
The Generic Server

The generic server implemented by sample_server.c demonstrates a variety of tasks that most servers need to carry out, such as exporting bindings, creating an authentication identity, establishing an ACL manager, and handling asynchronous signals. As much as possible, the bulk of each task is implemented as one or more separate functions. This modularity makes it easier to understand the requirements for coding each task since each function or related set of functions can be studied separately. Also, because the tasks performed are fairly generic, the functions should be reusable in something close to the form presented here by many servers.

The IDL file sample.idl is included here mainly to demonstrate the data type declarations used for the ACL manager. A more complete IDL file is given in Object Bind Interface to show how the illustrated RPC data types are declared.


/* [27.VI.94] */
/* */
/* sample.idl -- */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* -77 cols- */

interface sample

const long int TEXT_SIZE = 100;

void sample_call(
[in] handle_t binding,
[out] long *status,
[in,out] error_status_t *remote_status);

void sample_get_text(
[in] handle_t binding,
[in] uuid_t object_uuid,
[in,out,string] char text[TEXT_SIZE],
[out] long *status,
[in,out] error_status_t *remote_status);

void sample_put_text(
[in] handle_t binding,
[in] uuid_t object_uuid,
[in,out,string] char text[TEXT_SIZE],
[out] long *status,
[in,out] error_status_t *remote_status);


/* [27.VI.94] */
/* */
/* sample.acf -- */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* -77 cols- */

interface sample
sample_call([comm_status,fault_status] remote_status);

sample_get_text([comm_status,fault_status] remote_status);

sample_put_text([comm_status,fault_status] remote_status);


The IDL file sample_db.idl and the ACF file sample_db.acf are required to generate a server-only stub for the database serialization routines used by the ACL manager.


/* [27.VI.94] */

/* */

/* sample_db.idl -- Here we declare a "serialization" function for the */

/* sample object */

/* */

/* */

/* This file contains the declarations for the data type that will contain */

/* the data that we will be storing "in" our sample objects. */

/* */

/* The declarations are done in an IDL file because the data is sent */

/* across the wire by the ACL and Backing Store routines. */

/* */

/* */

/* */

/* */

/* The instructions for how to set up the IDL and ACF files to generate */

/* serialization procedures for backing store data types can be found in */

/* the dce_db_open.3dce manpage. This file and its accompanying .acf file */

/* are written in conformance with the examples there. */

/* */

/* */

/* -77 cols- */


[ uuid(00312933-403d-1d3d-a469-0000c0d4de56),

version(1.0) ]

interface sampledb


import "dce/database.idl";

import "sample.idl";

/*** FROM dce/database.idl: *************************************************/

/* This is the standard header for each "object" in the database. */


/* The header struct cannot have any variable-length data */

/* (e.g., char *). This is because when fetching (and */

/* unmarshalling) just the header, the variable part is at the */

/* end of the application's entire data object, not at the end */

/* of the header. */


THE FOLLOWING IS FILLED IN BY A CALL TO dce_db_std_header_init().

For an example of how these fields are accessed, see the routine

sample_resolve_by_name() in sample_server.c. Note that the fields

are automatically filled in by the ACL library; we only have to

read them.

typedef struct dce_db_dataheader_s_t {

uuid_t uuid; [...Object UUID.]

uuid_t owner_id;

uuid_t group_id;

uuid_t acl_uuid;

uuid_t def_object_acl;

uuid_t def_container_acl;

unsigned32 ref_count;


utc_t created;

utc_t modified;

unsigned32 modified_count;

} dce_db_dataheader_t;

typedef enum {




} dce_db_header_type_t;


THE dce_db_open() ROUTINE...

typedef union switch (dce_db_header_type_t type) tagged_union {

case dce_db_header_none: NONE ;

case dce_db_header_std: dce_db_dataheader_t h;

case dce_db_header_acl_uuid: uuid_t acl_uuid;

} dce_db_header_t;


/*** ...END OF FROM dce/database.idl ****************************************/

/* Currently there is no actual object data in this structure. */

/* We just use it to hold the object piece of the */

/* name->object->acl mapping... [OLD NOTE] */

typedef struct sample_record_s_t {

[string] char message[TEXT_SIZE];

} sample_record_t;

typedef struct sample_data_s_t {

dce_db_header_t s_hdr;

sample_record_t s_data;

} sample_data_t;

void sample_data_convert(

[in] handle_t h,

[in,out] sample_data_t *data,

[in,out] error_status_t *st


void uu_convert(

[in] handle_t h,

[in,out] uuid_t *u,

[in,out] error_status_t *st




/* [27.VI.94] */

/* */

/* sample_db.acf -- This makes the sample db interface into one that */

/* does pickling. */

/* */

/* */

/* -77 cols- */


interface sampledb {

[encode,decode] sample_data_convert();

[encode,decode] uu_convert();


The generic server is then implemented by sample_server.h and sample_server.c.


/* [26.IX.94] */

/* */

/* sample_server.h -- */

/* */

/* */

/* */

/* */

/* */

/* -77 cols- */


/* */

/* The following is passed via server_acl_mgr_setup() to the calls to */

/* server_create_acl(), where it is used to get a UUID to put in the */

/* ACLs we are creating, which will identify a user. In other words, at */

/* present the application is set up in such a way as to allow only the */

/* Cell Administrator principal to be a user with any kind of permissions */

/* at all on the objects we are creating. That's why the client can only */

/* be run successfully by a user dce_login'd as "cell_admin". The reason */

/* for doing things this way is that it allows us to have a user principal */

/* we can always rely on being present, and thus avoid having to set up */

/* some user principals ourselves. Not that this would be so hard... */

#define SAMPLE_OWNER "cell_admin"

/* Keytab file name: */

#define KEYTAB "FILE:/tmp/sample_keytab"

/* Default leaf name and length for the server entry: */

#define NAMELEN 20

#define DEFNAME "sample_server_entry"

#define IF_ANNOTATION "Sample interface, version 1.0"

/* At present we set up only two objects... */

/* A "well-known" residual name for the management "object": */

#define MGMT_OBJ_NAME "server_mgmt"

/* */

/* A residual name for a sample object: */

#define SAMPLE_OBJECT_NAME "sample_object"

/* Relative pathname at which to locate newly-created backing store */

/* databases. Note that this is interpreted as the name of a subdirectory: */

#define ACL_DB_PATH "db_sample_acl"

/* Maximum length of a database pathname string... */

#define MAX_ACL_PATH_SIZE 50

/* Time allowed for cleanup of name space: */

#define CLEANUPTIME 60

/* Maximum number of serviceability routings allowed: */

#define MAX_ROUTES 10

/* Maximum number of separate debug levels allowed: */

#define MAX_LEVELS 9

/* Data structure for holding server entry names to pass to */

/* server_export_objects(): */

typedef struct {

unsigned32 count;

unsigned_char_t *name[1];

} entryname_vector_t;

/* Handle for serviceability calls */

dce_svc_handle_t smp_svc_handle;

/* Sample server-specific definitions: */

/* Used by remote bind interface... */

/* These are the backing store database handles: */

dce_db_handle_t db_acl, db_object, db_name;

#define mgmt_perm_inq_if sec_acl_perm_unused_00000080

#define mgmt_perm_inq_pname sec_acl_perm_unused_00000100

#define mgmt_perm_inq_stats sec_acl_perm_unused_00000200

#define mgmt_perm_ping sec_acl_perm_unused_00000400

#define mgmt_perm_kill sec_acl_perm_unused_00000800

/* The constants below come from aclbase.h (aclbase.idl)... */

#define OBJ_OWNER_PERMS sec_acl_perm_read | sec_acl_perm_write \e

| sec_acl_perm_delete | sec_acl_perm_test \e

| sec_acl_perm_control | sec_acl_perm_execute

#define ALL_MGMT_PERMS mgmt_perm_inq_if | mgmt_perm_inq_pname \e

| mgmt_perm_inq_stats | mgmt_perm_ping \e

| mgmt_perm_kill | sec_acl_perm_test \e

| sec_acl_perm_control

/* These are the two entry point vectors that are explicitly initialized: */

extern rdaclif_v1_0_epv_t dce_acl_v1_0_epv;

extern sample_bind_v1_0_epv_t sample_bind_epv;

/* This global boolean records whether the backing store databases have */

/* actually been opened or not. This allows us to avoid calling the */

/* server_acl_mgr_close() routine when there are no open databases; call- */

/* the dce_db_close() routine on an unopened database will result in a */

/* core dump. */

boolean32 databases_open;


/* [27.VI.94] */

/* */

/* sample_server.c -- Main program for "sample" server: initialization */

/* and cleanup. */

/* */

/* Note that no remote calls are defined in this file; for those, refer */

/* to either sample_manager.c or sample_bind.c. */

/* */

/* -77 cols- */


#define DCE_DEBUG

#include <stdio.h>

#include <malloc.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <pthread.h>

#include <errno.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <signal.h>

#include <sys/param.h>

#include <dce/dce.h>

/* #include <dce/stubbase.h> */

#include <dce/dce_cf.h>

#include <dce/dce_error.h>

#include <dce/rpc.h>

#include <dce/sec_login.h>

#include <dce/keymgmt.h>

#include <dce/uuid.h>

#include <dce/exc_handling.h>

#include <dce/dce_msg.h>

#include <dce/dbif.h>

#include <dce/aclif.h>

#include <dce/dceacl.h>

#include <dce/pgo.h>

#include <dce/dced.h>

#include <dce/dcesvcmsg.h>

#include <dce/svcremote.h>

#include "dcesmpsvc.h"

