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Windows NT
    Updated: 1 May, 1998
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2 Setting Up a Disk Service

This chapter describes the tasks you perform to set up a disk service:

  1. Create the OpenVMS Container File for the Disk Service

  2. Configure the OpenVMS Cluster to Provide the Disk Service

  3. Configure the Windows NT Computer to Connect to the Disk Service

2.1 Create the OpenVMS Container File for the Disk Service

The first task in setting up a disk service is to create its container file on an OpenVMS disk. To do this, log on to an OpenVMS Alpha node and use the NTDS CREATE CONTAINER command. For example:

_$ /SIZE=2000000

Use the /SIZE qualifier to specify how big you want the virtual disk to be, in blocks. The NTDS CREATE CONTAINER command creates a container file of the specified size.

2.2 Configure the OpenVMS Cluster to Provide the Disk Service

The second task in setting up a disk service is to configure your OpenVMS Cluster to provide the service. The following table gives an overview of the steps.

Follow these steps first on the node that you want to provide the service, and then on each of the nodes that you want to be standbys for the service.

Step  Do This  Using This Command 
Log on to the OpenVMS Alpha node and set process privileges  SET PROCESS 
Start up the server software  NTDS START SERVER 
Start an active or standby disk service  NTDS START SERVICE 
Edit the system startup file   
Edit the system shutdown file   

2.2.1 Steps

To configure your OpenVMS Cluster to provide a service, follow these steps first on the node that you want to provide the service, and then on each of the nodes that you want to be standbys for the service:

  1. Log on to the OpenVMS Alpha node and set process privileges.

    Give your process the SYSNAM and SYSPRV privileges:


  2. Start up the server software.

    If you have not already done so, start the server software on the local node, using the NTDS START SERVER command. For example:


    You must use the /CLUSTERNAME qualifier to define a name that the Windows NT computers are to use to identify your OpenVMS Cluster when they connect to its disk services. We call this name the cluster name. It must not be longer than 24 characters and it must not contain a backslash character (\).

    You can chose any name you want-it's just a name that a Windows NT computer uses to identify the OpenVMS Cluster when it's trying to make a connection to a disk service. If you want, you can use the same name as your OpenVMS Cluster alias. It is important that you use the same name on every node on which you issue the NTDS START SERVER command.

    Note that the cluster name is case sensitive, and that the NTDS START SERVER command automatically converts the string you supply to uppercase unless you enclose it in quotation marks.

  3. Start an active or standby disk service.

    Use the NTDS START SERVICE command to start the disk service on the local node. For example:

    $ NTDS START SERVICE "Sports" -

    The /CONTAINER qualifier specifies the container file that you created in the previous section.

    The parameter, in this example Sports, specifies the name you want to give to the service. This is the name that the Windows NT computer uses to identify the service when it connects to it.

    You can choose any name you want, provided that it is not longer than 24 characters. Note that the service name is case sensitive, and that the NTDS START SERVICE command automatically converts the string you supply to uppercase unless you enclose it in quotation marks.

    The first NTDS START SERVICE command starts the active disk service on the local node. Subsequent NTDS START SERVER commands issued on other nodes start standby disk services on those nodes.

  4. Edit the system startup file.

    To make sure that the disk service is started automatically during system startup, edit the site-specific system startup file to execute the NTDS START SERVER and NTDS START SERVICE commands of Steps 2 and 3.

    We recommend that you use a separate command procedure, and edit your site-specific startup file to run this command procedure during system startup.

    You will find a template file, NTDS$STARTUP.TEMPLATE, in SYS$STARTUP. Create a file called NTDS$STARTUP.COM by copying the template file, then edit the new file to add the NTDS commands of Steps 2 and 3.

    During system startup, make sure that NTDS$STARTUP.COM is executed after UCX$STARTUP.COM, which starts DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.

  5. Edit the system shutdown file.

    If you have not already done so, edit the site-specific shutdown file, SYSHUTDWN.COM, to add the following line:


    During system shutdown, make sure that this line is executed before the line that executes UCX$SHUTDOWN.COM, which stops DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.

2.2.2 Tips

Be careful to type the correct service name and container file specification when you issue NTDS START SERVICE commands on different nodes in your OpenVMS Cluster.

