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Special Characters

-D option
        for fuse command

-D option:for fuse command

-display option
        for fuse command

-display option:for fuse command-proj option:for fuse command-tt option:for fuse command-nott option:for fuse command-nostart option:for fuse command

-proj option
        for fuse command

-rc option
        for fuse command

-schema option:for fuse command

-xref option
        for fuse command

.fuse-defaults directory

Builder: fusebuild Commandfusebuild command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0812">options for using

Call Graph Browser: fusecg Commandfusecg command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0813">options for using

Class Browser: fuseclass Commandfuseclass command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0814">options for using

Code Manager: fusecm Commandfusecm command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0815">options for using

Compare: fusecompare Commandfusecompare command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0816">options for using

Compare: fusemerge Commandfusemerge command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0817">options for using

Cross-Referencer: fusexref Commandfusexref command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0818">options for using

Editors: fuseedit Commandfuseedit command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0819">options for using

Editors: fusewinedit Commandfusewinedit command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0820">options for using

Heap Analyzer: fuseheap Commandfuseheap command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0821">options for using

Ladebug Debugger: ladebug Commandladebug command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0822">options for using

Man Page Browser: fuseman Commandfuseman command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0823">options for using

Man Page Browser: fusewinman Commandfusewinman command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0824">options for using

Porting Assistant: fuseport Commandfuseport command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0825">options for using

Profiler: fuseprof Commandfuseprof command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0826">options for using

Program Visualizer: fusepv Commandfusepv command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0827">options for using

Search: fusesearch Commandfusesearch command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0828">options for using

Version Controller: fusevc Commandfusevc command <BR>        <A HREF="DOCU_026.HTM#anchor_0829">options for using

X Toolkit OptionsX Toolkit options

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Action options menu
        in the Heap Analyzer
        in the Profiler

animal_sayings example program

        from Builder
        from Builder
        from Compare
        in the emacs Editor

Annotations:in the FUSE editor

Assignment query

Asterisk in reference query

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backingStore resource
        changing value for

        setting and removing in Debugger
        setting and removing with editor

        build directory for
        colors and shapes in graph
        disabling automatic fetch
        editing host configuration
        executing distributed build
        executing local build
        requirements for using
        requirements for using
        shapes used in dependency graph
        tracking and correcting errors
        viewing makefile graph

Builder:colors used in dependency graph

Builder:setting upProject Manager dialog box:for Builder

Builder:using with an editor

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C language
        example program
        templates for FUSE Editor

C language:example program

C language:templates for

C++ Class Browser
        changing layout of class graph
        colors in class graph
        displaying data for class
        displaying inheritance relationships in
        filtering class graph
        filtering members list
        included in optional C++ support license
        navigating class graph
        requirements for using
        starting from editor
        summary of features
        updating the class graph
        using with the editors
        when to use

C++ Class Browser:lines in class graph

C++ Class Browser:nodes in class graph

C++ Class BrowserBrowser tools:C++ Class BrowserClass Browser:see C++ Class Browser

C++ language
        example program

Call Graph Browser
        panning the call graph
        selecting nodes
        shapes and colors in graph
        summary of features
        updating the graph
        using with Cross-Referencer
        using with other tools
        working with large call graphs

Call Graph Browser:requirements for usingStatic analysis database: required for Call Graph Browser

Call Graph Browser:using with editors

Call Graph BrowserBrowser tools
        Call Graph Browser

Call query

        actions and datatypes
        invoke FUSE from
        setting a default editor

        mapped to languages

        activating from FUSE
        requirements for using with Version Controller

Code Manager
        opening libraries
        preprocessing and postprocessing
        requirements for using
        summary of features
        using the library graph
        using the transcript
        using with an editor

Code ManagerSCCS libraryRCS library

        customizing for FUSE interface
        meaning in Program Visualizer

Colors:in Builder graph

Colors:in C++ Class Browser

Colors:in Call Graph Browser

Colors:monochrome display in Man Page Browser

Colors:specifying resources for

        for starting FUSE and tools

        comparing contents of files
        merging files
        merging files with
        requirements for using
        using with an editor
        using with the FUSE Editor

Configuration area of main window

Control Panel
        creating projects
        customizing FUSE
        managing tools
        modifying Tools menu
        saving and recalling projects with
        selecting and deselecting
        starting and stopping tools
        summary of features

count example program

        call query
        declaration query
        query results
        query types
        reference query
        reissue query
        summary of features
        updating the data
        using search pattern in query
        using with other tools

Cross-Referencer:assignment query

Cross-Referencer:function query

Cross-Referencer:issuing a query

Cross-Referencer:requirements for usingStatic analysis database:required for Cross-Referencer