#include "dcesmpmsg.h"

#include "dcesmpmac.h"

/* sample-specific includes: */

#include "sample.h"

#include "sample_db.h"

#include "sample_bind.h"

#include "sample_server.h"


/* ANSI-C style prototypes for functions private to this module... */

int do_command_line(int,

char **,

unsigned_char_t **,

entryname_vector_t *);

void signal_handler(char *);

void server_register_get_bindings(rpc_if_handle_t,

rpc_binding_vector_t **,

unsigned32 *);

void server_export_objects(rpc_if_handle_t,

rpc_binding_vector_t *,

uuid_vector_t *,

entryname_vector_t *,

unsigned_char_t *,

unsigned32 *);

void server_cleanup_objects(rpc_if_handle_t,

rpc_binding_vector_t *,

uuid_vector_t *,

entryname_vector_t *,

unsigned32 *);

void managekey(char *);

void server_get_identity(unsigned_char_p_t,

sec_login_handle_t *,


unsigned32 *);

void server_renew_identity(unsigned_char_p_t,




unsigned32 *);

void server_create_dflt_acl(dce_db_handle_t,

unsigned_char_t *,



sec_acl_t *,

uuid_t *,

unsigned32 *);

void server_get_local_principal_id(unsigned_char_t *,

uuid_t *,

unsigned32 *);

void server_create_acl(uuid_t,


unsigned_char_t *,

sec_acl_t *,

uuid_t *,

unsigned32 *);

void server_store_acl(dce_db_handle_t,



sec_acl_t *,

uuid_t *,

uuid_t *,

unsigned_char_t *,

void *,


unsigned32 *);

void server_acl_mgr_setup(unsigned_char_t *,




unsigned_char_t *,


unsigned_char_t *,


dce_db_handle_t *,

dce_db_handle_t *,

dce_db_handle_t *,

uuid_t *,

uuid_t *,

unsigned32 *);

void server_acl_mgr_close(dce_db_handle_t *,

dce_db_handle_t *,

dce_db_handle_t *,

unsigned32 *);

void server_rdacl_export(rpc_binding_vector_t *,

uuid_vector_t *,

unsigned32 *);

void server_rdacl_cleanup(rpc_binding_vector_t *,

uuid_vector_t *,

unsigned32 *);

void server_bind_cleanup(rpc_binding_vector_t *,

uuid_vector_t *,

unsigned32 *);

boolean32 sample_mgmt_auth(rpc_binding_handle_t,


unsigned32 *);

dce_acl_resolve_func_t sample_resolve_by_name(handle_t,



uuid_t *,


void *,

uuid_t *,

error_status_t *);

void sample_bind_export(rpc_binding_vector_t *,

uuid_vector_t *,

unsigned32 *);

void create_server_uuid(uuid_t *,

uuid_vector_t *);

void print_server_error(char *,



/* Default routing information: */







unsigned_char_t *default_routes[MAX_DEFAULT_ROUTES] =













/* Default debug level and route... */

unsigned_char_t *default_debug_route = (unsigned_char_t *)"smp:*.9:STDERR:-";

unsigned_char_t *default_debug_level = (unsigned_char_t *)"*.9";

/* */

/* The debug level scheme is at present roughly as follows: */

/* */

/* svc_c_debug1 -- not used. */

/* svc_c_debug2 -- not used. */

/* svc_c_debug3 -- not used. */

/* svc_c_debug4 -- messages announcing calls to system (DCE or OS) */

/* routines. */

/* svc_c_debug5 -- messages announcing calls to local routines. */

/* svc_c_debug6 -- messages announcing entry/exit to/from server remote */

/* routines (e.g., remote bind, remote svc, sample */

/* interface operations, etc.). This is also the level */

/* for enabling announcements of library calls from */

/* within these routines. */

/* svc_c_debug7 -- messages announcing entry/exit to/from server */

/* locally called routines. */

/* svc_c_debug8 -- messages displaying various debugging information. */

/* svc_c_debug9 -- not used. */

/* */

int routes_G[MAX_ROUTES];

int debug_routes_G[MAX_LEVELS];

int debug_levels_G[MAX_LEVELS];

/* These two UUIDs could be treated as "well known": i.e. applications */

/* that use the same ACL manager for mgmt operations can use these... */

uuid_t mgmt_acl_mgr_uuid = {/* 0060f928-bbf3-1d35-8d7d-0000c0d4de56 */

0x0060f928, 0xbbf3, 0x1d35, 0x8d, 0x7d, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xd4, 0xde, 0x56


uuid_t mgmt_object_uuid = {/* 00573b0e-bcc2-1d35-a73e-0000c0d4de56 */

0x00573b0e, 0xbcc2, 0x1d35, 0xa7, 0xe3, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xd4, 0xde, 0x56


/* These UUIDs are specific to this server... */

/* Some ACL UUIDs that will be globally used: */

uuid_t mgmt_acl_uuid;

uuid_t sample_acl_uuid;

/* The UUID of the sample ACL manager: */

uuid_t sample_acl_mgr_uuid = { /* 001a15a9-3382-1d23-a16a-0000c0d4de56 */

0x001a15a9, 0x3382, 0x1d23, 0xa1, 0x6a, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xd4, 0xde, 0x56


/* A UUID for a sample object: */

uuid_t sample_object_uuid = {/* 00415371-f29a-1d3d-b8c8-0000c0d4de56 */

0x00415371, 0xf29a, 0x1d3d, 0xb8, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xd4, 0xde, 0x56


/* The mgmt printstrings could be treated as standard for */

/* a standard mgmt ACL manager... */

sec_acl_printstring_t mgmt_info = {"mgmt", "Management Interface"};

/* Note that we don't need to use the unused bits here; */

/* it's just less confusing this way... */

sec_acl_printstring_t mgmt_printstr[] = {

{ "i", "m_inq_if", mgmt_perm_inq_if },

{ "n", "m_inq_pname", mgmt_perm_inq_pname },

{ "s", "m_inq_stats", mgmt_perm_inq_stats },

{ "p", "m_ping", mgmt_perm_ping },

{ "k", "m_kill", mgmt_perm_kill },

{ "c", "control", sec_acl_perm_control },

{ "t", "test", sec_acl_perm_test }


sec_acl_printstring_t sample_info = {"sample", "Sample RPC Program"};

sec_acl_printstring_t sample_printstr[] = {

{ "r", "read", sec_acl_perm_read },

{ "w", "write", sec_acl_perm_write },

{ "d", "delete", sec_acl_perm_delete },

{ "c", "control", sec_acl_perm_control },

{ "t", "test", sec_acl_perm_test },

{ "x", "execute", sec_acl_perm_execute }





* main --








int argc,

char *argv[]



unsigned32 status; /* For status returned from library calls. */

rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vector; /* For bindings from RPC */

/* runtime. */

unsigned_char_t *string_binding; /* For string binding conversions. */

unsigned_char_t *server_principal_name; /* Our server principal */

/* name, read from command line. */

unsigned_char_t *uuid_string; /* For UUID string conversions. */

entryname_vector_t entryname_vector; /* List of server entry names, */

/* read from command line. */

sec_login_handle_t login_context; /* Our login context, for */

/* server-assumed identity. */

pthread_t sigcatcher; /* Handle to signal catcher thread. */

uuid_vector_t server_uuid_v; /* Array of server instance UUIDs. */

/* At present there is only one of these, */

/* and it is generated dynamically at the */

/* beginning of the program. This ends up */

/* being used as an object UUID for the */

/* server's exported bindings and */

/* registered mappings. */

int i; /* Utility index variable. */

int route_error; /* Condition variable for setting up */

/* deffault serviceability routings. */

/* Not used yet, however. */

uuid_t server_uuid; /* The UUID that identifies this server */

/* instance; i.e., the object UUID that */

/* identifies our server's bindings. It is */

/* created by us, in create_server_uuid(), */

/* and goes into server_entry_ptr->id in */

/* make_server_entry(). It actually ends */

/* up being identical to the configuration */

/* UUID, if one is created (by calling the */

/* dced_server_create() routine). */

dce_error_string_t error_string; /* Used to directly retrieve */

/* error message strings in cases where */

/* the serviceability call can't be used, */

/* because the svc table hasn't been */

/* registered yet. */

int print_status; /* Used to return status from the */

/* dce_error_inq_text() routine. */

databases_open = FALSE;

/* Process the command line... */





/* The following calls set up default routing of serviceability */

/* messages. Note that these must be called before */

/* dce_svc_register()... */

for (i = 0, route_error = FALSE; (i < MAX_DEFAULT_ROUTES) && (!route_error); i++)


fprintf(stdout, " Setting default route %s ...\n",


dce_svc_routing(default_routes[i], &status);

if (status != svc_s_ok)




status = svc_s_ok;



/* Set the default serviceability debug level and route... */

dce_svc_debug_routing(default_debug_route, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


dce_error_inq_text(status, error_string, &print_status);

fprintf(stdout, "dce_svc_routing(): %s\n", error_string);

/* exit(1); */


/* Get serviceability handle... */

smp_svc_handle = dce_svc_register(smp_svc_table,



if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_svc_register()", status);



/* Set up in-memory serviceability message table... */


sizeof smp__table / sizeof smp__table[0],


if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_msg_define_msg_table()", status);




