PowerDesk V1.02.00.042 for Win2k/XP ----------------------------------- Supported Products ------------------ Parhelia Description of release ---------------------- Supports Win2k/XP only. New Features ------------ 2D: - Hardware cursor in triple head mode 3D: - Integrated application-specific game and 3D settings (otherwise known as app hints) CAD/MCAD/DCC: - Video plug-ins for Adobe AfterEffects, 3ds max, and LightWave supporting video preview on TV (or third monitor) - Hardware line stippling - OpenGL accumulation buffers (used by LightWave) Multimedia: - Overscan switch in the DVDmax page - Support for a TV to be used for DVDmax when in any DualHead mode ***For this configuration, you must connect your monitor #1 to our primary DVI port and your monitor #2 to our Y cable labelled #2. Connect your TV to the Y cable labelled #1.*** - Interface to activate PAL-60 mode - Overlay switch in PowerDesk for users to switch between hardware overlay and blit - Preview window to TV Out support for Adobe Premiere 6.5 and Avid DVExpress Main Fixes ---------- 2D: none Games: - FS 2002 cyan colored runways - UT2003 benchmark will crash when FAA-16x is forced. - Medal of Honor: Allied Assault will not be detected when scanning for the application in app hints. - FAA-16x in Aliens vs. Predator 2 will not work in app hints. - America's Army is all blue when FAA-16x is enabled. CAD/MCAD/DCC: - System will bluescreen when AutoCAD 2002 is running and an OpenGL screen saver kicks in. - Performing a resolution change while AutoCAD 2002 is open will cause a system hang. Multimedia: - Choppy DVD playback - Field inversions on the TV output when using DualHead + special feature Main known issues ----------------- 2D: - CPU resource increase in Photoshop 7 when using its zoom. - Some services will not start in Win2k Server and .NET server when Parhelia drivers are installed. - Various errors when using a G450 PCI and a Parhelia installed in the same system. - Zoom option only affects the Primary display when in in DUAL-DVI mode. - Glyph AA is causing black borders on webpages' text with transparent backgrounds. Games: - Save & Restore Windows Positions may prevent Surround Gaming. - shadows disappear in Links 2003 when you use hardware lighting on the golfers. - textures go purple when you crouch in The Sum of All Fears. - Slowdown in Tribes 2 when fog is enabled - Some objects are white in Arx Fatalis - The 3D flag is all triangles and it will slow down the system. - FS2002 ALT-ENTER or ALT-TAB will disable FAA-16x. - Metal Gear Solid no 3D hardware and will default to software mode. - Battlefield 1942, Morrowind, NOLF2 - The resolution 1280x1024 is missing from the games. - Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - fog and lightning will cause flickering white screen. - With MaxView enabled during Surround Game play, you may encounter lockups. Temporary fix is to either disable MaxView when you play in surround gaming mode, or do the following in Regedit: 1- Open Regedit 2- Move to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Matrox\PowerDesk\Version8\WindowFeatures\FeatureData\MaxView or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Matrox\PowerDesk\Version8\WindowFeatures\FeatureData\MaxView 3- Create the key 'ExcludeList' (if not already created) 4- In this key, add a new DWORD value; the value name must be the name of the .exe and the DWORD value = 2. e.g.: MaxView\ExcludeList Quake.exe 2 Tribes2.exe 2 CAD/MCAD/DCC: - AutoCAD 2002 - You may see a black shadow following the tooltip box that appears next to the mouse cursor. - AutoCAD 2002 - FAA-16x will have no affect in shaded mode. - SolidWorks - When more than 2 solid objects are opened and you overlap the windows, corruption may be seen on the active window object. The corruption is eliminated once you refresh your drawing simply by sizing the window or by clicking on the object to rotate it. - 3ds max - When in Direct3D mode, the wireframe lines are too large and not clear when using FAA-16x. - Unable to load drawings in AutoCAD. We recommend using the following workaround: install our driver, launch AutoCAD and change to the WopenGL7.hdi driver, quit AutoCAD, re-launch AutoCAD and reset the driver to the Precision CAD driver. Multimedia: - Overlay issues with Hauppauge series of cards. - While playing a movie in PowerDVD, with DVDMax enabled and in single display, you may get a blue screen if you switch resolutions while the video is playing. - MPEG2 Codec does not work with Adobe Premiere on our Purevideo output. - Not able to switch from 1 RGB + TV to 2 RGB + TV (it always reverts to single screen) - Purevideo Plug-ins setup errors when installing from network. - Switching the TV standard from PAL to NTSC (or PAL60) while in DualHead independent resolution with the TV used for the desktop will cause a freeze or a blue screen. Also in PAL, if you switch from DualHead independent with a TV to DualHead independent + feature on a TV, the system can freeze or blue screen. Known Limitations ----------------- 2D: - A setup with a CRT, DFP, and a TV is not supported for independant display mode. Games: - App hints will automatically enable HUD mode for the following titles: Jedi Knight Outcast single and multi-player Quake III Arena and Team Arena Return to Castle Wolfenstein single and multi-player Duke Nukem Manhattan Project Please disable HUD mode if you wish to play in single display mode. CAD/MCAD/DCC: - The PrecisionCAD driver will not install over a network. Clients are asked to copy the drivers onto their system over the network prior to installing the drivers. Multimedia: - When in Dualhead with "Special Feature" mode, overlay is provided ONLY on the primary output when the overlay switch is enbaled. Media players will display a blank video window when dragged over the the 2ndary output but the video clip will still output via DVDMax. With the overlay switch disabled, you will get blit on all outputs when in any stretched desktop mode but DVDmax will be disabled. - "Show Desktop" will lose DVDMax with Avid ExpressDV. This occurs because the application does not recreate the overlay surfaces after a resolution change, so DVDMax cannot restart. - Dual-Display and TV-output feature will work with Video Editing applications that support overlay surfaces for video preview. - Real-time Preview is supported only with video editing applications that have this capability built-in. - When in DualHead independent + feature, Premiere hangs when dragging the video window from a display to another while the video is playing.