Cross-ReferencerBrowser tools

        for Code Manager operations
        for Compare
        for FUSE Editor templates
        for FUSE interface
        for Man Page Browser
        for monochrome displays
        for the Debugger
        for the FUSE Editor

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Database Manager

Database Manager:updating static analysis database

Database ManagerStatic analysis database
        and Database Manager

        in Program Visualizer
        opening with Program Visualizer
        saving display to

        language support
        requirements for using
        using with an editor


DEC C language:reserved words for scanning

DEC C++ language
        reserved words for scanning

Declaration query

Default editor:choosing

Default settings
        changing in the Builder

Diagnostic messages
        reviewing in Porting Assistant
        viewing in editors
        viewing in editors

Display formats
        in Heap Analyzer
        used by Heap Analyzer
        used by Profiler

Distributed builds

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        invoking from other tools

Editors:using with Cross-Referencer

emacs Editor
        annotations in
        configuring to executable
        editing current makefile
        LISP commands
        specifying X default values for
        using private version
        using with Man Page Browser
        using with Search

emacs Editor:adding to or removing from Tools menu

emacs Editor:using with C++ Class Browser

emacs Editor:using with Call Graph Browser
emacs Editor:using with Call Graph Browser

emacs Editor:using with Code Manager

emacs Editor:using with Compare

emacs Editor:using with Cross-Referencer

Environment variables
        determining which are defined
        specifying for FUSE
        specifying for FUSE
        using in Code Manager processing

Environment variables:DISPLAY

Environment variables:MANPATH

Error messages
        canŐt open display
        correcting in Builder
        FUSE already running
        getting help on
        in Builder transcript
        in Code Manager transcript
        not an authorized host

Error messages:in Code Manager transcript

        in Program Visualizer
        used by Program Visualizer

Example programs

        starting FUSE using

Executable file
        using with Heap Analyzer
        using with Profiler

Executable file:using with Class BrowserStatic analysis database:required for C++ Class Browser

Exiting from a tool

Exiting from FUSE

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        customizing for FUSE interface

FORTRAN language
        reserved words for scanning
        reserved words for scanning
        templates for FUSE Editor

FORTRAN language:templates for

Function calls:porting undefined

Function query

        invoking Call Graph Browser for
        locating references to
        specifying in Debugger
        viewing source code from

Functions:viewing in call graph

        running remotely
        starting, stopping

fuse command
        options for using
        specifying project
        using -D option
        using -display option

fuse command:using -c option

fuse commandControl Panel

FUSE defaults file:merging language templates with

FUSE Editor
        adding to or removing from Tools menu
        annotations in
        displaying man page for routine from
        key bindings for
        key bindings for commands
        language templates for
        setting and removing breakpoints
        used with Search
        using with C++ Class Browser
        using with Call Graph Browser
        using with Call Graph Browser
        using with Class Browser
        using with Code Manager
        using with Compare
        using with Cross-Referencer
        using with Profiler

FUSE Editor:editing current makefile

FUSE Editor:using with Debugger
FUSE Editor:using with Debugger

FUSE Editor:using with Man Page Browser

FUSE example programs

FUSE session
        running multiple

FUSE tools:summary ofFUSE:software kit contentsEnCASE

FUSE_TOP environment variable
FUSE_TOP environment variable
FUSE_TOP environment variable

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Global options
        restoring previous

        in the Builder
        in the Builder
        in the Builder
        in the C++ Class Browser
        in the Call Graph Browser
        in the Code Manager

Graph:displaying complex

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Heap Analyzer
        compilation requirements
        display formats for
        generating data for
        requirements for using

Heap Analyzer:summary of featuresThreaded applications:using with Heap Analyzer

Help on FUSE:accessing

Host configuration
        specifying for distributed build

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Iconifying projects and toolsDeiconifying projects and tools

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Key bindings
        for C language templates
        for FORTRAN language templates
        for FUSE Editor commands

Key bindings:for Pascal language templates

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Language types:in Cross-Referencer

        templates in FUSE Editor

        using the Code Manager to open

        in C++ Class Browser

Linker errors:in Builder
Linker errors:in Builder

LISP commands
        using in emacs

Local build

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        changing default graph setting
        creating with Builder
        displaying system includes
        porting recursive
        regenerating porting-specific
        tailoring with Builder
        turning its graph on and off
        using or creating with Porting Assistant
        viewing graph using mouse

man page

Man Page Browser
        displaying a file as a reference page
        displaying a reference page in
        searching for reference pages in

