
Setting the Capacity and Lifespan Properties

You can set a limit on the number of entries that the local registry can contain. This limit is defined by the Capacity attribute of the local registry object. Setting the value of this attribute to a moderate number of entries can keep the local registry from growing too large.

For example, assume that the Capacity attribute value for the local registry on a machine is set to 10 and that the local registry contains 10 entries. If a new user logs in from the local machine, an entry is created for that user. This new entry overwrites the oldest of the 10 entries currently existing in the local registry. As users log in from the machine for the first time, their newly created registry entry overwrites the oldest entry.

To set the Capacity attribute value for the local registry, use the rgy_edt properties command.

Note that, when you first enter the command, it displays the current registry capacity and lifespan. In addition, it shows the number of account entries that are in the local registry and the number of TGT entries. There is one TGT entry, which contains the account's credentials, for each account entry.

$ rgy_edit -l

rgy_edit=> properties

Local Registry Properties:

Capacity: 25 entries

Contains: 6 account entries

Contains: 6 tgt entries

Lifespan: 3w Do you wish to make changes [y/n]? (n) y

Enter local registry capacity: (25) 50

Enter acct lifespan in days or 'forever': (3w) 12w

In the preceding example, 12w specifies a 12-week lifespan. When you enter the lifespan, you can enter:

· forever - To designate that the entry will never expire. The entry can be overwritten if it exceeds the registry capacity, however. Entering 0 (zero) at the Enter acct lifespan in days or 'forever': (3w) prompt has the same effect as entering forever.

· a decimal number - To specify the number of measurement units (weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds). This number is generally accompanied by a measurement unit, as described next. If you enter only a number without an accompanying measurement unit, the measurement unit defaults to days.

· w, d, h, m, or s - To specify the measurement units:

- w for weeks

- d for days

- h for hours

- m for minutes

- s for seconds

You can use any combination of the measurement units with their accompanying numbers. For example, to set the lifespan to 12 weeks, 8 hours, and 30 seconds, enter the following command:

Enter acct lifespan in days or 'forever': (3w) 12w8h30s

If you end a string of numbers and measurement units with a number only, the number with no measurement unit defaults to seconds. For example, if you enter the following, the lifespan is assumed to be 12 weeks and 30 seconds:

Enter acct lifespan in days or 'forever': (3w) 12w30