================================================================= Canon Network ScanGear V2.21 ================================================================= Copyright Canon Inc. 2007 o Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and in other countries. o Windows Server is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and in other countries. o IBM and IBM PC/AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. o Other company names and product names may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. To view the PDF format manual, Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat Reader is necessary. If Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed on your system, please download them from the Adobe Systems Incorporated home-page. 1. Features Network ScanGear is a 32-bit TWAIN-compliant scanner driver that allows computers on a network to use a Canon iR series digital copier as a scanner. It consists of the following software. o ScanGear Tool This enables the user to select the device name of the scanner on the network to be used for scanning. o Network ScanGear driver This is a scanner driver that can be accessed from TWAIN-compliant applications. 2. What You Need Required Hardware o IBM PC/AT or compatible computer o Available hard disk space equal to at least twice the size of the scanned image (100 MB or more recommended) o At least 16 MB of memory (32 MB or more recommended) for Windows 98, Windows Me o At least 32 MB of memory (48 MB or more recommended) for Windows 2000 o At least 96 MB of memory (128 MB or more recommended) for Windows XP o At least 128MB of memory (256MB or more recommended) for Windows Server 2003 o At least 512MB of memory (1GB or more recommended) for Windows Vista o Monitor of resolution at least 640 x 480 (800 x 600 or greater recommended), capable of displaying 256 colors or more recommended o A network host adapter providing TCP/IP or UDP/IP protocols over Ethernet or Token Ring o Canon iR series digital copier (With some iR series digital copier a Network Scanner Kit is necessary) Required Software One of the following systems is required: o Microsoft Windows 98 o Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition o Microsoft Windows 2000 o Microsoft Windows XP o Microsoft Windows Server 2003 o Microsoft Windows Vista You can use Network ScanGear as the scanner driver for a iR series digital copier that is located in the same subnet on a network. 3. Some General Tips on Usage o When installing this new version of Network ScanGear, do so without uninstalling or deleting any older versions of Network ScanGear that are on your computer. o If you experience an out-of-memory error or similar error during scanning, or if you notice a reduction in scanning speed when you are scanning a large number of images or an especially large image, follow these guidelines: (1) Ensure that you have sufficient storage space on your hard disk by deleting unneeded files, or by adding an additional hard disk to your system. (2) Scan the images at a lower resolution setting. (3) Add memory (RAM) to your system. (4) Set the virtual memory setting for the largest possible setting allowed by your system. o Always close the Network ScanGear main window before you exit the parent application program. o If system resources diminish while using Network ScanGear with Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista, the main window display of Network ScanGear may become corrupted. o The number of pixels displayed in the Network ScanGear main window may differ slightly from the number of pixels displayed in the parent application program. o With some applications the Network ScanGear main window or the dialog box showing the scanning progress may cover the messages displayed by the parent application program in the background and it may appear that scanning or acquisition by the parent application program has been interrupted. In this case, click the parent application program window to bring the windows to the foreground. o When installing or uninstalling Network ScanGear for Windows 2000/XP/ Server 2003, it is necessary to log in as Administrator. Users other than Administrator cannot install or uninstall this driver. o When a Restricted User uses Network ScanGear under Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista, install Network ScanGear in the folder where the Restricted User can overwrite.