Document revision date: 19 July 1999
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OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users

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TAPEALLODIFFF, The TAPE_ALLOCLASS parameter value for the processor
on SCSI bus 'device-name', ID 'slot-number', is different from the value on this system. This condition creates multiple names for the same device, which can lead to data corruption.

Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process
Explanation: The value of the SYSGEN tape allocation class parameter differs between the local node and the specified remote node.
User Action: Set the TAPE_ALLOCLASS parameter to the same nonzero value on both nodes.
TAPEALLOZERF, This system and/or the processor on SCSI bus
'device-name', ID 'slot-number', has a zero TAPE_ALLOCLASS value. This condition creates multiple names for the same device, which can lead to data corruption.

Facility: STACONFIG, Standalone Configure Process
Explanation: The local node, remote node, or both nodes have the SYSGEN tape allocation class parameter set to zero.
User Action: Set the TAPE_ALLOCLASS parameter to the same nonzero value for both nodes.
TAPECLASS, fatal error detected by Tape Class driver (TUDRIVER)

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a DIGITAL support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
TAPEFULL, 'save-set-spec' is full

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The specified volume contains file data that extends past the end-of-tape reflective strip, indicating that no space is available for more data.
User Action: Retry the operation using another volume.
TASKERROR, security server experienced a TASKING_ERROR exception

Facility: SECSRV, Security Server
Explanation: An error occurred in the security server.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative.
TIMORDSCB, Timeout attempting to read boot device SCB

Facility: SHADOW, Volume Shadowing Software
Explanation: Shadowing was not able to read the boot device storage control block (SCB) during boot time for the number of seconds specified in the SHADOW_SYS_TMO system parameter.
User Action: Verify that the boot device is ready and that the volume is properly loaded on the device.
TIMOUPDSCB, Timeout attempting to update system disk member SCBs

Facility: SHADOW, Volume Shadowing Software
Explanation: Shadowing was not able to update system disk member storage control blocks (SCBs) during boot time for the number of seconds specified in the SHADOW_SYS_TMO system parameter.
User Action: Verify that the shadow set system disk devices are ready and that the volume is properly loaded on each device.
TIPCUFLOW, NETACP - transmit count underflow

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a DIGITAL support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
TMSCPLDERR, TMSCP server must be loaded by setting SYSGEN parameter TMSCP_LOAD

Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility
Explanation: An attempt was made to load the TMSCP server using the TMSCP command in SYSGEN.
User Action: Always load the TMSCP server by setting the SYSGEN parameter TMSCP_LOAD to 1. This action loads the server, which services all locally connected MSCP type tape drives during SYSBOOT.
TMSCPSERV, Fatal error detected by TMSCP server

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The TMSCP server encountered an irrecoverable error.
User Action: Keep a copy of the crash dump and contact a DIGITAL support representative.
TOOMANYSUB, SPAWN failed, too many subprocesses. DIRECT mode used.

Facility: STDRV, System Startup Driver
Explanation: The startup database directed the startup driver to run too many spawned subprocesses. STDRV ran one or more of the processes in the main startup procedure using DIRECT mode. System startup should complete normally.
User Action: Use SYSMAN's STARTUP commands to display and modify the startup database to spawn fewer subprocesses.
TOO_MNY, too many of this device type

Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility
Explanation: The SYSGEN command CONFIGURE specifies too many controllers for the given device type.
User Action: Reenter the command with a valid number of controllers.
TSRVALLOAD, the TMSCP server is already loaded

Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility
Explanation: An attempt was made to load the TMSCP server using the TMSCP command in SYSGEN. The TMSCP server has already been loaded in the recommended way by setting the SYSGEN parameter TMSCP_LOAD to 1. This action loads the server, which services all locally connected MSCP-type tape drives during SYSBOOT.
User Action: None.
TWICE, device 'controller-name' - count changed from 'count' to 'count'

Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility
Explanation: A controller name has been specified twice for the CONFIGURE command.
User Action: Verify the value you intend to use.
UBMAPEXCED, UNIBUS map register allocation exceeded

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a DIGITAL support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
UDAPORT, fatal error detected by UDA port driver (PUDRIVER)

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a DIGITAL support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
UNABLCREVA, unable to create virtual address space

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a DIGITAL support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
UNDEFLINK, undefined link

Facility: LAT, LAT Facility
Explanation: A link was specified that does not exist on the local node.
User Action: Use the LATCP command SHOW LINK to see which links exist on the local node.

