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E    Matching FUSE to Your Work Environment

This appendix contains the following topics on optimizing your FUSE environment:

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E.1    Getting Optimal Performance While Running FUSE

If you are experiencing performance problems while running FUSE, follow these guidelines to improve performance:

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E.2    Getting Access to Files from FUSE

Check your makefiles and other build scripts for pathnames.

Make sure that all file systems containing the directories and libraries used to build existing executable files are mounted on the system where FUSE is running, either on a local disk or through the Network File System (NFS).

If you are using a system with automount, make sure you have compiled an executable file with the same mount points you will be using for running FUSE.

Make sure that the /usr/tmp directory is writable because many FUSE tools write information to that directory. If the directory is not writable, you can still run FUSE but some information generated by FUSE cannot be saved (and subsequently reused).

If you are using existing executable files with the Debugger, check that pathnames are still valid. The pathnames in the executable file can be either relative or absolute.

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E.3    Running FUSE Remotely

FUSE tools must all run on one system. However, FUSE can be installed on either your local workstation or a remote system. If you are running FUSE on your local workstation, ignore this section.

To run FUSE on a remote system, you must have an account set up on the remote system and be able to log in to that account.

You must also complete the following steps to make sure that FUSE can be displayed on your local workstation:

Step Action


On your local system, make sure that the system where FUSE is installed is an authorized host.

If you do not authorize a remote system for display on your local system, you will receive the following error message when you attempt to start FUSE on the remote system: Not an authorized host

Refer to the xhost(1) reference page for more information about authorizing remote system access to your system.


After you log in to the remote system but before you start FUSE, set the DISPLAY environment variable to your local system and monitor. In the following example,locsys represents the name of a local system with a single monitor and remsys represents the name of the system where FUSE is installed:

% rlogin remsys
  Welcome to remsys!

% setenv DISPLAY locsys:0.0

If you do not properly define the DISPLAY environment variable, you will receive the following error message when you attempt to start FUSE on the remote system: Can't open display.

Alternatively, you can use the following method:

Step Action


On your local system, make sure that the system where FUSE is installed is an authorized host.


Start FUSE on your local system using the - display option:

% fuse -display locsys:0.0

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E.4    Using FUSE with a Monochrome Display

If you have a monochrome display, you must add monochrome resources to the .Xdefaults file in your home directory before starting FUSE. The new entries override color defaults for the Builder and Call Graph Browser (and the optional C++ Class Browser), and are necessary for these tools to work with noncolor displays.

If you are using FUSE with a color display, you do not have to modify your .Xdefaults file.

To add monochrome resources to your .Xdefaults file:

Step Action


Log in to the system where FUSE is installed


Enter the csh command:% grep FUSE_TOP= 'WHICH FUSE'

The result of this command will be a path, for example: FUSE_TOP = /usr/opt/FUS400


Insert the following lines into the .Xdefaults file in your home directory, substituting the value obtained in step 2 for <fuse_path>:


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