
Adding a Profile Member

You can use an rpcprofile add operation to add a member to a profile entry. If the profile entry does not exist, the operation creates the profile entry and adds the member. The member can be a server entry or another profile entry.

To add a member to the /.:/subsys/applications/wards_profile profile entry in CDS, use an rpcprofile add operation as in the following example which adds the server entry /.:/subsys/applications/bbs_server3 with a priority of 2.

dcecp> rpcprofile add /.:/subsys/applications/wards_profile \

> -member /.:/subsys/applications/bbs_server3 \

> -interface {458ffcbe-98c1-11cd-88bc-0000c08adf56 1.0} \

>-priority 2
