January 31, 1995 Gibraltar Michigan. Brad Wardell, the designer of Galactic Civilizations at Stardock Systems (SDS) Inc., announced the Galactic Civilizations Strategy Guide today. This guide takes you through the history of the development of the game, the architecture and philosophy behind the game, and detailed hints and tips on playing the game to its full potential. Highlights include: * A FULL technology tree. * Listing of all star ships and their vital statistics. * Listing of all improvements and their benefits * Listing of all achievements and their benefits * Detailed information on how the AI engine works * A history of Development * And much more. This is a must-have for any serious GalCiv player. All proceeds go to the development of future OS/2 products such as the upcoming ENTREPRENEUR for OS/2 game. The Table of Contents is as follows: ---------------------------------------- Introduction Galactic Civilizations History of Development Game Basics Main Map Star Map Graphs GIA Economic Manager Spending Ratios Statistics Winning the game at the home front Choosing your technologies Social Programs Galactic Achievements Military Projects Local Governments Economic Policies Choosing the right form of government Elections Foreign Policy Win friends and influence enemies via trade Keeping tabs on friends and enemies via espionage Punish enemies via destabilizing Diplomatic maneuvers Alliances Developing your Civilizations Chance encounters "Good" Vs "Evil" Your score Finishing the game Conquest Development beyond mortality Uniting the galaxy Destruction SDS/AI overview The Personalities What makes them tick Improvements Wonders The star fleet Technology Tree ---------------------------------------- The book is being published through Stardock Systems and sells for $16.95 plus shipping. To Order contact the Engineering area at Stardock Systems. Phone: (313)/207-1779 (9am to 5pm EST Monday through Friday) Internet:75763.3515@compuserve.com Compuserve: 75763,3515 Information needed: (email orders just fill in this info) [name] [address] [city,state,zip,coutry] [visa or mastercard number] [expiration date] Shipping $3 in USA/Canada, $5(airmail) outside USA/Canada.