
Control Program Commands and Required Permissions

The following table lists all the dcecp commands that operate on CDS objects and the permissions that a principal must have to execute the commands.

DCE Control Program Commands and Required Permissions

Commands Required Permissions
cds disable Delete, write, and create permissions on the namespace entry of the server.
cds show Read permission on the namespace entry of the server.
cdsalias catalog Read permission to the cell's root directory whose alias you want to list.
cdsalias connect auth-infor permission on the local cell's root directory. Also, the CDS server principal on the machine containing the master replica of the local cell's root directory needs insert permission on the parent cell's root directory.
cdsalias create auth_info permission on the root directory of the cell.
cdsalias delete auth_info permission on the root directory of the cell.
cdsalias connect auth-info permission to the local cell's root directory. Also, the CDS server principal on the machine containing the master replica of the local cell's root directory needs insert permission on the parent cell's root directory.
cdscache create Write permission to the clerk that is to create the server entry in the local CDS cache.
cdscache delete Write permission to the clerk that will be deleted from the server entry in the local CDS cache.
cdscache discard Superuser (root) privileges on the clerk system where the CDS cache resides. No CDS permissions are required.
cdscache dump Superuser (root) privileges on the clerk system where the CDS cache resides. No CDS permissions are required.
cdscache show Read permission to the clerk that is to retrieve the server (-server option) or clearinghouse (-clearinghouse option) information from the CDS cache.
cdsclient disable Delete, write, and create permissions on the namespace entry of the clerk.
cdsclient show Read permission on the namespace entry.
clearinghouse catalog No special privileges are needed.
clearinghouse create Write permission to the server on which you intend to create the clearinghouse, and Admin permission to the cell root directory. Also, the server principal needs read, write, and Admin permissions to the cell root directory.
clearinghouse delete Write and delete permissions to the clearinghouse to be deleted, and Admin permission to all directories that store replicas in the clearinghouse. Also, the server principal needs delete permission to the associated clearinghouse object entry, and Admin permission to all directories that store replicas in the clearinghouse.
clearinghouse disable Write permission to the CDS server on which the clearinghouse resides.
clearinghouse initiate Write permission on the clearinghouse server and Admin permission on the cell root directory. The server principal needs read, write, and Admin permission on the cell root directory.
clearinghouse repair Write permission to the clearinghouse server and Admin permission to the cell root directory. The server principal needs read, write, and Admin permission to the cell root directory.
clearinghouse show Read permission to the clearinghouse whose attributes you want to list.
clearinghouse verify Write permission to the clearinghouse server and Admin permission to the cell root directory. The server principal needs read, write, and Admin permission to the cell root directory.
directory add Insert permission to the parent directory where the child pointer (-member option) is to be placed.
directory create Insert and read permissions to the parent directory, and write permission to the clearinghouse that stores the master replica of the new directory. Also, the server principal needs read and insert permissions to the parent directory of the new directory.
directory delete Delete permission to the directory, and write permission to the clearinghouse that stores the master replica of the directory. The server principal (hosts/hostname/cds-server) needs Admin permission to the parent directory, delete permission to the child pointer that points to the directory you intend to delete.
directory list Read permission to the directory whose contents you want to list.
directory merge Read permission to the source and destination directories, and insert permission to the destination directory.
directory modify Write permission to the directory for which you want to add (-add option), change (-change option), or remove (-remove option) the attribute or attribute value.
directory remove Delete permission to the child pointer (-member option), or Admin permission to the parent directory .
directory synchronize Administer, write, insert, and delete permission to the directory. Also, the server principal needs admin, read, and write permissions to the directory.
directory show Read permission to the directory whose attributes you want to list. For a replica of a directory (-replica option) - Read permission to the directory of which the replica is a member.
For a child directory (-member) - Read permission to the child directory.
link create Insert permission to the directory in which you intend to create the link.
link delete Delete permission to the link, or Admin permission to the directory that stores the link to be deleted.
link modify Write permission to the link whose attributes are to be modified.
link show Read permission to the link whose attributes are to be listed.
object create Insert permission to the parent directory that is to store the object entry.
object delete Delete permission to the object entry, or administer permission to the parent directory that stores the object entry.
object modify Write permission to the object entry for which you want to add (-add option), change (-change option), or remove (-remove option) the attribute or attribute value.
object show Read permission to the object entry whose attributes you want to list.