Elvira 2 Protection numbers: ROW ---------------------------- 1 7647 5048 4891 2 8424 3456 1890 3 9433 9842 7472 4 2238 8776 2716 5 9814 2329 2229 6 4560 1080 2699 7 2633 3333 8888 8 5794 6724 6745 9 7874 1426 4642 10 3237 3777 5391 11 6267 9433 2866 12 1884 7402 2555 13 9557 4616 4759 14 7464 2037 7143 15 3537 7814 3520 16 3332 2374 1143 17 3312 3985 4616 18 4012 8039 7814 19 3599 5165 7685 20 4717 7685 8927 21 9903 1947 3452 22 1623 1403 4444 23 5188 8927 8768 24 5737 9693 3087 25 2937 3312 4771 26 4921 2793 4852 27 8805 2335 3488 28 6933 1386 8695 29 8121 5977 1890 30 1007 3452 2699 31 6850 4665 5391 32 1997 7554 4759 ---------------------------- Magic-HOWTO NAME, level, PP, ingredients ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ABSORB MAGICK 8, 8, a garnet and any absorbent object All magic has no effect on the caster for a short time BIND DEMON 9, 15, unknown In the correct circumstances demonic life forms will be trapped by this spell BLESS 1, 5, holy water and a crucifix a blessed weapon does extra damage to unholy creatures BRAINBOOST 3, 6, anything that stores information The casters' intelligence is improved significantly COURAGE 3, 8, a small glass of alcohol This causes the caster to forget all fear CURE WOUNDS 9, 12, a glass of holy water The casters' body is restored to full physical health ENCHANT WEAPON 3, 6, an emerald and a file (weapon) This spell does extra damage and is easier to wield FEAR 6, 7, an eye from the witch This spell causes great fear in weaker enemies FIREBALL 4, 8, a highly ignitable material A ball of flames is projected towards a target causing moderate damage FREEZING BLADE 8, 9, two cold items The weapon becomes very cold and does extra damage HEALING HANDS 1, 3, none This spell has a minor healing effect on one body area HERBAL HEALING 5, 6, an edible fungi This spell results in a major healing to one body area and minor to all others HOLY BLAST 5, 6, two good religious articles A bolt of goodness is fired causing moderate damage to unholy monsters ICE DART 1, 4, none When cast, projects a shard of ice at the target causing low damage LIGHTING BOLT 7, 11, an amethyst and a plate Electricity streams from the players's fingertips causing serious damage LUCK 2, 4, something associated with good fortune The caster will become very lucky MAGIC MUSCLES 5, 7, three metal objects Mighty strength is bestowed upon the user of this spell MAGICAL ARMOUR 7, 12, two items made of precious metal This is a more powerful version of the Protection spell NOVA 9, 15, an inflammable liquid A stream of fire is produced which devastates all monsters in sight PROTECTION 2, 6, a metal object The caster is encased in a magical field which reduces damage taken RESIST FIRE 5, 7, fire extinguisher While under the influence of this spell the caster is immune to all fire damage RESSURECT 10, 20, unknown Restores to life a holy person REVIVE 4, 6, a strong smelling item The caster becomes unconscious, he is healed automatically SUMMON STORM 7, 9, a barometer When cast from on high, a storm is summoned TRUEFLIGHT 8, 9, feathers Magic always hits the most vunerable areas of the enemy TURN UNDEAD 3, 12, a brain This spell repels undead creatures UNHOLY BARRIER 3, 5, a bible Anything unholy may not pass through the barrier UNSEEN SHIELD 1, 3, none The air around the caster solidifies into a shield which deflects some range attacks and combat damage ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have fun! YTM ytm@friko.onet.pl