
Starting the Clearinghouse on the Target Server

After copying the clearinghouse database files to the appropriate location on the target server system, use the create clearinghouse command to start the clearinghouse at the new location. Make sure that you specify the same clearinghouse name that was used at its original (source) location. After you enter the command, the server detects the clearinghouse files, adds knowledge of them to its memory, then starts the clearinghouse.

To use the clearinghouse create command for the purpose of relocating a clearinghouse, you must have write permission to the server on which you intend to relocate the clearinghouse.

In the preceding example, the database files for clearinghouse /.:/Chicago2_CH were successfully copied to a server system named orion. The following command, which is issued on orion, relocates the clearinghouse named /.:/Chicago2_CH on that server:

dcecp> clearinghouse create /.:/Chicago2_CH