Filename: (and microdef.txt) Size : 242,118 bytes Target Platform : DOS Suggested Directory : emulators/PC Short: Microprocessor Simulation and Evaluation Package. Multi-Line Description: MicroDef is a "microcode simulator and evaluator", that is it creates an abstraction of a microprocessor which is defined by the user via microcode operations and register definitions. The simulation of the processor is very non-complex and is intended to be for educational purposes. MicroDef gives a simplistic graphical representation of the processor simulated and two processors will run "straight from the box", the Zilog Z80 and the Intel 8086 (this one is not much use). Both of these definitions are uncompleted and can be expanded by the user. The user can also complete new processor definitions as required. Jonathan Tranter e-mail: Microprocessor Simulation Software: