/* * File: lcmdkeys.txt * TEMPORARY LIST OF SHORTCUT KEYS IN LARSEN COMMANDER. * Created: November 07, 1998. * By: Leif-Erik Larsen * Updated: March 22, 2000. */ The Larsen Commander was developed with great care to emulate as much of the native functionality of Norton Commander as possible. Another product that inspired the functionality of Larsen Commander was the great OS/2 Warp and Win32 program "File Commander", written by Brian Havard (brianh@kheldar.apana.org.au). Thus, the various keyboard shortcuts of Larsen Commander should be easy for you to use if you are already used to one of those two programs. F1 About. F2 User defined menu. F3 View the content of the current selected file. F4 Edit the content of the current selected file. F5 Copy the current selected file(s) to another location. F6 Move or rename the current selected file(s). F7 Create a new directory. F8 Delete the current selected file(s). F9 Activate the menu bar. F10 Exit Larsen Commander. Alt+F1 Choose drive for the left panel. Alt+F2 Choose drive for the right panel. Alt+F5 Show the Directory Shortcut dialog. Alt+F6 Create WPS object on the OS/2 desktop. Alt+F7 Find file(s) on the system. Alt+F8 Show the Command History dialog. Alt+F9 Search for duplicate files on the system. Ctrl+F2 Sort current panel by time. Ctrl+F3 Sort current panel by name. Ctrl+F4 Sort current panel by extension. Ctrl+F5 Sort current panel by date. Ctrl+F6 Sort current panel by file size. Ctrl+F7 Unsort current panel. Ctrl+F8 Reverse the current sort order. Ctrl+F9 Open the sorting options dialog of the current panel. Ctrl+F10 Clone the current program instance. Shift+F3 Search for text in console monitor. Shift+F4 Search next in console monitor, using recent search criteris. Shift+F5 Copy selected file or directory to a new name in the same directory. Shift+F6 Rename the current selected file or directory. Shift+F7 Activate the most recent directory of the current panel. Shift+F8 Show the Directory History dialog. Shift+F9 Save current setup. Shift+F10 Show context popup menu of current selected file(s). Alt+Shift+F1 Activate the BRIEF mode on current panel. Alt+Shift+F2 Activate the FULL mode on current panel. Alt+Shift+F3 Activate the WIDE mode on current panel. Alt+Shift+F4 Activate the TREE mode on current panel. Alt+Shift+F5 Toggle the visibility of the tool bar. Alt+Shift+F6 Toggle the visibility of the command line. Alt+Shift+F7 Toggle the visibility of the key bar. Alt+Shift+F8 Toggle the visibility of the status bar. Alt+Shift+F9 Toggle full "screen" file panels. Ctrl+Shift+F2 Align file panel horizontally. Ctrl+Shift+F3 Align file panel vertically. Ctrl+Shift+F8 Undelete files. Alt+Letter Start the dynamic filename search. Alt+Left Navigate cursor to the left in the command line. Alt+Right Navigate cursor to the right in the command line. Alt+Down Navigate next match, in dynamic filename search. Alt+Up Navigate previous match, in dynamic filename search. Alt+Insert Toggle the insert-mode of the command line entry field. Ctrl+Up Scroll through command history in backward direction. Ctrl+Down Scroll through command history in foreward direction. Ctrl+PageUp Go to parent directory. Ctrl+PageDown Move into the current selected directory. Shift+Up Scroll the Console Monitor one line up. Shift+Down Scroll the Console Monitor one line down. Shift+PageUp Scroll the Console Monitor one page up. Shift+PageDown Scroll the Console Monitor one page down. Shift+Left Scroll the Console Monitor five columns to the left. Shift+Right Scroll the Console Monitor five columns to the right. Shift+Home Scroll the Console Monitor to the first column. Shift+End Scroll the Console Monitor to the last column. Shift+Ctrl+Home Scroll to the top of the Console Monitor. Shift+Ctrl+End Scroll to the bottom of the Console Monitor. Down Navigate down. Scroll command history foreward if panels are off. Up