/* Create an object UUID for this server instance... */

create_server_uuid(&server_uuid, &server_uuid_v);

/* Register the interface and get bindings... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_register_get_bindings()"));




if (status != error_status_ok)






/* Register server authentication information... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_server_register_auth_info()"));






if (status != error_status_ok)






/* Assume new identity... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_get_identity()"));





if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_get_identity()", status);



/* Spin off a thread to wait for signals... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Spawning signal handler thread"));

if (pthread_create(&sigcatcher,








/* Export objects to namespace and register them in end- */

/* point map... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_export_objects()"));





(unsigned_char_t *)IF_ANNOTATION,


if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_export_objects()", status);



/* Register the remote binding interface... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling sample_bind_export()"));

sample_bind_export(binding_vector, &server_uuid_v, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("sample_bind_export()", status);



/* Create a default ACL manager... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_acl_mgr_setup()"));


(unsigned_char_t *)ACL_DB_PATH, /* Pathname for */

/* database files. */


/* Our name->ACL UUID resolution */

/* function. */

sample_acl_mgr_uuid, /* UUID of our ACL manager; */

/* hard-coded at top of this file. */

sample_object_uuid, /* UUID of our sample object; */

/* hard-coded at top of this file. */

(unsigned_char_t *)SAMPLE_OBJECT_NAME, /* Name of */

/* our sample object. */

OBJ_OWNER_PERMS, /* Owner's permissions on sample */

/* object. */

(unsigned_char_t *)SAMPLE_OWNER, /* Principal */

/* name of sample object owner. */

0, /* TRUE => object is a container. */

&db_acl, /* Will contain ACL UUID store handle. */

&db_object, /* Will contain obj UUID store handle. */

&db_name, /* Will contain name store handle. */

&sample_acl_uuid, /* Will contain object ACL UUID. */

&mgmt_acl_uuid, /* Will contain mgmt ACL UUID. */


if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_acl_mgr_setup()", status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling uuid_to_string()"));

uuid_to_string(&mgmt_acl_uuid, &uuid_string, &status);

if (status != uuid_s_ok)


print_server_error("uuid_to_string()", status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"String form of mgmt_acl_uuid == %s", uuid_string));

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_string_free()"));

rpc_string_free(&uuid_string, &status);

if (status != rpc_s_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_string_free()", status);



/* Register the remote ACL interface (at the endpoint map, */

/* but not in the namespace)... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_rdacl_export()"));

server_rdacl_export(binding_vector, &server_uuid_v, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_rdacl_export()", status);



/* Start listening for calls... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_server_listen()"));

rpc_server_listen(rpc_c_listen_max_calls_default, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_server_listen()", status);

/* exit(1); */




/* */

/* Cleanup code -- Reached either because the server listen */

/* returned, or because we never got to listen in */

/* the first place due to some runtime error. */

/* */

/* */


/* Close the ACL databases... */

if (databases_open)


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_acl_mgr_close()"));

server_acl_mgr_close(&db_acl, &db_object, &db_name, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_acl_mgr_close()", status);



/* Be sure credentials are still valid before we try to */

/* cleanup... */


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_renew_identity()"));






if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_renew_identity()", status);


/* Unexport server objects from namespace and from endpoint */

/* map... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_cleanup_objects()"));






if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_cleanup_objects()", status);



/* Unregister the remote ACL interface from the endpoint */

/* map... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_rdacl_cleanup()"));

server_rdacl_cleanup(binding_vector, &server_uuid_v, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_rdacl_cleanup()", status);


/* Unregister the remote bind interface from the endpoint */

/* map... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_bind_cleanup()"));

server_bind_cleanup(binding_vector, &server_uuid_v, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_bind_cleanup()", status);


/* Print server exit message... */





* do_command_line -- Get and interpret arguments and options from the

* command line, and do other setup related to the

* command line's contents.


* Returns 0 if normal invocation, 1 if setup.


* Called from main().



int do_command_line(

int argc,

char *argv[],

unsigned_char_t **server_principal_name,

entryname_vector_t *entryname_vector



dce_error_string_t error_string;

int print_status;

unsigned32 status;

/* Note that the code expects you to type as the second argument */

/* a slash-terminated full CDS directory name, to which it will */

/* then concatenate the entryname. It is this name that is then */

/* passed to the server_export_objects() routine later on. */

/* Check the command line... */

if ( (argc == 2) && (( strcmp(argv[1], "setup") == 0) || \e

( strcmp(argv[1], "unsetup") == 0)) )

return 1;

else if (argc < 3)


fprintf(stdout, "\n Usage:\n");

fprintf(stdout, " %s <principal_name> <CDS_dir_name>/\n\n", argv[0]);



/* Get the server's principal name from the command line... */

*server_principal_name = (unsigned_char_p_t)malloc(strlen(argv[1]));

strcpy((char *)*server_principal_name, (char *)argv[1]);

/* Get the list of server entry names from the command line... */

entryname_vector->count = 1;

entryname_vector->name[0] = (unsigned_char_p_t)malloc(strlen(argv[2]) + NAMELEN);

strcpy((char *)entryname_vector->name[0], argv[2]);

strcat((char *)entryname_vector->name[0], DEFNAME);

/* Set the program name for serviceability messages... */

dce_svc_set_progname(argv[0], &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


dce_error_inq_text(status, error_string, &print_status);

fprintf(stdout, "dce_svc_set_progname(): %s\n", error_string);



return 0;




* server_register_get_bindings -- Register an interface:


* Set up only one type manager

* Use all protocol sequences

* Return the bindings


* Called from main().



void server_register_get_bindings(

rpc_if_handle_t interface, /* Interface to register. */

rpc_binding_vector_t **binding_vector, /* To return bindings. */

unsigned32 *status) /* To return status. */


unsigned_char_t *string_binding;

int i;

*status = error_status_ok;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_register_get_bindings()"));

/* Register the default interface, default epv, and nil type */

/* UUID... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_server_register_if()"));

rpc_server_register_if(interface, NULL, NULL, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_server_register_if()", *status);



/* Use all available protocol sequences... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_server_use_all_protseqs()"));



if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_server_use_all_protseqs()", *status);



/* Get the binding handles generated by the runtime... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_server_inq_bindings()"));

rpc_server_inq_bindings(binding_vector, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_server_inq_bindings()", *status);





* The following shows how to convert a vector of bindings into

* string bindings, and to print them out...




dce_svc_printf(BINDINGS_RECEIVED_MSG, "sample",


for (i = 0; i < (**binding_vector).count; i++)


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_binding_to_string_binding()"));




if (*status != rpc_s_ok)






dce_svc_printf(FULL_BINDING_MSG, "sample", string_binding);

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_string_free()"));

rpc_string_free(&string_binding, status);

if (*status != rpc_s_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_string_free()", *status);




DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_register_get_bindings()"));





* server_export_objects -- Set up a simple object-based binding scheme

* for the server, i.e.:


* Register bindings and objects in the endpoint map,

* Then export each object to a separate name space entry.


* The function uses a vector of entry names that correspond one-to-one

* with the objects in the object uuid vector. The server must have

* export permission to CDS in order to successfully execute this

* function.


* Called from main().



void server_export_objects(

rpc_if_handle_t interface, /* The interface specification. */

rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vector, /* The server's binding handles. */

uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vector, /* Server instance UUID, created in */

/* main. */

entryname_vector_t *entryname_vector, /* Server entry names, from command */

/* line. */

unsigned_char_t *annotation, /* Annotation string for endpoint */

/* map entry. */

unsigned32 *status) /* To return status */


uuid_vector_t object_uuid; /* Used to hold object UUIDs to be */

/* passed to rpc_ns_binding_export(). */

int i; /* Index variable. */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_export_objects()"));

*status = error_status_ok;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_ep_register()"));

rpc_ep_register(interface, binding_vector, object_uuid_vector,

annotation, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_ep_register()", *status);



if (object_uuid_vector)


if (entryname_vector->count != object_uuid_vector->count)





object_uuid.count = 1;

/* Export objects one at a time to CDS entries... */

for (i = 0; i < entryname_vector->count; i++)


dce_svc_printf(EXPORTING_TO_MSG, entryname_vector->name[i]);

object_uuid.uuid[0] = object_uuid_vector->uuid[i];

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_ns_binding_export()"));







if (*status != error_status_ok)










dce_svc_printf(EXPORTING_TO_MSG, entryname_vector->name[0]);

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_ns_binding_export()"));







if (*status != error_status_ok)







DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_export_objects()"));




* server_cleanup_objects -- Unexport and unregister all server objects.


* The server must have valid credentials for this routine to

* successfully execute.


* Called from main().



void server_cleanup_objects(

rpc_if_handle_t interface, /* Interface to unregister. */

rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vector, /* Server bindings to delete. */

uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vector, /* Server instance UUID(s). */

entryname_vector_t *entryname_vector, /* Server entry names. */

unsigned32 *status) /* To return status. */


struct {

unsigned32 count;

uuid_t *uuid[1];

} object_uuid;

int i;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_cleanup_objects()"));

*status = error_status_ok;

/* Get rid of the endpoints... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_ep_unregister()"));

rpc_ep_unregister(interface, binding_vector, object_uuid_vector,


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_ep_unregister()", *status);



/* Get rid of the server instance UUID(s). However, note that at */

/* present there is only one of these, and it's hard-coded below. */

if (object_uuid_vector)


if (entryname_vector->count != object_uuid_vector->count)





object_uuid.count = 1;

/* Unexport objects one at a time from CDS entries... */

for (i = 0; i < entryname_vector->count; i++)




object_uuid.uuid[0] = object_uuid_vector->uuid[i];

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_ns_binding_unexport()"));






if (*status != error_status_ok)









/* I.e., there is only one server instance to unexport... */


dce_svc_printf(UNEXPORTING_FROM_MSG, entryname_vector->name[0]);

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_ns_binding_unexport()"));






if (*status != error_status_ok)







DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_cleanup_objects()"));




* managekey -- Make sure the server principal's key is changed before

* it expires.