Unexpected Interrupt - CNF/PMC/PSR 'xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx'
Facility: Cluster Port Driver
Explanation: The port driver attempts to reinitialize the port; after 50 failed attempts, it marks the device off line.
User Action: Contact a DIGITAL support representative to check the port hardware.

Unexpected Interrupt - NODESTS/CASR(H)/(L) 'xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx'
Facility: Cluster Port Driver
Explanation: The adapter has issued a hardware interrupt when the driver is not prepared to handle one. This indicates that the driver and adapter are no longer synchronized. The port driver attempts to reinitialize the port; after 50 failed attempts, it marks the device off line.
User Action: Retain the error logs and crash dumps from the system, and contact a DIGITAL support representative.

UNEXPIOINT, unexpected I/O adapter interrupt

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a DIGITAL support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
UNEXPIRED, its expiration date is in the future

Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
Explanation: The Backup utility tried to mount a tape that cannot be initialized because it has an expiration date in the future.
User Action: Mount another tape that can be initialized, or remove the /REWIND qualifier from the BACKUP command.
UNKADAP, unknown adapter type encountered

Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility
Explanation: An internal error occurred when SYSGEN tried to parse an adapter name.
User Action: Check the command line for errors and reenter.
UNKCPU, unknown CPU type encountered

Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility
Explanation: An unknown CPU type was specified with the SYSGEN command SHOW/ADAPTER.
User Action: Reenter the command, specifying a valid CPU type.
UNKDEV, unknown device type

Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: The device type is unknown or invalid.
User Action: Correct the device name (or logical name if a logical name is specified) and reenter the command.
UNKNPRQ, unknown Inter-processor Request Message

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a DIGITAL support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
UNKRSTRT, unknown restart code

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a DIGITAL support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
UNL_PEN, exec image unload is pending

Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader
Explanation: A call was made to LDR$UNLOAD_IMAGE to unload an executive image that is in use. The image is marked to be unloaded later.
User Action: None.
UNLOCKERR, failed to unlock volume

Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility)
Explanation: An error occurred while trying to unlock the volume.
User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.

Unrecognized SCA Packet - FLAGS/OPC/STATUS/PORT 'xx/xx/xx/xx'
Facility: Cluster Port Driver
Explanation: The port driver closes the port-to-port virtual circuit to the remote port. If the virtual circuit is already closed, the port driver inhibits datagram reception from the remote port.
User Action: Save the error log file that contains this entry and the crash dumps from both the local and remote systems. Then contact a DIGITAL support representative.

UNRELVOL, volume is not part of volume set being mounted

Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility
Explanation: A disk volume that is not part of a volume set was specified in a MOUNT command that specified other volumes. Only volumes belonging to the same volume set can be mounted using the same MOUNT command.
User Action: Mount the specified volume using a separate command, or specify the /BIND qualifier in the MOUNT command.
UNSUPRTCPU, unsupported CPU

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a DIGITAL support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
UNXINTEXC, unexpected interrupt or exception

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a DIGITAL support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
UNXSIGNAL, unexpected signal name in ACP

Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck
Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1.
User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a DIGITAL support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
USERAUTH, error accessing authorization record

Facility: LOGIN, Login Procedure
Explanation: The login processor cannot read the user record for this user.
User Action: Try the operation again later.
USEREXC, you are at maximum allowed processes for your user name

Facility: LOGIN, Login Procedure
Explanation: No more processes can be logged in under this user name. The EXQUOTA message simultaneously displays to the system manager.
User Action: Wait until another process using this user name has logged out, and retry.

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