Navigate up. Scroll command history backward if panels are off. Right Navigate right. Command line cursor right if panels are off. Left Navigate left. Command line cursor left if panels are off. Page Down Navigate page down. Scrolls console if panels are off. Page Up Navigate page up. Scrolls console if panels are off. Home Navigate home. Command line cursor home if panels are off. End Navigate to the end. Command line cursor end if panels are off. Tab Activate the opposite panel. Shift+Tab Toggle activation between command line and console monitor. Ctrl+Tab Autofill filename in foreward direction. Ctrl+Shift+Tab Autofill filename in backward direction. Insert Toggle selection mark on the current file and navigate down. Escape Toggle file panels on/off. Ctrl+Space Toggle selection mark on the current file. Enter Execute command line or open the selected item. Alt+\ Activate the current directory of the opposite panel. Alt+Ctrl+\ Make the current directory active into the opposite panel. Alt+Enter Run the command line in a new session. Ctrl+Enter Insert name of selected item to command line. Shift+Enter Show detailed information about the selected item. Ctrl+Shift+Enter Insert full path of selected item to command line. Ctrl+Shift+Ins Copy all Command Line text to clipboard, ignoring selection. Ctrl++ Add directory to first free index in Directory Shortcut table. Ctrl+\ Activate the root directory Ctrl+0 Activate stored directory #0. Ctrl+1 Activate stored directory #1. Ctrl+2 Activate stored directory #2. Ctrl+3 Activate stored directory #3. Ctrl+4 Activate stored directory #4. Ctrl+5 Activate stored directory #5. Ctrl+6 Activate stored directory #6. Ctrl+7 Activate stored directory #7. Ctrl+8 Activate stored directory #8. Ctrl+9 Activate stored directory #9. Shift+Ctrl+0 Add current directory to Stored Directories #0. Shift+Ctrl+1 Add current directory to Stored Directories #1. Shift+Ctrl+2 Add current directory to Stored Directories #2. Shift+Ctrl+3 Add current directory to Stored Directories #3. Shift+Ctrl+4 Add current directory to Stored Directories #4. Shift+Ctrl+5 Add current directory to Stored Directories #5. Shift+Ctrl+6 Add current directory to Stored Directories #6. Shift+Ctrl+7 Add current directory to Stored Directories #7. Shift+Ctrl+8 Add current directory to Stored Directories #8. Shift+Ctrl+9 Add current directory to Stored Directories #9. Ctrl+A View or edit standard file attributes. Ctrl+C Break the current running child process, if any. Ctrl+D Move the cursor one step to the right in the command line. Ctrl+E Scroll through command history in backward direction. Ctrl+F Insert full path of selected item to command line. Ctrl+G Goto line number in console monitor. Ctrl+H Toggle visibility of hidden files. Ctrl+I Cycle the type of icons used in the current panel. Ctrl+J Insert name of selected item to command line. Ctrl+K Compare the two current directories. Ctrl+L Activate INFO mode on opposite panel. Ctrl+N Activate the menu bar. Ctrl+O Toggle visibility of the two panels. Ctrl+P Compare content of the two current file items. Ctrl+Q Calculate directory size and statistics. Ctrl+R Reread current directory. Ctrl+S Move the cursor one step to the left in the command line. Ctrl+T Tag (select) filenames in current panel by filter. Ctrl+U Swap the two panels. Ctrl+W Open current directory in WPS folder. Ctrl+X Scroll through command history in foreward direction. Ctrl+Y Untag (unselect) filenames in current panel by filter. Shift+Ctrl+C Change file name case. Shift+Ctrl+D View or edit file time and date stamps. Shift+Ctrl+F Copy full path of current selected file to clipboard. Shift+Ctrl+J Copy name of current selectyed file to clipboard. Shift+Ctrl+V Calculate size and statistics for the current drive. Shift+Ctrl+X Browse the Extended Attributes of the current file. Alt+Ctrl+R Rescan directory cache for the current drive.