* The key management thread which runs this function is created

* in server_get_identity(), below.




void managekey(char *prin_name){ /* Server principal name */

unsigned32 status;

status = error_status_ok;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering managekey()"));

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sec_key_mgmt_manage_key()"));


rpc_c_authn_dce_secret, /* Authentication protocol. */

KEYTAB, /* Local key file. */

(idl_char *)prin_name, /* Principal name. */


if (status != error_status_ok)

print_server_error("sec_key_mgmt_manage_key()", status);

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting managekey()"));




* server_get_identity -- Establish a new server identity with valid

* credentials. This includes setting up a key

* management thread.



* Called from main().



void server_get_identity(

unsigned_char_p_t prin_name, /* Server principal name. */

sec_login_handle_t *login_context, /* Returns server's login context. */

unsigned_char_p_t keytab, /* Local key file. */

unsigned32 *status)


pthread_t keymgr;

sec_passwd_rec_t *keydata;

sec_login_auth_src_t auth_src;

boolean32 reset_pwd;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_get_identity()"));

*status = error_status_ok;

/* Spin off thread to manage key for specified principal... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling pthread_create()"));

if (pthread_create(&keymgr, /* Thread handle. */

pthread_attr_default, /* Specifies default thread */

/* attributes. */

(pthread_startroutine_t)managekey, /* Start rou- */

/* tine; see above. */

(void*)prin_name)) /* Argument to pass to start */

/* routine: server princi- */

/* pal name. */





/* Create a context and get the login context... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sec_login_setup_identity()"));





if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("sec_login_setup_identity()", *status);



/* Get secret key from the keytab file... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sec_key_mgmt_get_key()"));







if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("sec_key_mgmt_get_key()", *status);



/* Validate the login context... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sec_login_validate_identity()"));






if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("sec_login_validate_identity()", *status);



/* Finally, set the context... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sec_login_set_context()"));

sec_login_set_context(*login_context, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("sec_login_set_context()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_get_identity()"));




* server_renew_identity -- Make sure that credentials are still valid, and

* enew them if they are not.



* This routine is called (with the current credentials) whenever a task

* is about to be attempted that requires valid credentials. For an ex-

* ample, see the cleanup code in "main()" above. A valid credential will

* nevertheless be considered invalid if it will expire within time_left

* seconds. This gives a margin of time between the validity check that

* occurs here and the actual use of the credential.


* Called from main() (but can be called from elsewhere).



void server_renew_identity(

unsigned_char_p_t prin_name, /* Server's principal name. */

sec_login_handle_t login_context, /* Server's login context. */

unsigned_char_p_t keytab, /* Local key file. */

unsigned32 time_left, /* Amount of "margin" -- see above. */

unsigned32 *status) /* To return status. */


signed32 expiration;

time_t current_time;

sec_passwd_rec_t *keydata;

sec_login_auth_src_t auth_src;

boolean32 reset_pwd;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_renew_identity()"));

*status = error_status_ok;

/* Get the lifetime for the server's Ticket-Granting-Ticket (TGT). */

/* Note that sec_login_get_expiration() returns a non-zero */

/* status for an uncertified login context. This is not */

/* an error. Hence the special error checking... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sec_login_get_expiration()"));




if (*status != sec_login_s_not_certified)


print_server_error("sec_login_validate_identity()", *status);



/* Get current time... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling time()"));


/* Now, if the expiration time is sooner than the desired "time */

/* left"... */

if (expiration < (current_time + time_left))


/* Refresh the server's authenticated identity... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sec_login_refresh_identity()"));



if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("sec_login_refresh_identity()", *status);



/* Get key from local file... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sec_key_mgmt_get_key()"));







if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("sec_key_mgmt_get_key()", *status);



/* Validate the login context... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sec_login_validate_identity()"));






if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("sec_login_validate_identity()", *status);




DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Successfully exiting server_renew_identity()"));




* server_create_dflt_acl -- Create a default ACL; i.e., get the initial

* container ACL and copy it (instead of con-

* structing an ACL whole, as below), and create

* a UUID for the ACL.


* Not called from anywhere. NOT YET TESTED.



void server_create_dflt_acl(

dce_db_handle_t db_acl, /* Backing store handle. */

unsigned_char_t *container, /* Object we want the ACL of. */

void (*resolver)(), /* ACL name-to-UUID resolver function; */

/* i.e., sample_resolve_by_name(). */

boolean32 is_container, /* Is the object a container? */

sec_acl_t *acl, /* ACL will be returned here. */

uuid_t *acl_uuid, /* ACL's UUID will be returned here. */

unsigned32 *status)


sec_acl_type_t sec_acl_type; /* To contain ACL type specifier. */

uuid_t iacl_uuid; /* To contain initial container */

/* ACL's UUID. */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_create_dflt_acl()"));

/* Create the UUID for the new ACL... */

*status = error_status_ok;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling uuid_create()"));

uuid_create(acl_uuid, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("uuid_create()", *status);



if (is_container)

sec_acl_type = 2;


sec_acl_type = 1;

/* Now get the initial container's ACL UUID. */

/* This is a call to sample_resolve_by_name(); see below... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling (*resolver)()"));

(*resolver)(NULL, /* No client binding handle; this isn't a re- */

/* mote call. */

container, /* The object whose ACL's UUID we want; */

/* here, the initial container. */

sec_acl_type, /* Type of ACL we want UUID for. */

NULL, /* No manager type specified. */

0, /* Dummy parameter for us. */

NULL, /* No need to specify a special backing */

/* store handle. */

&iacl_uuid, /* Initial container ACL's UUID is re- */

/* turned here. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("resolver function(*)", *status);



/* Now get the initial container ACL... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_fetch_by_uuid()"));

dce_db_fetch_by_uuid(db_acl, /* ACL UUID-indexed database. */

&iacl_uuid, /* The initial container ACL UUID. */

acl, /* The ACL is returned here. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_fetch_by_uuid()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_create_dflt_acl()"));




* server_get_local_principal_id -- Get (from the local cell registry) the

* UUID corresponding to a principal name.



* Called from server_create_acl() and server_acl_mgr_setup().



void server_get_local_principal_id(

unsigned_char_t *p_name, /* Simple principal name. */

uuid_t *p_id, /* UUID returned here. */

unsigned32 *status) /* Status returned here. */


char *cell_name; /* For local cell name. */

sec_rgy_handle_t rhandle; /* For registry server handle. */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_get_local_principal_id()"));

/* First, get the local cell name... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_cf_get_cell_name()"));

dce_cf_get_cell_name(&cell_name, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_cf_get_cell_name()", *status);



/* Now bind to the cell's registry... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sec_rgy_site_open()"));

sec_rgy_site_open(cell_name, &rhandle, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("sec_rgy_site_open()", *status);



/* Free the string space we got the cell name in... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling free()"));


/* Now get from the registry the UUID associated with the principal */

/* name we got in the first place... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id()"));






if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("sec_rgy_pgo_name_to_id()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_get_local_principal_id()"));




* server_create_acl -- Create an ACL with some specified set of permissions

* assigned to some principal user.



* Called from server_acl_mgr_setup().



void server_create_acl(

uuid_t mgr_type_uuid, /* Manager type of ACL to create. */

sec_acl_permset_t perms, /* Permission set for ACL. */

unsigned_char_t *user, /* Principal name for new entry. */

sec_acl_t *acl, /* To return the ACL entry in. */

uuid_t *acl_uuid, /* To return the ACL's UUID in. */

unsigned32 *status) /* To return status in. */


static uuid_t u; /* For the principal's UUID (from the registry). */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_create_acl()"));

*status = error_status_ok;

/* Create a UUID for the ACL... */

/* Note that the new UUID doesn't get associated with the entry in */

/* this routine. It must happen in server_acl_mgr_setup()... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling uuid_create()"));

uuid_create(acl_uuid, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("uuid_create()", *status);



/* Create an initial ACL object with default permissions for the */

/* designated user principal identity... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_acl_obj_init()"));

dce_acl_obj_init(&mgr_type_uuid, acl, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_acl_obj_init()", *status);



/* Get the specified principal's UUID... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_get_local_principal_id()"));

server_get_local_principal_id(user, &u, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_get_local_principal_id()", *status);



/* Now add the user ACL entry to the ACL... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_acl_obj_add_user_entry()"));

dce_acl_obj_add_user_entry(acl, perms, &u, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_acl_obj_add_user_entry()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_create_acl()"));




* server_store_acl -- Store ACL-related data.



* The data is stored in databases that support a

* name->object_uuid->acl_uuid style of ACL lookup.



* Called from server_acl_mgr_setup().




