DIGITAL logo DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for 
Windows NT
    Updated: 1 May, 1998
  Installation Guide Contents | Version Information

2 Installing the Client Component

This chapter describes how to install the client component of Version 1.1 of DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT. It contains the following sections:

2.1 Before You Install the Client Component

Follow these steps before you install the client component of Version 1.1 of DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT:

  1. Check that your Windows NT system meets the following hardware and software prerequisites:

    • It is running Windows NT Version 4.0.

    • It has at least 8 MB of free disk space.

    It can have either an Intel or Alpha CPU. It can be either a server or a workstation.

  2. Install the server component of DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT.

    Follow the instructions in Chapter 1 to install the server component on OpenVMS Alpha.

  3. If you are upgrading from Version 1.0 and you want to install Version 1.1 in a different directory from that in which you installed Version 1.0, deinstall Version 1.0 before you install Version 1.1:

    • From the Windows Start Bar click Programs, then DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services, then unInstallShield.

    • Note that this removes your configuration information. When you have installed Version 1.1, use NTDS Administrator to reconfigure the Windows NT computer.

2.2 Installing the Client Component

Follow these steps to install the client component of Version 1.1 of DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT:

  1. If you have not already done so, install TCP/IP on the Windows NT computer and set up the TCP/IP network configuration.

    TCP/IP is included with Windows NT, but you may have chosen not to install it. If so, install and configure it now.

  2. When you installed DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT on the OpenVMS Alpha system in Chapter 1, the installation procedure created a self-extracting file SYS$UPDATE:NTDS011.EXE.

    Copy SYS$UPDATE:NTDS011.EXE to a temporary directory on the Windows NT computer. If you use FTP, set the transfer type to binary before you copy the file.

  3. Log on to the Windows NT computer as an Administrator and double click on NTDS011.EXE, then follow the instructions on the screen to unzip the file and run the Setup Program for DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT.

2.3 After You Install the Client Component

The Setup Program gives you the option of restarting your computer to activate the software. If you did not select this option, remember to restart your computer before you try to use DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT.

Now read the System Manager's Guide to find out how to set up and manage disk services.

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