
The Interface Definition

Once you have designed your DCE application and have decided which procedures are needed, and which will be remote procedures, the next step in developing the application is to write one or more interface definitions that describe the remote procedures your application's clients will be requesting your application's servers to run.

To create an interface definition, use the following steps:

1. Generate an interface UUID and a skeleton .idl file with the uuidgen utility.

2. Write your interface operation declarations in IDL, using the skeleton .idl file you generated with uuidgen as a base.

3. Write the attribute configuration file. This is an optional step that you take only if you want to alter the IDL output in various ways.

4. Compile the completed interface definition file with the IDL compiler.

The following topics describe these steps in more detail.


Generating the Interface UUID

Writing the Interface Definition File

Writing the Attribute Configuration File

Processing the Files with the IDL Compiler