MANPATH environment variable

Memory errors:using the Heap Analyzer to find

Memory errorsMemory leaksHeap Analyzer

Memory leaks
        using the Heap Analyzer to find

Merge operation
        using with Compare
        using with Compare

Message Monitor
        requirements for using

Monochrome display
        adjusting font for hotspots
        specifying resources for

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        definition of
        selecting in call graph

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Online Help for FUSE tools

Options menu
        saving customizations
        saving global customizations

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Pascal language
        reserved words for scanning
        templates for

Pascal language:templates for FUSE Editor

        filtering from dependency graph
        for FUSE UID files
        for pixie executable file
        for pixstats executable file
        in Heap Analyzer configuration
        when using Compare

Pathnames:for gprof executable file

Pathnames:for prof executable file

        improving in FUSE

Performance data:collectingProfiling dataProfiler

Pictograph:in Program Visualizer


Pop-up menu
        in Control Panel display area

Porting Assistant
        language support
        order of porting steps
        porting strategy when using
        running checks with
        setting up
        summary of features
        use of makefiles

Porting Assistant:diagnostic messages

Porting Assistant:filtering diagnostic messagesPorting Assistant:filtering diagnostic messages

Porting process
        identifying 32-bit dependencies
        include files check
        locating undefined function calls
        use of application subcomponents
        use of recursive makefiles

Porting process:use of application subcomponents

Postprocessing for Code Manager:how to specify

Preprocessing for Code Manager
        error handling
        how to specify

        compilation requirements
        requirements for using
        viewing source code from generated statistic

Profiler:summary of featuresThreaded applications:using with Profiler

Profiler:using with FUSE Editor

Program Visualizer
        colors used in
        file types supported
        flyby window in
        opening DataSet in
        saving DataSet with
        terms for
        used to display data
        used with another tool
        using with other tools

        description of
        opening and selecting
        setting up a work context

Project file

Project Manager dialog box

Project Manager dialog box:for Browser Tools

Project: setting Code Manager properties forProject Manager dialog box:for Code Manager

Project:creating and setting upProject Manager dialog box:general settings

Project:saving and reusingProject file:saving and reusing

Project:setting upProject:setting up

Project:UnnamedUnnamed project

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        performing with Cross-Referencer
        types of

Query:filtering names for C++ programs

Query:reissuing previous

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Reference page
        how to display
        searching for strings in
        searching for titles of

Reference page:displaying a file as

Reference query

Remote system:execute build on

Remote system:running FUSE on

Reserved words
        when scanning DEC C programs
        when scanning DEC C++ programs
        when scanning FORTRAN programs
        when scanning FORTRAN programs
        when scanning Pascal programs

Resource file
        for FUSE Editor

Resource files
        for FUSE Editor language templates
        for FUSE tool customizations
        for Man Page Browser

Resource files:for Man Page Browser

        in call graph
        in Call Graph Browser transcript
        locating calls to

Routines: viewing man page for

Routines:locating definitions of

Routines:locating references to

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sayings example program

Scanning resource file

Schema file

        executing operation
        integration with Program Visualizer
        requirements for using
        used to replace strings
        used with editors

Selecting a tool in the Control Panel

Starting FUSE

Starting tools

Starting tools:using command line

Static analysis data
        generating with Builder

Static analysis data:and Database ManagerStatic analysis data directory

Static analysis database
        creating outside FUSE
        using transcript window

Statistics:displayed by ProfilerProfiler:types of statistics displayed by

Stopping FUSE

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        created by Builder
        selecting for build
        specifying for Cross-Referencer
        specifying for local builds
        specifying for remote build
        viewing dependencies for

Target:definition of

Third Degree utility

        setting up

Tools menu
        modifying contents of

Tools:starting and stopping tools

Tools:starting from command line

Training menuHelp menuControl Panel
        training and help menus

Transcript area
        in Builder
        in Call Graph Browser
        in Code Manager

Transcript area:in C++ Class Browser

Transcript file

Transcript window:for Database Manager

TutorialOnline TrainingTraining

Types of data
        in Heap Analyzer

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        locating assignments of
        locating declarations for
        locating references to

Variables:locating declarations of

Variables:locating references to

Version Controller
        checking in a file with
        checking out a file with
        defining commands
        FUSE supplied commands
        requirements for using
        using the transcript

vi Editor
        adding to or removing from Tools menu
        editing current makefile
        restrictions when using
        using with Code Manager
        using with Compare

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        using in FUSE

words example program

Working directory
        definition of

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X default values:specifying for emacs

X defaults
        merging with FUSE defaults

X defaults:for monochrome display

X defaults:precedence over FUSE tools


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