
Displaying Account Information

Use the dcecp account catalog and account show commands to display information about accounts. When you use the account show command, you must supply the name of the account's principal to specify the account to display. You can supply multiple principal names by enclosing them in braces and separating them with spaces.

To display all accounts in the registry database in alphabetic order with names prefixed by the cell name, enter

account catalog

To display all accounts in the registry database in alphabetic order with names not prefixed by the cell name, enter

account catalog -simplename

To display all attributes for a named principal's account, enter

account show principal_name

To display all policies for a named principal's account, enter

account show acct_name -policy

To display all attributes and all policies for a named principal's account, enter

account show acct_name -all

The following example shows the account catalog command used without the -simplename option:

dcecp> account catalog


















The following example shows the account show command used to display the attributes and associated with the account for mahler:

dcecp> account show mahler {acctvalid yes}

{client yes}

{created /.../ 1994-06-15-18:31:08.000+00:00I-----}

{description {}}

{dupkey no}

{expdate 1995-06-16-00:00:00.000+00:00I-----}

{forwardabletkt yes}

{goodsince 1994-06-15-18:31:05.000+00:00I-----}

{group users}

{home /}

{lastchange /.../ 1994-06-16-12:21:07.000+00:00I-----}

{organization users}

{postdatedtkt no}

{proxiabletkt no}

{pwdvalid yes}

{renewabletkt yes}

{server yes}

{shell {}}

{stdtgtauth yes}


Note that, if the policy defined for the account is not actually in effect because it is overridden by the registry policy, the policy is followed by the effective tag and the actual value in effect.