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    Updated: 1 May, 1998
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B NTDS Error Messages

This appendix contains the error messages returned by the NTDS commands described in Appendix A. This information is also in the NTDS help message database. You can access it on line, using the HELP/MESSAGE command.

Before you use HELP/MESSAGE, remember to enable the NTDS help message database, as described in the Installation Guide:


ALRSTARTED the server software has already been started on this node

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: The DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT server software has already been started on this node.

User Action: None.

ASERVINUSE a client is currently connected to a disk service on this node

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: You cannot stop the server software because a disk service is active on the local node and a Windows NT computer is currently connected to it.

User Action: Check that each active service on the local node has at least one standby node in your OpenVMS Cluster. Then reissue the NTDS STOP SERVER command using the /OVERRIDE qualifier.

CRECONFAIL failed to create container file

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: This message is followed by a continuation message, which describes the problem.

User Action: Depends on the continuation message.

INSFMEM insufficient system dynamic memory

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: There is not enough dynamic memory for the system to complete the request.

User Action: Increase the amount of dynamic memory available, using the NPAGEDYN and NPAGEVIR system parameters.

INVCLUNAME cluster name contains backslash or is longer than 24 chars

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: The cluster name you specified on the /CLUSTERNAME qualifier either contains a backslash character (\), or is longer than 24 characters.

User Action: Reissue the command with a valid cluster name.

INVSERNAME service name is longer than 24 characters

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: The service name you specified is longer than 24 characters.

User Action: Reissue the command with a valid service name.

NETERR network error

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: A network error occurred.

User Action: Check whether the PWIP driver is enabled using the UCX$CONFIG command procedure:


Select "Optional components" on the main menu, then "Configure PWIP Driver" on the Optional Components Configuration menu.

NOCLUQUAL the /CLUSTERNAME qualifier is compulsory

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: You issued an NTDS START SERVER command without using the /CLUSTERNAME qualifier to define the cluster name on the local node.

User Action: Reissue the command with the /CLUSTERNAME qualifier.

NOCONTQUAL the /CONTAINER qualifier is compulsory

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: You issued an NTDS START SERVICE command without using the /CONTAINER qualifier to specify which container file you want to associate with the specified service name.

User Action: Reissue the command with the /CONTAINER qualifier.

NOPRIVS operation requires the SYSNAM and SYSPRV privileges

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: You issued an NTDS command that requires the SYSNAM and SYSPRV privileges, but you do not have both of them.

User Action: Issue the DCL command:


then reissue the NTDS command.

NOSERVER the server software has not been started on this node

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: This message can appear after NTDS START SERVICE, NTDS STOP SERVICE, or NTDS SHOW SERVICES.

User Action: If you were trying to start a service, you should start the DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT server software, using NTDS START SERVER, then reissue the NTDS START SERVICE command.

NOSUCHSERVICE the specified service does not exist on this node

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: The specified service name does not exist on the local node.

User Action: None, unless you typed the name incorrectly; in that case reissue the command with the correct service name.

NOSYSPRV operation requires the SYSPRV privilege

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: You issued an NTDS command that requires the SYSPRV privilege, but you do not have it.

User Action: Issue the DCL command:


then reissue the NTDS command.

SERALRSTARTED a service with this name already exists on this node

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: A service with the specified name has already been started on the local node.

SERVERFAIL failure in server process

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: The NTDS_SERVER process exited unexpectedly while starting up. One possible cause is that the image file SYS$SYSTEM:NTDS_SERVER.EXE has been accidentally deleted.

You do not see this error under normal conditions.

User Action: Reinstall the server component as described in the Installation Guide.

SERVFAIL failed to start the server software

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: This message is followed by a continuation message, which describes the problem.

User Action: Depends on the continuation message.

SERVINUSE a client is currently connected to this service

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: The service is active on the local node and a Windows NT computer is currently connected to it.

User Action: Check that the service you are stopping has at least one standby node in your OpenVMS Cluster. Then reissue the command using the /OVERRIDE qualifier.

STARTING the server software is already in the process of starting

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: You issued an NTDS START SERVER command but a previous NTDS START SERVER command is already executing.

User Action: None.

STASERVIFAIL failed to start disk service

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: This message is followed by a continuation message, which describes the problem.

User Action: Depends on the continuation message.

STOPINPROG the server software is in the process of stopping

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: You issued an NTDS START SERVER or NTDS STOP SERVER command but an NTDS STOP SERVER command is currently in progress.

User Action: If you want to start the server software, wait a few seconds, then reissue the NTDS START SERVER command.

STOPSERFAIL failed to stop server

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: This message is followed by a continuation message, which describes the problem.

User Action: Depends on the continuation message.

STOPSERVIFAIL failed to stop disk service

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: This message is followed by a continuation message, which describes the problem.

User Action: Depends on the continuation message.

TOOSMALL the size of the container file must be at least 2048 blocks

Facility: NTDS

Explanation: You issued an NTDS CREATE CONTAINER command with a value for the /SIZE qualifier of less than 2048 blocks.

User Action: Reissue the command specifying a size of 2048 blocks or more.

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