/* */

/* There are three databases (this can be seen also in the */

/* server_acl_mgr_close() routine): */

/* */

/* db_acl:ACL (UUID)-indexed: (used to store the ACLs themselves) */

/* db_object:Object (UUID)-indexed: (used to store the object data */

/* itself) */

/* db_name:Name ("Residual")-indexed: (used to store the simple names of */

/* the objects) */

/* */

/* */

/* */


void server_store_acl(

dce_db_handle_t db_acl, /* ACL (UUID)-indexed store. */

dce_db_handle_t db_object, /* Object (UUID)-indexed store. */

dce_db_handle_t db_name, /* Name-indexed store. */

sec_acl_t *acl, /* The ACL itself. */

uuid_t *acl_uuid, /* ACL UUID. */

uuid_t *object_uuid, /* Object UUID. */

unsigned_char_t *object_name, /* The name of the object. */

void *object_contents, /* The actual object data contents. */


boolean32 is_container, /* Are we storing a container ACL? */

unsigned32 *status) /* To return status. */


/* These two variables are used to hold UUIDs for the ACLs we will */

/* need to create if we have a container ACL on our hands... */

static uuid_t def_object, def_container;

static sample_data_t object_data;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_store_acl()"));

*status = error_status_ok;

/* Null the contents of the object_data variable... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling bzero()"));

bzero((char *)&object_data, sizeof object_data);

/* If we have a container ACL, then we have to create and store the */

/* special stuff associated with it-- namely, the container ACL */

/* itself, and a default object ACL to go with it... */

if (is_container)


/* Create a UUID for the default object ACL... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling uuid_create()"));

uuid_create(&def_object, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("uuid_create()", *status);



/* Create a UUID for the default container ACL... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling uuid_create()"));

uuid_create(&def_container, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("uuid_create()", *status);



/* Store the default object ACL into UUID-indexed store... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_store_by_uuid()"));

dce_db_store_by_uuid(db_acl, &def_object, acl, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_store_by_uuid()", *status);



/* Store the default container ACL into UUID-indexed */

/* store... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_store_by_uuid()"));

dce_db_store_by_uuid(db_acl, &def_container, acl, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_store_by_uuid()", *status);




/* Store the plain object ACL into ACL UUID-indexed store... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_store_by_uuid()"));

dce_db_store_by_uuid(db_acl, acl_uuid, acl, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_store_by_uuid()", *status);



/* Store the ACL UUID(s) into a standard object header... */

/* Observe how this all seems to work: the following call sets up */

/* some general info in the object-indexed database that is asso- */

/* ciated with the Object and ACL UUIDs passed. This is where the */

/* ACL on an object actually gets connected with that object. Up */

/* above the information connected with the ACL UUID was stored */

/* in a sec_acl_t structure, but it's the following call that ac- */

/* tually associates this structure with some object. Afterward */

/* the object data itself (what is being "ACL'd") gets stored via */

/* the dce_db_store_by_uuid() call, and finally the object UUID */

/* itself is stored by name via the dce_db_store_by_name() call. */

/* So the reverse process (beginning with the name) will be: */

/* */

/* 1. Look up the object UUID by name by calling */

/* dce_db_fetch_by_name(). */

/* */

/* 2. Look up the data (i.e., object data) for the object */

/* by calling dce_db_fetch_by_uuid(). */

/* */

/* 3. Extract the ACL UUID from the correct field in the object */

/* data structure. */

/* */

/* ...These steps can be seen in sample_resolve_by_name(), the */

/* purpose of which is to return an ACL UUID when given an object */

/* name; the permission lists in effect for the object can then be */

/* accessed and checked against some set of permissions presented */

/* by a prospective accessor. */

/* */

/* Once the ACL library has gotten from us the UUID that identifies */

/* the ACL on the object it wants to investigate the permissions */

/* on, it's up to it to go on to retrieve the ACL itself, using */

/* the UUID to do so. It is able to do this because we have reg- */

/* istered our ACL database via the dce_acl_register_object_type() */

/* call (this is also, by the way, where our *(resolver)() routine */

/* is registered). So the runtime can extract the ACL information, */

/* compare it with the permissions presented by the entity that's */

/* trying to access the object in question, and allow, or not al- */

/* low, the operation to proceed accordingly. */

/* */

/* The way to test whether our sample ACLs have been set up cor- */

/* rectly or not would be to try to do various things to them via */

/* acl_edit. */

/* */

/* Note that the registration procedures described here are only to */

/* set up an application's ACL manager so that it is accessible */

/* via acl_edit (and, I suppose, dced and dcecp). In situations */

/* where a client in contact with the application server itself is */

/* trying to perform some operation, it is the responsibility of */

/* the application code itself to check the client's authorization */

/* and make the correct decision as to access. Note though that it */

/* does this through the dce_acl_is_client_authorized() call, */

/* which again can work only if you have correctly registered the */

/* application's manager. For an example of using this call see */

/* the sample_call() code in sample_manager.c; it is also called */

/* by sample_mgmt_auth(), below in this file. */

/* */

/* */

/* To sum up, then, there are basically three avenues of access */

/* that an application has to provide for when setting up an ACL */

/* manager: */

/* */

/* 1. Access by clients to the server via the remote mgmt */

/* interface. This is handled by setting up a mgmt call- */

/* back routine that will be automatically invoked by the */

/* runtime whenever a remote mgmt access is attempted. Our */

/* callback routine is sample_mgmt_auth(), below, and it is */

/* registered by a call to rpc_mgmt_set_authorization(). */

/* */

/* 2. Access by entities of any kind via acl_edit. This is */

/* handled by the mechanisms described above, which are */

/* set up by the call to dce_acl_register_object_type(). */

/* */

/* 3. Access by clients in contact with the server. This is */

/* handled by the server code itself, as described above. */

/* */

/* */

/* */

/* Note that the use of the three databases given here is necessarily*/

/* true only of the ACL databases we are setting up here. The */

/* object data stored in databases is strictly up to the application*/

/* that is why this parameter is defined as (void *). */

/* In other words, the backing store library can be used for */

/* anything. */

/* */

/* In the sample_db.idl file can be seen the object data type */

/* defined for this sample application, which is stored in the */

/* object UUID-indexed database... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_std_header_init()"));


db_object, /* Object database. */

&(object_data.s_hdr), /* Object data hdr. */

object_uuid, /* Object UUID. */

acl_uuid, /* ACL UUID. */

&def_object, /* Default object ACL. */

&def_container, /* Default container ACL. */

0, /* Reference count. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_std_header_init()", *status);



/* Now store the object data keyed by object UUID... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_store_by_uuid()"));

/* This is perhaps a not very nice way to do this, but it will have */

/* to serve for the time being... */

if (strcmp((char *)object_name, SAMPLE_OBJECT_NAME) == 0)

strcpy((char *)object_data.s_data.message,


else if (strcmp((char *)object_name, MGMT_OBJ_NAME) == 0)

strcpy((char *)object_data.s_data.message,



strcpy((char *)object_data.s_data.message,




(void *)&object_data,


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_store_by_uuid()", *status);



/* Finally, store the object UUID keyed by the object ("residual") */

/* name... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_store_by_name(%s)", object_name));

dce_db_store_by_name(db_name, (char *)object_name, object_uuid, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_store_by_name()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_store_acl()"));




* server_acl_mgr_setup -- Open and, if necessary, create the ACL-related

* databases, i.e.:


* 1. Set up a default ACL manager for the management interface.


* 2. Create an initial ACL. For servers that dynamically create

* objects, this ACL is intended to be used as the ACL on the

* "container" in which objects are created. If the server

* manages static objects, this ACL can be used for some other

* purpose.


* Note that all the container-related code is actually in the

* server_store_acl() routine above.


* Called from main().



void server_acl_mgr_setup(

unsigned_char_t *db_acl_path, /* Pathname for databases. */

dce_acl_resolve_func_t resolver, /* sample_resolve_by_name. */

uuid_t acl_mgr_uuid, /* ACL manager UUID. */

uuid_t object_uuid, /* Object UUID. */

unsigned_char_t *object_name, /* Object name. */

sec_acl_permset_t owner_perms, /* Owner permission set. */

unsigned_char_t *owner, /* Owner name. */

boolean32 is_container, /* Is this a container object? */

/* == TRUE from main(). */

/* [out] parameters: */

dce_db_handle_t *db_acl, /* ACL-indexed store handle. */

dce_db_handle_t *db_object, /* Object-indexed store handle. */

dce_db_handle_t *db_name, /* Name-indexed store handle. */

uuid_t *object_acl_uuid, /* Object ACL UUID. */

uuid_t *mgmt_acl_uuid, /* Mgmt ACL UUID. */

unsigned32 *status)


uuid_t machine_princ_id;

unsigned_char_t machine_principal[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 20];

unsigned_char_t *uuid_string;

sec_acl_t *new_obj_acl, *new_mgmt_acl;

boolean32 need_init;

unsigned32 dbflags;

static sample_data_t object_data;

unsigned_char_t *acl_path_string;

sec_acl_permset_t permset = (sec_acl_permset_t) 0;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_acl_mgr_setup()"));

new_obj_acl = (sec_acl_t *)malloc(sizeof(sec_acl_t));

new_mgmt_acl = (sec_acl_t *)malloc(sizeof(sec_acl_t));

*status = error_status_ok;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling bzero()"));

bzero((char *)&object_data, sizeof object_data);

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling uuid_create_nil()"));

uuid_create_nil(object_acl_uuid, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("uuid_create_nil()", *status);



need_init = 0;

