

The registry object supports the following kinds of attributes:

· Registry attributes - These modifiable attributes apply to principals, groups, organizations, and accounts. The initial values for some of these attributes must be specified when the master Security Server is configured..

· Registry-wide policy attributes - These modifiable policy attributes apply to organizations and accounts. The registry-wide organization and account policy overrides the policy set for individual accounts only if registry-wide policy is more restrictive.

· Synchronization attributes - These read-only attributes are maintained by each replica about itself. The cannot be directly modified. These attributes have no default value, but are computed when the replica is configured.

· Replica-specific attributes - These read-only attributes are kept by the master replica for each slave replica. They cannot be modified by directly. These attributes have no default value, but are computed or assigned when the replica is configured.


Registry Attributes

Registry-wide Policy Attributes

Synchronization Attributes

Replica-specific Attributes