Pikel: Not Pronounced Pickle
a.k.a. Paul Benson
Site last Updated 06/23/03.
Well since you have taken the time to visit here, let me give you some biographical information
about me. I was born in Florida, but grew up in central Texas... Austin from about age 4-10,
Bastrop from about age 11-16, and then back to Austin until present. I graduated from
Southwest Texas State University back in 1996.
I earned a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science, with a minor in Mathematics.
I'm currently working for Sears, Roebuck, and Co. at the
Sears Austin Technology Center.
Stuff I like to do in my spare time...
I try to play DND almost every
Friday with about 5 other people. To see the information about
the previous parties go to the main DND site.
For a while, I was also trying to help out the MUD that I used to hang
out at back in College, and I've created a sample website to give the MUD a new look.
For the past few years, we've been playing network games.
It started off with games like Warcraft 2 and Doom 2. Then we found Diablo, Starcraft, and Quake 2.
And now we play Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, Age of Empires II, Unreal Tournament, WarCraft III
I also bowled on every Tuesday in a League. I have about a 170 average, a
High game of 257, and a High series of 654 (226, 171, 257). During the 2000-2001 season, my
team ended up being the champs of our league. We had to bowl in a Quarter, Semi, and Finals
to win. In the Quarter-Finals I bowled a 551 series, in the Semis I bowled a 602 series, and
in the Finals I bowled a 603 series.
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