/* Build the full pathname string for the db_acl database... */

acl_path_string = malloc(MAX_ACL_PATH_SIZE);

strcpy((char *)acl_path_string, (char *)db_acl_path);

strcat((char *)acl_path_string, (char *)"/");

strncat((char *)acl_path_string, "db_acl", strlen("db_acl"));

/* Find out if the database already exists... */

if (access((char *)acl_path_string, R_OK) != 0)

if (errno == ENOENT)

need_init = 1;


/* Create the indexed-by-UUID databases. There are two of these: */

/* One for the ACL UUID-indexed store, and */

/* One for the Object UUID-indexed store... */

dbflags = db_c_index_by_uuid;

/* If the thing doesn't exist yet, then we need to do some init- */

/* ialization... */

if (need_init)

dbflags |= db_c_create;

/* Open (or create) the "db_acl" ACL UUID-indexed backing store. */

/* Note that no header type is specified among the dbflags, so the */

/* database will be created with no header-- that's the default... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_open()"));


(char *)acl_path_string, /* Filename of backing store. */

NULL, /* Backing store "backend type" default == hash. */

dbflags, /* We already specified index by UUID for this. */

(dce_db_convert_func_t)dce_rdacl_convert, /* Serialization */

/* function (generated by IDL). */

db_acl, /* The returned backing store handle. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_open()", *status);




/* Set the global variable that records whether we actually have */

/* opened the databases; this enables us to avoid calling the */

/* dce_db_close() routine for unopened databases, which will cause */

/* a core dump... */

databases_open = TRUE;

/* For the object database, we need standard backing store headers */

/* to hold UUIDs for all the various ACLs... */

dbflags |= db_c_std_header;

if (need_init)

dbflags |= db_c_create;

/* Now open (or create) the "db_object" store... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_open()"));

/* Build the full pathname string for the database... */


acl_path_string = malloc(MAX_ACL_PATH_SIZE);

strcpy((char *)acl_path_string, (char *)db_acl_path);

strcat((char *)acl_path_string, (char *)"/");

strncat((char *)acl_path_string, "db_object", strlen("db_object"));


(char *)acl_path_string, /* Filename of backing store. */

NULL, /* Backing store "backend type" default == hash. */

dbflags, /* Specifies index by UUID, and include standard */

/* headers. */

(dce_db_convert_func_t)sample_data_convert, /* Serialization */

/* function for object data. */

db_object, /* The returned backing store handle. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_open()", *status);




/* Create the indexed-by-name database... */

dbflags = db_c_index_by_name;

if (need_init)

dbflags |= db_c_create;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_open()"));

/* Build the full pathname string for the database... */


acl_path_string = malloc(MAX_ACL_PATH_SIZE);

strcpy((char *)acl_path_string, (char *)db_acl_path);

strcat((char *)acl_path_string, (char *)"/");

strncat((char *)acl_path_string, "db_name", strlen("db_name"));


(char *)acl_path_string, /* Filename of backing store. */

NULL, /* Backing store "backend type" default == hash. */

dbflags, /* Specifies index by name. */

(dce_db_convert_func_t)uu_convert, /* Serialization */

/*function for name data. */

db_name, /* The returned backing store handle. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_open()", *status);






/* Now register our ACL manager's object types with the ACL */

/* library... */

/* Register for the mgmt ACL... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_acl_register_object_type()"));


*db_acl, /* Backing store where ACLs are to be stored. */

&mgmt_acl_mgr_uuid, /* Type of ACL manager: this one is */

/* for mgmt ACL operations; the UUID is defined */

/* globally at the top of this file. */

/* Why do we need this parameter? Well, the way */

/* that the ACL library keeps track of the */

/* different "sets" of ACL databases is by */
/* manager UUID. */

/* The manager UUID is what the library uses */

/* to figure out which ACL database to open and*/

/* retrieve a requested ACL's contents from. */

/* Essentially what we are setting */

/* up things so that calls to the library routine*/

/* dce_acl_is_client_authorized() can be made to */

/* check our ACLs, giving only the ACL UUID and a*/

/* manager UUID to get the desired result. */

sizeof mgmt_printstr/sizeof mgmt_printstr[0], /* Number of */

/* items in mgmt_printstr array. */

mgmt_printstr, /* An array of sec_acl_printstring_t */

/* structures containing the printable */

/* representation of each specified permission. */

&mgmt_info, /* A single sec_acl_printstring_t contain- */

/* ing the name and short description for */

/* the given ACL manager. */

sec_acl_perm_control, /* Permission set needed to change */

/* an ACL. Constants like these are defined */

/* in <dce/aclbase.h>. */

sec_acl_perm_test, /* Permission set needed to test an ACL. */

resolver, /* Server function to get ACL UUID for a given */

/* object; for us it's the */

/* sample_resolve_by_name() call, below. */

/* This routine is for the use of acl_edit: */

/* it allows acl_edit to receive an object */

/* name and come up with the ACL UUID; at */

/* least that's what I think it's for. */

NULL, /* Argument to pass to resolver function. */

0, /* Flags -- none here. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_acl_register_object_type()", *status);



/* Now register for the regular ACL... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_acl_register_object_type()"));


*db_acl, /* Backing store where ACLs are to be stored. */

&sample_acl_mgr_uuid, /* Hard-coded at top of this file. */

sizeof sample_printstr/sizeof sample_printstr[0], /* Number */

/* of items in our printstring array. */

sample_printstr, /* An array of sec_acl_printstring_t */

/* structures containing the printable rep- */

/* resentation of each specified permis- */

/* sion set. */

&sample_info, /* A single sec_acl_printstring_t contain- */

/* ing the name and short description for */

/* the manager we're registering. */

sec_acl_perm_control, /* Permission set needed to change an */

/* ACL. */

sec_acl_perm_test, /* The permission you need to test an */

/* ACL maintained by this manager. */

resolver, /* Application server function that gives */

/* the ACL UUID for a given object, when */

/* presented with that object's name; for */

/* us it's the sample_resolve_by_name() */

/* routine, below. */

NULL, /* Argument to pass to resolver routine; */

/* identified as the "resolver_arg" in the */

/* code to that function below. */

0, /* Flags -- none here. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_acl_register_object_type()", *status);



/* If we're initializing, then we have to create all this stuff... */

if (need_init)



/* Create the mgmt interface ACL... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_create_acl()"));


mgmt_acl_mgr_uuid, /* Create mgmt manager type ACL. */

ALL_MGMT_PERMS, /* Permission set for new ACL. */

owner, /* Principal name for new entry. */

new_mgmt_acl, /* This will contain the new ACL. */

mgmt_acl_uuid, /* This will contain the ACL UUID. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_create_acl()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling uuid_to_string()"));

uuid_to_string(mgmt_acl_uuid, &uuid_string, status);

if (*status != uuid_s_ok)


print_server_error("uuid_to_string()", *status);


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"String form of mgmt_acl_uuid == %s",


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_string_free()"));

rpc_string_free(&uuid_string, status);

if (*status != rpc_s_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_string_free()", *status);



/* For the management ACL we must add a default entry for */

/* the machine principal so dced can manage the server. */

/* Construct the name entry string... */

strcpy((char *)machine_principal, "hosts/");

gethostname((char *)(machine_principal + 6), MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1);

strcat((char *)machine_principal, "/self");

/* Get the machine principal's UUID... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_get_local_principal_id()"));




if (*status != error_status_ok)






/* Add a user entry for the machine principal to the new */

/* ACL... */

permset = ALL_MGMT_PERMS;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_acl_obj_add_user_entry()"));





if (*status != error_status_ok)






/* By default everybody must be able to get the principal */

/* name. They should be able to ping too. So add an appro- */

/* priate unauthenticated permissions entry to the ACL... */

permset = mgmt_perm_inq_pname | mgmt_perm_ping;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_acl_obj_add_unauth_entry()"));





if (*status != error_status_ok)






/* Add permissions for the any_other entry in the ACL... */

permset = mgmt_perm_inq_pname | mgmt_perm_ping;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_acl_obj_add_any_other_entry()"));





if (*status != error_status_ok)






/* Store the mgmt ACL... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_store_acl()"));


*db_acl, /* The ACL UUID-indexed store. */

*db_object, /* The object UUID-indexed store. */

*db_name, /* The name ("residual")-indexed store. */

new_mgmt_acl, /* The ACL itself. */

mgmt_acl_uuid, /* The mgmt ACL UUID. */

&mgmt_object_uuid, /* The mgmt object UUID. */

(unsigned_char_t *)MGMT_OBJ_NAME, /* The mgmt */

/* object name. */

/* (void*) */ &object_data, /* The object contents. */

0, /* Not a container ACL. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_store_acl()", *status);




/* Object ACL creation code... */

/* Now create the object ACL... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_create_acl()"));


sample_acl_mgr_uuid, /* Create an ACL with this */

/* manager type. */

owner_perms, /* Give it these permissions. */

owner, /* Make this the principal name. */

new_obj_acl, /* This will contain new ACL. */

object_acl_uuid, /* This will contain new ACL UUID. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_create_acl()", *status);



/* Null the data header... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling bzero()"));

bzero((char *)&object_data, sizeof object_data);

/* Store the object ACL... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling server_store_acl()"));


*db_acl, /* The ACL UUID-indexed store. */

*db_object, /* The object UUID-indexed store. */

*db_name, /* The name ("residual")-indexed store. */

new_obj_acl, /* The ACL itself. */

object_acl_uuid, /* The object ACL UUID. */

&object_uuid, /* The object UUID. */

object_name, /* The object name. */

/* (void*) */ &object_data, /* The object contents. */

/* is_container */ 0, /* Is this a container ACL? */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("server_store_acl()", *status);



