Document revision date: 19 July 1999
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OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual

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Table RMS-50 lists the FAB amd XAB control block fields written as output by the Open service.

Table RMS-50 Open Service FAB and XAB Output Fields
Field Name Option or
XAB Type
FAB$L_ALQ   Allocation quantity: contains the highest numbered block allocated to the file.
FAB$B_BKS   Bucket size (does not apply to sequential files).
FAB$W_BLS   Device block size (applies only to sequential files).
FAB$W_DEQ   Default file extension quantity.
FAB$L_DEV   Device characteristics.
FAB$B_FAC   File access.
FAB$L_FOP   File-processing options.
  FAB$V_CBT Contiguous best try: indicates that the file is allocated contiguously on a "best effort" basis.
  FAB$V_CTG Contiguous: indicates that space for the file is allocated contiguously.
  FAB$V_RCK Read-check: transfers are followed up by a read-compare operation.
  FAB$V_WCK Write-check: transfers are followed up by a read-compare operation.
FAB$B_FSZ   Fixed-length control area size (applies only to VFC records).
FAB$W_GBC   Global buffer count.
FAB$W_IFI   Internal file identifier.
FAB$L_MRN   Maximum record number (for relative files only).
FAB$W_MRS   Maximum record size.
FAB$B_ORG   File organization.
FAB$B_RAT   Record attributes; used as output field except for process-permanent files with print file format.
FAB$B_RFM   Record format.
FAB$L_SDC   Spooling device characteristics.
FAB$B_SHR   File sharing.
FAB$L_STS   Completion status code (also returned in register 0).
FAB$L_STV   Status value (contains the I/O channel number if the operation is successful).
FAB$L_XAB   Next XAB address.
  XABALL Allocation XAB; see Chapter 9.
  XABDAT Date and time XAB; see Chapter 10.
  XABFHC File header characteristics XAB; see Chapter 11.
  XABITM Item list XAB; see Chapter 12.
  XABKEY Key definition XAB; see Chapter 14.
  XABPRO Protection XAB; see Chapter 15.
  XABRDT Revision date and time XAB; see Chapter 16.
  XABSUM Summary XAB; see Chapter 18.

Using the Name Block for Opening Files

Table RMS-51 and Table RMS-52 list the NAM block fields (further described in Chapter 5) used as input and output for the Open service (provided that the NAM block address field is specified in the FAB).

Table RMS-51 Open Service NAM Input Fields
Field Name Option Description
NAM$W_DID 1   Directory identification (input only if the FAB$L_FOP field FAB$V_NAM option is set).
NAM$T_DVI 1   Device identification (input only if the FAB$L_FOP field FAB$V_NAM option is set).
NAM$L_ESA   Expanded string area address.
NAM$B_ESS   Expanded string area size.
NAM$W_FID 1   File identification (input only if the FAB$L_FOP field FAB$V_NAM option is set).
NAM$B_NOP   NAM block options.
  NAM$V_PWD Password: indicates that a password contained in a DECnet for OpenVMS access control string, if present in a file specification, is to be left unaltered in the expanded and resultant strings (instead of being replaced by the word "password").
  NAM$V_NOCONCEAL Do not conceal device name: indicates that when a concealed device logical name is present, the concealed device logical name is to be replaced by the actual physical device name in the resultant string.
  NAM$V_NO_SHORT_UPCASE 1 Do not uppercase the directory and file specification in the NAM$L_ESA buffer.
NAM$L_RLF   Related file NAM or NAML block address.
NAM$B_RSL   Resultant string length.
NAM$L_RSA   Resultant string address.
NAM$L_FNB   File name status bits.
NAM$B_RSS   Resultant string area size.

1This field or option is not supported for DECnet for OpenVMS operations.

Table RMS-52 Open Service NAM Output Fields
Field Name Description
NAM$B_DEV Size of file specification device string.
NAM$L_DEV Address of file specification device string.
NAM$W_DID 1 Directory identification.
NAM$B_DIR Size of file specification directory string.
NAM$L_DIR Address of file specification directory string.
NAM$T_DVI 1 Device identification.
NAM$B_ESL Expanded string length. If the NAM$L_ESA and NAM$B_ESS fields are nonzero, and if the FAB$L_FOP field FAB$V_NAM option is clear or the NAM$W_DID and NAM$W_FID fields are 0 on input, the expanded file specification string is copied to the buffer specified by the NAM$L_ESA field.
NAM$W_FID 1 File identification.
NAM$W_FIRST_WILD_DIR 1 The topmost directory level to contain a wildcard.
NAM$L_FNB File name status bits.
NAM$W_LONG_DIR_LEVELS 1 Total number of directories.
NAM$B_NAME Size of file specification name string.
NAM$L_NAME Address of file specification name string.
NAM$B_NODE Size of file specification node string.
NAM$L_NODE Address of file specification node string.
NAM$B_RSL Resultant string length. If the NAM$L_RSA field and the NAM$B_RSS field are nonzero, and if the FAB$V_NAM bit is clear or the NAM$W_FID field is zero when you invoke the Open service, the resultant file specification is copied to the buffer specified by the NAM$L_RSA field.
NAM$B_TYPE Size of file specification type string.
NAM$L_TYPE Address of file specification type string.
NAM$B_VER Size of file specification version string.
NAM$L_VER Address of file specification version string.

1This field is not supported for DECnet for OpenVMS operations.

