DIGITAL logo DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for 
Windows NT
    Updated: 1 May, 1998
  Installation Guide Contents | Version Information

1 Installing the Server Component

This chapter describes how to install the server component of Version 1.1 of DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT. It contains the following sections:

1.1 Before You Install the Server Component

Follow these steps before you install the server component of Version 1.1 of DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT:

  1. Check that your OpenVMS system meets the following prerequisites:

    • It is running either OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1 or OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2.

    • It has at least 20,000 free blocks on its system disk.

    • It is running one of the supported TCP/IP products, which were as follows when this book was written:

      • DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.2 or later

      • DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 with ECO kit number 6 or later installed

    To find out if any third party TCP/IP products have been added to the list of supported products since this book was written, visit our web site at:

  2. Back up your system disk.

    DIGITAL recommends that you back up your system disk before starting the installation; a failure during installation could leave your system disk in an inconsistent state.

    Use the backup procedures that are established at your site.

1.2 Installing the Server Component

To install the server component of Version 1.1 of DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT, follow these steps, which should take you five minutes or less:

  1. Log in to an account that has full privileges enabled, for example, the SYSTEM account.

  2. Enter the PRODUCT INSTALL command. Use the /SOURCE qual- ifier to specify the directory that contains the kit. The kit is called DEC-AXPVMS-NTDS-V0101­­1.PCSI. For example, if the kit is in DAD10:[NTDS011.KIT], enter this command:

    See the DCL help for the PRODUCT command to find out about the features it provides, such as how to control where the product is installed (by default, SYS$COMMON), and how to extract the Release Notes before you start the installation.

    When you enter the PRODUCT INSTALL command, you will see a message like this:

    The following product has been selected:
        DEC AXPVMS NTDS V1.1         Layered Product [Available]
    Do you want to continue? [YES]

  3. Press Return to answer Yes (the default). The installation starts:
    Configuration phase starting ...
    You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected
    product and for any products that may be installed to satisfy
    software dependency requirements.
    DEC AXPVMS NTDS V1.1: DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for
    Windows NT
        © Digital Equipment Corporation 1998. All rights reserved.
        Digital Equipment Corporation
        This product uses the PAK NTDS-DISK
    Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES]

  4. Press Return to answer Yes (the default). The installation continues:
    Do you want to review the options? [NO]

  5. Press Return to answer No (the default). The installation continues:
    Execution phase starting ...
    The following product will be installed:
        DEC AXPVMS NTDS V1.1                   Layered Product
    Portion done: 0%...10%...30%...40%...80%...90%...100%
    The following product has been installed:
        DEC AXPVMS NTDS V1.1                   Layered Product
    DEC AXPVMS NTDS V1.1: DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for
    Windows NT
    See the Installation Guide for information on post
    installation tasks.

1.3 After You Install the Server Component

This section describes the tasks you must perform after you have installed the server component of Version 1.1 of DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT:

1.3.1 Register and Load the PAK

DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT is a layered product that is separate from the OpenVMS operating system. To use it, you must register its Product Authorization Key (PAK) in your license database. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase the NTDS-DISK PAK from your DIGITAL sales representative.

  2. Register the PAK, using the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF):

  3. Use the LICENSE MODIFY command with the /RESERVE qualifier to register the Windows NT computers that will be allowed to connect to disk services on your OpenVMS Cluster. List the names of the computers, for example:

    The computer names are not case sensitive. You can type them in either upper or lower case.

    The number of computers you specify in this list must not exceed the number of activity units available in your PAK.

  4. Use the LICENSE LOAD command to load the PAK:

    Use this command on each of the OpenVMS Alpha nodes that you want to be able to provide disk services to Windows NT clients.

1.3.2 Enable the NTDS Help Message Database

Enable the NTDS help message database so that you can use the HELP /MESSAGE command to get help on the error messages returned by NTDS commands.

To do this, define the logical name MSGHLP$LIBRARY to point to the NTDS help message database, SYS$HELP:NTDS.MSGHLP$DATA.

Is the logical MSGHLP$LIBRARY currently defined?

No  Edit SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM to add the following command, which defines the logical name to point to both the main OpenVMS help message database and the NTDS help message database:
Yes  Change the current definition to include SYS$HELP:NTDS.MSGHLP$DATA in the search list.

Edit whichever startup file or database currently defines the logical name during system startup. 

1.3.3 Configure DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS

Configure DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS on all the OpenVMS Alpha nodes that you want to be able to provide disk services to Windows NT clients:

  1. Make sure that DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS has at least one interface configured with an IP address. For information on how to do this, see the documentation for DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.

  2. Make sure that DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is configured to run the PWIP driver.

    Use the UCX$CONFIG command procedure to check that the PWIP driver is enabled:


    Select Optional components on the main menu, then Configure PWIP Driver on the Optional Components Configuration menu.

  3. To optimize the performance of DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT, we recommend that you use the following command to set the TCP protocol parameters in the UCX configuration database:

1.3.4 Reboot

Reboot to activate DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT.

If your OpenVMS Cluster has a single system disk, reboot all the OpenVMS Alpha nodes that you want to be able to provide disk services to Windows NT clients.

If your OpenVMS Cluster has multiple system disks:

  1. Install DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT on your other system disks.

  2. Reboot all the OpenVMS Alpha nodes that you want to be able to provide disk services to Windows NT clients.

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