/* Finally, free the space we were using... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_acl_obj_free_entries()"));

dce_acl_obj_free_entries(new_obj_acl, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)






/* ...end of object ACL creation code. */



else /* ACL databases already exist; get the two ACL UUIDs... */


/* This is a call to sample_resolve_by_name() (see below); */

/* it gives us the UUID of the ACL of the object whose */

/* name we pass it... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling (*resolver)()"));


NULL, /* No client bind handle; local call. */

object_name, /* Object whose ACL UUID we want. */

0, /* Type of ACL we want UUID of. */

&sample_acl_mgr_uuid, /* Object's manager type. */

0, /* Ignored as far as we're concerned. */

NULL, /* "resolver_arg"; unused. */

object_acl_uuid, /* Will contain object ACL UUID. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("resolver function (*)", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug5,

"Calling (*resolver)()"));


NULL, /* No client bind handle; local call. */

(sec_acl_component_name_t)MGMT_OBJ_NAME, /* We want */

/* mgmt object's ACL UUID. */

0, /* Type of ACL we want UUID of. */

&mgmt_acl_mgr_uuid, /* Object's manager type=mgmt. */

0, /* Ignored as far as we're concerned. */

NULL, /* "resolver_arg"; ignored. */

mgmt_acl_uuid, /* Will contain mgmt ACL UUID. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("resolver function (*)", *status);




DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling uuid_to_string()"));

uuid_to_string(mgmt_acl_uuid, &uuid_string, status);

if (*status != uuid_s_ok)


print_server_error("uuid_to_string()", *status);


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"String form of mgmt_acl_uuid == %s", uuid_string));

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_string_free()"));

rpc_string_free(&uuid_string, status);

if (*status != rpc_s_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_string_free()", *status);


/* Set up remote management authorization to use the ACL manager. */

/* Note that the first parameter to this call is the address of a */

/* management authorization callback routine, which is defined */

/* later in this file... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn()"));

rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn(sample_mgmt_auth, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_mgmt_set_authorization_fn()", *status);



/* Finally, register the rdacl interface with the runtime... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_server_register_if()"));


rdaclif_v1_0_s_ifspec, /* Interface to register. */

NULL, /* Manager type UUID. */

(rpc_mgr_epv_t) &dce_acl_v1_0_epv, /* Entry point */

/* vector. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_server_register_if()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_acl_mgr_setup()"));




* server_acl_mgr_close -- Called at cleanup time to close

* the three ACL databases.



* Called from main().



void server_acl_mgr_close(

dce_db_handle_t *db_acl, /* ACL UUID-indexed database. */

dce_db_handle_t *db_object, /* Object UUID-indexed database. */

dce_db_handle_t *db_name, /* Name-indexed database. */

unsigned32 *status)


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_acl_mgr_close()"));

*status = error_status_ok;

/* Close the ACL UUID-indexed database... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_close()"));

dce_db_close(db_acl, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_close()", *status);



/* Close the Object UUID-indexed database... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_close()"));

dce_db_close(db_object, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_close()", *status);



/* Close the name-indexed database... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_close()"));

dce_db_close(db_name, status);

if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_close()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_acl_mgr_close()"));




* server_rdacl_export -- Make the rdacl interface available

* for ACL editors.



* Note that we don't export to the namespace. Instead, the ACL editor

* will typically bind to the server via some other entry that holds

* the application-specific interface bindings. For our application,

* that entry is:


* /.:/sample_server_entry


* ...This entry (the "junction" to the object "entries") must hold at

* least one object UUID, and the same UUID must be put into the

* endpoint map too. If not, ACL editors will have no way to distinguish

* the endpoints of this server from those of other servers on the same

* host that also export the rdacl interface.


* Called from main().



void server_rdacl_export(

rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vector, /* Binding handles from RPC runtime. */

uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vector, /* Server instance UUID(s). */

unsigned32 *status)


uuid_vector_t my_uuids;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_rdacl_export()"));

*status = error_status_ok;

/* Register the server's endpoints with the rdacl interface at the */

/* local endpoint map... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_ep_register()"));


binding_vector, /* Our binding handles from RPC runtime. */

object_uuid_vector, /* Server instance UUID (only one). */

(unsigned_char_p_t) "rdacl interface", /* Annotation. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_ep_register()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_rdacl_export()"));




* server_rdacl_cleanup -- Called at cleanup time to

* unregister the rdacl interface.



* Called from main().



void server_rdacl_cleanup(

rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vector, /* Binding handles from RPC runtime. */

uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vector, /* Server instance UUID(s). */

unsigned32 *status)


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_rdacl_cleanup()"));

*status = error_status_ok;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_ep_unregister()"));





if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_ep_unregister()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_rdacl_cleanup()"));




* server_bind_cleanup -- Called at cleanup time to

* unregister the remote bind interface.



* Called from main().



void server_bind_cleanup(

rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vector, /* Binding handles from RPC runtime. */

uuid_vector_t *object_uuid_vector, /* Server instance UUID(s). */

unsigned32 *status)


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering server_bind_cleanup()"));

*status = error_status_ok;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_ep_unregister()"));





if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_ep_unregister()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting server_bind_cleanup()"));



/* End of server init and cleanup functions */




* signal_handler -- Thread to handle asynchronous interrupts.


* Catch and handle SIGINT and SIGTERM. Note that we

* don't use sigaction() here because it won't work with

* asynchronous signals. Also note that signals must be

* blocked prior to being waited for.



* The thread that runs this function is started in main().



void signal_handler(char *arg)


sigset_t signals; /* Set of signals available to the application. */

int sig;

unsigned32 status;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering signal_handler()"));

status = error_status_ok;

/* Initialize the signal set... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sigemptyset()"));


/* Add SIGINT to signal set... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sigaddset()"));

sigaddset(&signals, SIGINT);

/* Add SIGTERM to signal set... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sigaddset()"));

sigaddset(&signals, SIGTERM);

/* Set the current signal mask... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sigprocmask()"));

sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &signals, NULL);

/* And now wait for the signals... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sigwait()..."));

while (1)


sig = sigwait(&signals);

switch (sig)


case SIGINT:









/* Unset the signal mask... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling sigprocmask()"));

sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &signals, NULL);

/* Terminate server: cause the main thread listen loop to return */

/* and go to cleanup. Obviously, if we're not listening yet, this */

/* will fail... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_mgmt_stop_server_listening()"));

rpc_mgmt_stop_server_listening(NULL, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_mgmt_stop_server_listening()", status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting signal_handler()"));




* sample_mgmt_auth -- Management authorization callback function.


* This is the routine that is implicitly called to test authorization

* whenever someone tries to use the mgmt interface to tinker with us

* or our ACLs.




* The callback is set up by a call to rpc_mgmt_set_authorization() in

* server_acl_mgr_setup().



boolean32 sample_mgmt_auth(

rpc_binding_handle_t client_binding, /* Client's binding, whoever he is. */

unsigned32 requested_mgmt_operation, /* What client is attempting to do. */

unsigned32 *status)


boolean32 authorized = 0;

sec_acl_permset_t perm_required;

unsigned_char_t *uuid_string;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering sample_mgmt_auth()"));

*status = error_status_ok;

/* Discover what permission is required in order to do what the */

/* client is trying to do... */

switch (requested_mgmt_operation)


case rpc_c_mgmt_inq_if_ids:

perm_required = mgmt_perm_inq_if;


case rpc_c_mgmt_inq_princ_name:

perm_required = mgmt_perm_inq_pname;


case rpc_c_mgmt_inq_stats:

perm_required = mgmt_perm_inq_stats;


case rpc_c_mgmt_is_server_listen:

perm_required = mgmt_perm_ping;


case rpc_c_mgmt_stop_server_listen:

perm_required = mgmt_perm_kill;



/* This should never happen, but just in case... */



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling uuid_to_string()"));

uuid_to_string(&mgmt_acl_uuid, &uuid_string, status);

if (*status != uuid_s_ok)


print_server_error("uuid_to_string()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"String form of mgmt_acl_uuid == %s", uuid_string));

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_string_free()"));

rpc_string_free(&uuid_string, status);

if (*status != rpc_s_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_string_free()", *status);



/* Okay, now check whether the client is authorized or not... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_acl_is_client_authorized()"));


client_binding, /* Client's binding handle. */

&mgmt_acl_mgr_uuid, /* ACL manager type UUID. */

&mgmt_acl_uuid, /* The ACL UUID. */

NULL, /* Pointer to owner's UUID. */

NULL, /* Pointer to owner's group's UUID. */

perm_required, /* The desired privileges. */

&authorized, /* Will be TRUE or FALSE on return. */


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_acl_is_client_authorized()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting sample_mgmt_auth()"));

if (authorized)

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,


/* Return the result to the caller... */





* sample_resolve_by_name -- take the name of an object, and return the

* UUID of the object's ACL.


* The address of this function is passed (via the call to

* server_acl_mgr_setup()) to the dce_acl_register_object_type() call. So

* it gets implicitly called anytime someone tries to retrieve the ACL of

* an object managed by the ACL manager we've set up.


