
How Overrides Work

The passwd_override administrative file that is stored in the local machine's dcelocal/etc/security directory contains override information. By using this file, you can enter overrides for the following:

· Passwords

· GECOS information

· Home directories

· Login shells

· Group memberships

· UNIX IDs for principals

The override information that you enter is in effect only for the local machine, which is the machine on which the passwd_override file is stored. When a user logs into a machine with an override file, any information for the user's account in the override file replaces the pertinent information obtained from the registry.

For example, assume that the registry account for bach specifies a Korn shell at login. Since bach normally logs into a machine that can run a Korn shell, this is fine for a majority of situations. However, bach occasionally works for another department and logs into a machine that cannot run a Korn shell. To accommodate bach's needs, you can create an override file on the machine that cannot run the Korn shell. The override can specify a Bourne login shell. Then, if bach logs into the machine that can run a Korn shell, registry data is used and a Korn shell is invoked. When bach logs into the machine that cannot run a Korn shell, override data is used and a Bourne shell is invoked.