory tree name) without starting a FUSE session. You must have already generated static analysis data files. For more information, see Appendix Appendix B.


The standard X Toolkit command options.

The following table describes the options for the fusebuild command, which invokes the Builder. FUSE currently imposes a limit of one Builder per project. Therefore, attempting to invoke fusebuild when the Builder is already running in the current project causes the invocation to fail.

Option Description
-f path

Specifies the name of the makefile to be used (a fully qualified pathname or a pathname relative to the working directory). If path does not exist, you are warned and asked to reconfigure the tool. If you do not specify this option, the tool uses makefile (or Makefile) in the working directory if that file is found. If no makefile is found, you are warned and asked to reconfigure the tool. A specified pathname overrides any project settings that might otherwise take effect.


Forces the command to use the working directory of its parent shell as the current working directory rather than the working directory of the project that the tool joins.


The standard X Toolkit command options.

The following table describes the options for the fusecg command.

Option Description

The standard X Toolkit command options.

The following table describes the options for the fuseclass command.

Option Description

The standard X Toolkit command options.

The following table describes the options for the fusecm command.

Option Description

The standard X Toolkit command options.


Forces the command to use the working directory of its parent shell as the current working directory rather than the working directory of the project that the tool joins.

The following table describes the options for the fusecompare command.

Option Description

The standard X Toolkit command options.


Forces the command to use the working directory of its parent shell as the current working directory rather than the working directory of the project that the tool joins.

file-1 file-2

The names of the files to be compared. file-1 will appear in the left pane of the tool and file-2 will appear in the right pane. The files may be specified either as fully qualified pathnames or as paths relative to the working directory.

The following table describes the options for the fusemerge command, which invokes the Compare tool in merge mode.

Option Description

The standard X Toolkit command options.


Forces the command to use the working directory of its parent shell as the current working directory rather than the working directory of the project that the tool joins.


The ancestor file to be compared against.

file-1 file-2

The names of the files to be compared. file-1 appears in the left pane of the tool and file-2 appears in the right pane. The files can be specified either as fully qualified pathnames or as paths relative to the working directory.

The following table invokes the fusexref command.

Option Description

The standard X Toolkit command options.

The following table invokes the fuseedit command. If you fail to specify an editor, the current default editor is used. The selected (or default) editor starts within a FUSE context.

Option Description

Forces the command to use the working directory of its parent shell as the current working directory rather than the working directory of the project that the tool joins.


Specifies to use vi as the editor of choice.


Specifies to use the DEC FUSE Editor as the editor of choice.


Specifies to use Emacs as the editor of choice.


The standard X Toolkit command options.


Options that are understood by the selected editor and that are passed directly to that editor. Actual options available depend on the editor selected.


The pathname of the file to be edited (a fully qualified pathname or a path relative to the working directory).

The following table describes the options for the fusewinedit command, which lets you edit a file using a running instance of an editing tool (the FUSE Editor, Emacs, or vi). This command provides a way to reuse a preferred instance of an editor but does not give control over appearance, placement, or context. Use the fuseedit command if you want total control over display and configuration options.

Option Description

The line number of the file to be edited.


The pathname of the file to be edited (a fully qualified pathname or a path relative to the working directory).

The following table describes the options for the fuseheap command.

Option Description

Forces the command to use the working directory of its parent shell as the current working directory rather than the working directory of the project that the tool joins.

-data directory-path

The name of the directory in which heap analysis data is to be kept. A specified pathname overrides any project settings that might otherwise take effect.


The standard X Toolkit command options.


The pathname of the target executable. If this is not supplied, the project manager's dialog box is displayed.

The following table describes the options for the ladebug command.

Option Description

The standard X Toolkit command options.


The pathname of the executable to be debugged. A specified pathname overrides any project settings that might otherwise take effect.

The following table describes the options for the fuseman command.

Option Description

The standard X Toolkit command options.


The section in the manual that contains the keyword.


The item to search for.

-k expression

Locates reference pages whose NAME section contains the specified expression if the whatis database exists. The expression is a regular expression.

The following table describes the options for the fusewinman command, which lets you read a reference page using a running instance of the Man Page Browser, or start the browser if it is not already running and in the current project. This command provides a way to reuse a preferred instance of the Man Page Browser and provides the fallback capability to start the browser if that is required. Use the fuseman command if you want total control over display and configuration options.

Option Description

The item to search for.

-k keyword

Locates reference pages whose NAME section contains the specified keyword if the whatis database exists.

The following table describes the options for the fuseport command.

Option Description

The standard X Toolkit command options.

The following table describes the options for the fuseprof command.

Option Description

Forces the command to use the working directory of its parent shell as the current working directory rather than the working directory of the project that the tool joins.

-data directory-path

The name of the directory in which profiling data is to be kept. A specified pathname overrides any project settings that might otherwise take effect.


The standard X Toolkit command options.


The pathname of the target executable. If this is not supplied, the Project Manager dialog box is displayed. A specified pathname overrides any project settings that might otherwise take effect.

The following table describes the options for the fusepv command.

Option Description

The standard X Toolkit command options.


Forces the command to use the working directory of its parent shell as the current working directory rather than the working directory of the project that the tool joins.


The pathname of the file(s) to be loaded into the Program Visualizer (a fully qualified pathname or a path relative to the working directory). A specified pathname overrides any project settings that might otherwise take effect.

The following table describes the options for the fusesearch command.

Option Description

The standard X Toolkit command options.


Forces the command to use the working directory of its parent shell as the current working directory rather than the working directory of the project that the tool joins.

The following table describes the options for the fusevc command.

Option Description

The standard X Toolkit command options.


Forces the command to use the working directory of its parent shell as the current working directory rather than the working directory of the project that the tool joins.


The name of the library to be managed. Specifying a library name causes the Version Controller variable $library to be set to the specified name. A specified pathname overrides any project settings that might otherwise take effect.

The following table describes the X toolkit options.

Option Name Argument Resource
-background color *background
-bg color *background
-bordercolor color *borderColor
-bd color *borderColor
-borderwidth pixel-width borderWidth
-bw pixel-width borderWidth
-display display-Name display
-foreground color *foreground
-fg color *foreground
-font font-specification *font
-fn font-specification *font
-geometry geometry-specification .geometry
-iconic boolean .iconic
-name string .name
-reverse boolean .reverseVideo
-rv   .reverseVideo
+rv   .reverseVideo
-selectionTimeout number .selectionTimeout
-synchronous   .synchronous
+synchronous   .synchronous
-title string .title
-xnllanguage string .xnlLanguage
-xrm string  

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