* Basically, the most a server needs is one resolve-by-name routine and

* one resolve-by-UUID routine; the former gets you the desired object's

* UUID; and the latter then will get you the object data itself (the way

* this works can be seen in the body of this routine below). In most

* cases, these routines will share the same name and UUID databases; if

* they don't, the resolver_arg can be used to point to the correct other

* database. Typically, the only difference between the managers is that

* they use different print strings.


* For the official statement of the signature of a dce_acl_resolve_func_t,

* see the dce_acl_resolve_by_uuid() manpage; that routine has the same

* type.


* NOTE that all this routine really has to do is look up the object

* UUID, get the ACL UUID from the object header, then extract the

* ACL and check its manager type with the manager_type passed, and,

* if the manager types match, return the ACL UUID; otherwise, return

* an error. Everything else is superfluous, though (perhaps) inter-

* esting.



dce_acl_resolve_func_t sample_resolve_by_name(

handle_t h, /* Client binding handle passed into the */

/* server stub. sec_acl_bind() is used to */

/* create this handle. */

sec_acl_component_name_t name, /* The object whose ACL's UUID we want. */

sec_acl_type_t sec_acl_type, /* The type of ACL whose UUID we want. */

uuid_t *manager_type, /* The object's manager type. */

/* NOTE that this parameter isn't used be- */

/* low. */

boolean32 writing, /* "This parameter is ignored in OSF's */

/* implementation" (from the manpage for */

/* dce_acl_resolve_by_uuid()). */

void *resolver_arg, /* This is the app-defined argument passed */

/* to dce_acl_register_object_type(); it */

/* should be a handle for a backing store */

/* indexed by UUID. Note that it isn't */

/* used here though. */

uuid_t *acl_uuid, /* To return ACL's UUID in. */

error_status_t *st /* To return status in. */



uuid_t u, *up; /* To hold the retrieved object UUID, and to */

/* take a pointer to it. */

unsigned_char_t *uuid_string;

sec_acl_t retrieved_acl;

uuid_t owner_uuid, group_uuid;

/* The definition of the following is in the sample.idl file. */

/* */

/* See the "Examples" section in the dce_db_open() manpage, */

/* where the skeleton IDL interface for a server's backing */

/* store is given. The data type definition (which is what */

/* sample_data_t is) is there prescribed as consisting of a */

/* dce_db_header_t, plus whatever server-specific data is */

/* quired, all in a single structure. */

/* */

/* Essentially it's a dce_db_header_t structure (with an */

/* application-defined message string tacked on); this is */

/* the object header data structure that is returned, e.g., */

/* by dce_db_header_fetch(); in other words, this is the */

/* thingie that actually contains the data "in" an object */

/* held in an object store. At least that's what I think it */

/* is... */

sample_data_t object_data;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering sample_resolve_by_name()"));

*st = error_status_ok;

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"Object name == %s", name));

/* Check for non-existence of object name... */

if (!name || !*name)





/* Get the object's UUID, which will be the key that we will use to */

/* fetch this particular object's data in the call following this */

/* one... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_fetch_by_name()"));

dce_db_fetch_by_name(db_name, (char *)name, /* (void *) */ &u, st);

if (*st != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_fetch_by_name()", *st);



up = &u; /* ...take the pointer to the key. */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling uuid_to_string()"));

uuid_to_string(up, &uuid_string, st);

if (*st != uuid_s_ok)


print_server_error("uuid_to_string()", *st);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"String form of retrieved key UUID == %s",


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_string_free()"));

rpc_string_free(&uuid_string, st);

if (*st != rpc_s_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_string_free()", *st);



/* Using the UUID "key" that we just retrieved, get the object_data */

/* for the desired object (note that the data that one retrieves */

/* with this routine can be anything; it depends on what we are */

/* using the backing store for)... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_fetch_by_uuid()"));

dce_db_fetch_by_uuid(db_object, up, /* (void *) */ &object_data, st);

if (*st != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_fetch_by_uuid()", *st);



/* Now, depending on the kind of ACL we're hunting for (i.e. ob- */

/* ject, container, etc.), extract its UUID from the object's */

/* header structure... */

switch (sec_acl_type)


case 1:

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"Case == 1"));

*acl_uuid = object_data.s_hdr.tagged_union.h.def_object_acl;


case 2:

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"Case == 2"));

*acl_uuid = object_data.s_hdr.tagged_union.h.def_container_acl;



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"Case == default"));

*acl_uuid = object_data.s_hdr.tagged_union.h.acl_uuid;


/* Find out some other interesting stuff... */

owner_uuid = object_data.s_hdr.tagged_union.h.owner_id;

group_uuid = object_data.s_hdr.tagged_union.h.group_id;

uuid_to_string(&owner_uuid, &uuid_string, st);

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"Owner UUID == %s", uuid_string));

rpc_string_free(&uuid_string, st);

uuid_to_string(&group_uuid, &uuid_string, st);

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"Group UUID == %s", uuid_string));

rpc_string_free(&uuid_string, st);

/* Here it might be interesting to try retrieving the ACL itself, */

/* and e.g seeing what its manager type is... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling dce_db_fetch_by_uuid()"));





if (*st != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("dce_db_fetch_by_uuid()", *st);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling uuid_to_string()"));

uuid_to_string(&(retrieved_acl.sec_acl_manager_type), &uuid_string, st);

if (*st != uuid_s_ok)


print_server_error("uuid_to_string()", *st);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"sec_acl_manager_type == %s", uuid_string));

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_string_free()"));

rpc_string_free(&uuid_string, st);

if (*st != rpc_s_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_string_free()", *st);


/* We are handling two ACL managers through this function, so we */

/* have to make sure that we've extracted from the single ACL */

/* database the correct ACL: i.e., one whose manager type UUID is */

/* identical to the manager_type parameter we were passed: this is */

/* the manager whose ACL the runtime is trying to bind to. The */

/* point is that the ACL library is going to call all its regis- */

/* tered resolvers successively with the SAME ACL UUID, until it */

/* finds one that works. If we just return the ACL UUID without */

/* checking whether the right manager_type is being asked for, */

/* we'll only cause an error in the ACL library when it discovers */

/* that the types don't match up. This will prevent acl_edit from */

/* working. So do the checking here... */

if ((manager_type != NULL) && (!uuid_equal(manager_type,




/* Return a bad status... */

*st = acl_s_bad_manager_type;

/* And no ACL UUID... */

acl_uuid = NULL;



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling uuid_to_string()"));

uuid_to_string(acl_uuid, &uuid_string, st);

if (*st != uuid_s_ok)


print_server_error("uuid_to_string()", *st);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"sec_acl_type == %d", (int)sec_acl_type));

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug8,

"String form of retrieved ACL UUID == %s",


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_string_free()"));

rpc_string_free(&uuid_string, st);

if (*st != rpc_s_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_string_free()", *st);


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting sample_resolve_by_name()"));




* sample_bind_export -- Register the interface specification

* and endpoints for the remote binding inter-

* face.


* Called from main().



void sample_bind_export(

rpc_binding_vector_t *binding_vector,

uuid_vector_t *uuid_vec,

unsigned32 *status)


DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Entering sample_bind_export()"));

*status = error_status_ok;

/* Register sample_bind interface... */

DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_server_register_if()"));



(rpc_mgr_epv_t) &sample_bind_epv,


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_server_register_if()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug4,

"Calling rpc_ep_register()"));




(unsigned_char_p_t) "sample_bind interface",


if (*status != error_status_ok)


print_server_error("rpc_ep_register()", *status);



DCE_SVC_DEBUG((smp_svc_handle, smp_s_server, svc_c_debug7,

"Exiting sample_bind_export()"));




* create_server_uuid -- Create server instance UUID.



* Called from main(), make_server_entry().





uuid_t *server_uuid,

uuid_vector_t *server_uuid_v



unsigned32 status;

dce_error_string_t error_string;

int print_status;


/* Create a UUID to identify this server instance; this will go in- */

/* to the namespace and endpoint map so that clients of such gen- */

/* eric interfaces as rdacl can find this server's endpoints. */

/* Without such a UUID, these clients can't distinguish among */

/* servers on the same host that also export the generic inter- */

/* faces. This could be a well-known UUID, but here we will */

/* generate one on the fly. Clients binding to us by name will get */

/* this UUID without having to know what it is. */

/* */


fprintf(stdout, "Entering create_server_uuid()...\n");

/* Create and save server instance UUID... */

fprintf(stdout, "Calling uuid_create()...\n");

uuid_create(server_uuid, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


dce_error_inq_text(status, error_string, &print_status);

fprintf(stdout, "uuid_create(): %s\n", error_string);



server_uuid_v->uuid[0] = server_uuid;

server_uuid_v->count = 1;

fprintf(stdout, "...Exiting create_server_uuid()\n");




* print_server_error-- Server version. Prints text associated with

* bad status code.






char *caller, /* Routine that received the error. */

error_status_t status) /* Status we want to print the message for. */


dce_error_string_t error_string;

int print_status;

dce_error_inq_text(status, error_string, &print_status);

dce_svc_printf(SERVER_ERROR_MSG, caller, error_string);


Note that the server code contained in these files is nearly all generic. In the ACL manager, the only application specific elements are the type of data stored in the object database, declared in sample.idl, and the name and object UUID for the initial object created during ACL manager setup. The export objects operation uses application-specific names and object uuids. The signal catcher thread installs application-specific handling for asynchronous signals, although the actual signal handling code simply causes the listen loop to return and invoke the generic cleanup operations.