
Models Based on Non-CDS Databases

The three models previously described are not mutually exclusive; if the namespace is set up correctly, all three can coexist at the same time. All three of the models are implemented through the functionality of the DCE RPC name service.

Although the emphasis in this discussion has been placed on the storage and retrieval of binding information, the namespace entries can be used to store additional states for objects. In order to do this, an application would have to create additional attributes on the CDS entries it intended to use because the name service recognizes only the four NSI attributes: binding, object, group, and profile.

Such additional entry attributes would be created and accessed through XDS. However, whenever you find yourself contemplating extending the name service in this manner, you should carefully consider whether the name service (and, consequently, CDS) is the best mechanism for doing what you want to do.

In the preceding example, where an object-oriented namespace containing separate entries for individual printers was described, only the identifier for the printer (the object UUID) and the binding for the server that managed it were stored in the CDS entry. Other information, such as what jobs are currently queued for the printer, who owns the jobs, and so on, was maintained by the server. This data could be stored in CDS only by creating new attributes to put it in, but it would be changing too quickly for CDS to efficiently keep up with it anyway. The performance of both the application and CDS would suffer from such an arrangement.

It is possible to imagine distributed applications whose resources (the objects they are managing) are of such a nature that they could be more efficiently managed through a private application-implemented database. Suppose the number of managed objects is very large, or that the state of the objects is volatile. It would certainly be a bad idea to try to use CDS to store this kind of information, which would be changing much more rapidly than CDS's ability to propagate the updates.


Example of a Privately Managed Database

Combining Models