
Strings Representing a Structured GDS Attribute Value

Strings are used to represent the structured GDS attribute value. Only one structured attribute value can be specified.

They are of the form:

Comp1 = Value, Comp2 = Value, ....

Comp1, Comp2, and so on are the components of the structured attribute. They should be specified as abbreviations. For example, to specify a value for DS_C_TELEX_NBR class, the string format is the following:

TN=977999, CC=345, AB=8444

Recurring values for the components can be specified as shown in the following:

TN=977999; 274424, CC=345, AB=8444

If any of the components are further structured, they should be enclosed within braces as follows:

FTP={FR=1,TD=1}, PN=67899

Components with DN syntax can be specified as follows:

MPUB={INT=0, USR={/c=de/o=sni/cn=mueller, sn=schmid}}

Components of type presentation address (OM Class DS_C_PRESENTATION_ADDRESS) are handled specially, using the PSAP macro utility. The value for the components can be specified as follows:

TS=Server, NA='TCP/IP!internet='

The local_string parameter should be set to OM_TRUE in the convenience function being used. Here, the NA is specified with a special syntax. Refer to the OSF DCE GDS Administration Guide and Reference for further information.

The reserved characters for such strings are the same as those for strings representing structured attribute information (Strings Representing Structured GDS Attribute Information ).