You can corrupt your data if you forget which container file goes with which service name, for example, if you start a service called Sports for a container file on one node, and on another node you start a service called Media using the same container file.

To avoid this problem we recommend that you make the file name of the container file the same as its service name. For example, if you want to call the service Sports, call its container file SPORTS.NTDS. Don't set up two disk services that have the same name but use different combinations of upper and lower case. For example, don't set up two services called Sports and SPORTS.

To avoid the possibility of making typing mistakes when you issue NTDS START SERVICE commands, we recommend that you issue them either:

  • By running a command procedure, for example, the NTDS$STARTUP.COM procedure that is executed during system startup

  • By using the Sysman utility's DO command to execute the command on multiple nodes. For example, the following command sequence starts the Sports service on three nodes; it starts the active service on GREEN, and standby services on BLUE and YELLOW:

2.3 Configure the Windows NT Computer to Connect to the Disk Service

The third and final task in setting up a disk service is to configure the Windows NT computer to connect to the service. The following table gives an overview of the steps.

Step  Do This  By Using 
Log on to the Windows NT computer as an Administrator   
Add the disk service to the configuration database  NTDS Administrator 
If necessary, configure the communication settings  NTDS Administrator 
Connect to the disk service  NTDS Administrator 
Partition and format the virtual disk  Disk Administrator 
Optionally, share the virtual disk  Explorer 

2.3.1 Steps

Follow these steps to configure the Windows NT computer to connect to the disk service:

  1. Log on to the Windows NT computer as an Administrator.

  2. Add the disk service to the configuration database.

    Run NTDS Administrator (by default, from the Windows Start Bar click Programs, then DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services, then NTDS Administrator). The following screen appears.

    Figure 2-1 NTDS Administrator's Main Screen

    Click Add. The following dialog box appears.

    Enter the cluster name and the service name, then click OK.

    The cluster name and service name that you enter in this dialog box are case sensitive.

    Type them in uppercase if you did not enclose them in quotation marks when you used NTDS START SERVER and NTDS START SERVICE.

    The NTDS commands automatically convert the names to uppercase unless you enclose them in quotation marks.

    If you enclosed a name in quotation marks on the NTDS command, do not include the quotation marks when you type the name in this dialog box.

  3. If necessary, configure the communication settings.

    You can skip this step and accept the default settings if the Windows NT computer only wants to use disk services on OpenVMS Clusters that are in the same subnets as itself.

    The first time you run NTDS Administrator, it automatically scans the network cards attached to the computer and configures default settings that allow it to communicate with OpenVMS Clusters that have the same IP subnet addresses as those cards.

    If you want the computer to be able to use disk services provided by OpenVMS Clusters in other subnets, click View. The following screen appears.

    Figure 2-2 NTDS Administrator's Communication Settings Screen

    Click Help, then click the Configuring a new disk service Related Topic help button for instructions on how to configure the communications settings so that the computer can communicate with OpenVMS Clusters on other subnets.

    When you have finished, click OK to remove the Communication Settings screen and return to the NTDS Administrator's Main screen (Figure 2-1).

  4. Connect to the disk service.

    Select the disk service that you added in Step 2, then click Connect.

    The status of the disk service changes from Disconnected to Connected. The Windows NT computer has just got itself a new disk!

    The Disk # column tells you the disk number assigned to the new disk.

    Note that when the computer restarts, it automatically connects to all of the disk services it was connected to when it was shut down.

  5. Partition and format the virtual disk

    Partition and format the new virtual disk in the normal way, using the Windows NT Disk Administrator (by default, from the Windows Start Bar click Programs, then Administrative Tools (Common), then Disk Administrator).

    Make sure you select the right disk; create the partition on the disk whose number was displayed in the Disk # column of the NTDS Administrator's Main screen of Figure 2-1.

    Remember not to create a volume, mirror or stripe set on the disk.

    If you want striping or mirroring, create the container file on an OpenVMS disk that is striped or shadowed.

  6. Optionally, share the virtual disk

    Ignore this step if you do not want to share the virtual disk.

    If you want to share the virtual disk, do so in the normal way. For example, using Windows NT Explorer, click the right mouse button on the disk and select Sharing.

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