
Server Side Allocation

in parameters
For all pointer types, the stub manages all memory for pointed-to nodes.

out parameters
For reference pointers, the stub allocates memory for the pointed-to nodes as long as the size of the targets can be determined at compile time. When the manager routine is entered, such reference pointers point to valid storage. For parameters that contain full pointers, the server manager code must allocate memory for pointed-to nodes. Servers can call the routine rpc_sm_allocate( ) for this purpose.

in,out parameters
For reference pointers, the stub allocates memory for pointed-to nodes if either the size of the pointed to nodes can be determined at compile time or the reference pointers point to values received from the client. When the manager routine is entered, such reference pointers point to valid storage. For full pointers, the stub allocates memory for the original pointed-to nodes. The server manager code must allocate memory if it creates new references. Servers can call the routine rpc_sm_allocate( ) for this purpose.

The server stub automatically frees all memory allocated with rpc_sm_allocate( ).