Powerdesk V. 6.10.013 Release Notes for Win9x and WinME ------------------------------------------------------- Supported Products ----------------------------- G400 graphic cards. Graphic portion of the G400 Marvel. G450 graphic cards. New Features ------------------ - DVDMax output to monitor - DualHead Zoom multi-region support with the possibility to save a region to a file or the clipboard. - `Mini-Wizard`to help enabling of Dual Head Multi-display mode Description of release ----------------------------- Supports Win9x and WinME only. ICD included Main Fixes --------------- - Black screen when changing resolutions in Unreal and UT. - Flickering lines in the "Sensor Manager" screen in Homeworld. - Green tint around explosions in Q3. - Invalid Page fault when quiting HL. - Black screen when running Descent 3 in OGL mode. - Fixed problem in 3DS Max where the image in top left viewport was not being refreshed properly when moving the window. - Fixed corruption when previewing 3D Pipes Screensaver. - Fixed various problems with Star Office 5.1. - Fixed various OGL problems with GP Legends. - Fixed various bugs with dark engine games. - Fixed top left viewport refreshing problem in 3DSMax. - Fixed blue triangle problems in Motocross Madness 2. - Fixed color key corruption in HL. - Fixed distorted textures in Star Wars Racer - Fixed texture problems in WorldCraft 3.3 - Fixed Team Alligator and Roll Cage II crashes when reaching EMBM scenes. - Fixed SOF problems when you would get sent back to the desktop after the 1st mission. - Fixed SOF Z buffer issues. - Fixed Freezing in Rainbow 6 Rogue Spear. - Fixed missing scenery in FLight Sim2000 when playing in night mode. Main known issues ---------------------------- - Tiger Woods - If game resolution is increased Image exceeds the screen size. - Forsaken - Power ups leaving pixels trail and flashes (G100 and G200 only). - Fogging issues in X-plane 461 - If you encounter a decrease is frame rate playing OGL games, please use our MTSTUtil to disable Vsync. - When firing the 20mm cannon in F-15 (Jane's Combat Simulations) the frame rate drops to zero and the textures flip off and then back on. - FAKK2 Heavy Metal may display 4 rectangular blocks rather than the game menu. You would have to enable "compile vertex arrays" to work around this. - With the "Tribes" game, you may notice some minor display artifacts and the opening video introduction may not display properly. - Various OGL screen savor issues. - When Dynamic Lighting is enabled in Elite Force (within the game options), you may defects in display. - When using Direct 3D in HL CS, the decals are not visible. - When Using OpenGL in HL CS, the menus will over lap and you will get corruption on the screen. - During gameplay in Klingon Academy, you may see white dots appear in the middle of the screen. *** TurboGl and Overclocker not supported.***