Everyone / Anyone: I saw the following posting on Usenet's comp.os.os2.misc and thought you would like to read it. Bert Moshier Cray Research, Inc. I saw the following announcement in acs.clari.nb.ibm and thought it deserved posting here too. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BERKHAMSTEAD, HERTS, ENGLAND, 1991 DEC 9 (NB) -- S&S International has announced the world's first anti-virus package for OS/2 version 2. Scheduled for shipment in January, the package strikes a preemptive blow against potential OS/2 virus authors. The arrival of the package, albeit in beta test, was greeted with open arms by Brian Proffit, senior programmer with the OS/2 developer programs on the IBM stand at the Comdex Fall computer show recently. Proffit, who runs the OS/2 Developer's forum on Compuserve, where he fields questions about OS/2, said that the OS/2 version of Dr. Solomon's anti-virus toolkit is an answer to many user's problems and worries. According to S&S, the OS/2 version of the Findvirus scanner has all the speed and effectiveness of the DOS version. The current beta test version covers almost 1,000 virus programs. As with the DOS version, monthly and quarterly upgrades will be available. The toolkit will cost UKP 149 for the basic package with quarterly upgrades, or UKP 249 with monthly updates. Server versions of the package will start at UKP 399. (Steve Gold/19911209/Press & Public Contact: S&S International - Tel: 0442-877877; Fax: 0442-877882)