Table RMS-53 lists the NAML block fields used as input for the Open service.

Table RMS-53 Open Service NAML Input Fields (Alpha Only)
Field Name Option Description
NAML$W_DID 1   Directory identification (input only if the FAB$L_FOP field FAB$V_NAM option is set).
NAML$T_DVI 1   Device identification (input only if the FAB$L_FOP field FAB$V_NAM option is set).
NAML$L_ESA   Expanded string area address.
NAML$B_ESS   Expanded string area size.
NAML$W_FID 1   File identification (input only if the FAB$L_FOP field FAB$V_NAM option is set).
NAML$L_FILESYS_NAME 1   File system name buffer address.
NAML$L_FILESYS_NAME_ALLOC 1   File system name buffer size.
NAML$L_FNB   Related file NAM or NAML block file name status bits.
NAML$L_INPUT_FLAGS 1   Additional flags specified as input.
NAML$L_LONG_DEFNAME 1   Long default file specification string address (used if FAB$L_DNA contains -1).
NAML$L_LONG_DEFNAME_SIZE 1   Long default file specification string size.
NAML$L_LONG_EXPAND 1   Long expanded string area address.
NAML$L_LONG_EXPAND_ALLOC 1   Long expanded string area size.
NAML$L_LONG_FILENAME 1   Long file specification string address (used if FAB$L_FNA contains -1).
NAML$L_LONG_FILENAME_SIZE 1   Long file specification string size.
NAML$L_LONG_RESULT 1   Long resultant name string address.
NAML$L_LONG_RESULT_ALLOC 1   Long resultant string size.
NAML$B_NOP   NAM or NAML block options.
  NAM$V_PWD Password: indicates that a password contained in a DECnet for OpenVMS access control string, if present in a file specification, is to be left unaltered in the expanded and resultant strings (instead of being replaced by the word "password").
  NAM$V_NOCONCEAL Do not conceal device name: indicates that when a concealed device logical name is present, the concealed device logical name is to be replaced by the actual physical device name in the resultant string.
  NAM$V_NO_SHORT_UPCASE 1 Do not uppercase the directory and file specification in the NAML$L_ESA buffer.
NAML$L_RLF   Related file NAM or NAML block address.
NAML$L_RSA   Resultant string address.
NAML$B_RSL   Resultant string length.
NAML$B_RSS   Resultant string area size.

1This field or option is not supported for DECnet for OpenVMS operations.

Table RMS-54 lists the NAML block fields used as output for the Open service.

Table RMS-54 Open Service NAML Output Fields
Field Name Description
NAML$B_DEV Size of file specification device string.
NAML$L_DEV Address of file specification device string.
NAML$W_DID 1 Directory identification.
NAML$B_DIR Size of file specification directory string.
NAML$L_DIR Address of file specification directory string.
NAML$T_DVI 1 Device identification.
NAML$B_ESL Expanded string length. If the NAM$L_ESA and NAML$B_ESS fields are nonzero, and if the FAB$L_FOP field FAB$V_NAM option is clear or the NAML$W_DID and NAML$W_FID fields are 0 on input, the expanded file specification string is copied to the buffer specified by the NAML$L_ESA field.
NAML$W_FID 1 File identification.
NAML$L_FILESYS_NAME_SIZE 1 File system name length.
NAML$W_FIRST_WILD_DIR 1 First wild directory.
NAML$L_FNB File name status bits.
NAML$L_LONG_DEV 1 Long device string address.
NAML$L_LONG_DEV_SIZE 1 Long device string length.
NAML$L_LONG_DIR 1 Long directory string address.
NAML$L_LONG_DIR_SIZE 1 Long directory string length.
NAML$W_LONG_DIR_LEVELS 1 Total number of directories.
NAML$L_LONG_EXPAND_SIZE 1 Long expanded string length.
NAML$L_LONG_NAME 1 Long file name string address.
NAML$L_LONG_NAME_SIZE 1 Long file name string length.
NAML$L_LONG_NODE 1 Long node name string address.
NAML$L_LONG_NODE_SIZE 1 Long node name string length.
NAML$L_LONG_RESULT_SIZE 1 Long resultant string length.
NAML$L_LONG_TYPE 1 Long file type string length.
NAML$L_LONG_TYPE_SIZE 1 Long file type string address.
NAML$L_LONG_VER 1 Long file version string address.
NAML$L_LONG_VER_SIZE 1 Long file version string length.
NAML$B_NAME Size of file specification name string.
NAML$L_NAME Address of file specification name string.
NAML$B_NODE Size of file specification node string.
NAML$L_NODE Address of file specification node string.
NAML$L_OUTPUT_FLAGS 1 Additional status bits passed as output.
NAML$B_RSL Resultant string length. If the NAML$L_RSA field and the NAML$B_RSS field are nonzero, and if the FAB$V_NAM bit is clear or the NAML$W_FID field is zero when you invoke the Open service, the resultant file specification is copied to the buffer specified by the NAML$L_RSA field.
NAML$B_TYPE Size of file specification type string.
NAML$L_TYPE Address of file specification type string.
NAML$B_VER Size of file specification version string.
NAML$L_VER Address of file specification version string.

1This field is not supported for DECnet for OpenVMS operations.

Condition Values Returned

The following condition values can be returned. Use the Help Message utility to access online message descriptions. For more information about interpreting condition values, see Section 2.4.


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