=============================================================== --------------- FILTER Analysis Filter Types Search Types Match Type Final Disposition ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------ Inbound: 33 Simple: 84 Mtches: 101 Show in Index: 10 Outbund: 3 Freeform: 21 Doesnt: 0 Not in Index: 1 In/Out: 67 REXX: 1 Always: 7 Delete NOW: 97 Demand: 2 Special: 2 PreSend: 3 Outbox: 0 PrFetch: 0 Total number of filters: 108 The above is an analysis of my filter setup. The following describes the why's and wherefore's of my setup. =Timezone. Uses a rexx procedure to adjust the time on incoming messages to my timezone. This of course make the date/time sort much more meaningful. It uses William Geiger's TZ1.CMD. Filter setup is: Simple [nothing in criteria];Always;Inbound;Link to rexx;show in index;enabled. =Return receipt. On occasion I send a message where I need a return receipt. Simple;header;[RETURN RECEIPT & ! MR2ICE.LIST@SECANT.COM];Matches;Inbound;copy to folder;Delete message NOW;enabled. =Bad mail for ICE list. Since most of my return mail is for the ICE list, I want to keep it separate for other returned mail. Free-form;{F}"MAILER-DAEMON" & ({S}"RETURNED MAIL:" | {S}"WARNING:" | {S}"DELIVERY REPORT (FAILURE)" | {S}"HOST UNKNOWN (NAME SERVER: " | {S}"MAIL FAILED, RETURNING TO SENDER" ) & {M}"ERRORS-TO: ";Matches;Inbound;copy to folder;Delete message NOW;enabled. To exclude return mail for the ICE list you would simply change the free-form as follows: {F}"MAILER-DAEMON" & ({S}"RETURNED MAIL:" | {S}"WARNING:" | {S}"DELIVERY REPORT (FAILURE)" | {S}"HOST UNKNOWN (NAME SERVER: " | {S}"MAIL FAILED, RETURNING TO SENDER" ) & ! {H}"ERRORS-TO: " Using this method you could set up a filter to isolate bad mail for different lists you may subscribe to. =Twit. The now "infamous" twit filter is simple. Free-form;{F}"id1@xxx.xxx" | {F}"id2@xxx.xxx" | {F}"id3@xxx.xxx" | {F}"id3@xxx.xxx" | etc. =Announce Arriving Mail. Set a wav file to play when legitimate mail is received. This filter should appear after any return mail or twit filter. I have a wav file that says."You have mail". Using the PLAY.CMD that comes with OS/2 and is found in the MMOS directory. Simple;[no matching criteria];Always;Inbound;Link to rexx[PLAY.CMD=GOTMAIL.WAV];Show in index;enabled. This can get a little annoying if you have 25 messages come in all at once. So I enable this only when I'm in the other room from the PC. =Speakmail. Using the rexx application called BackTalk 1.2, I have a filter setup that calls the rexx procedure speakmail.cmd. This announces each legitimate message with, "You have received mail from XXXXXX, the subject is XXXXXX. I enable this application when I an at my machine doing other work. Thus I can identify a message that may be important. Since the installation of this application is somewhat involved, I'll be happy to send the info to anyone who requests it. =c|net and other subscription magazines. Using in/out allows me to retain any subscribe and/or unsubscribe messages I might send re: this list. Simple;[from address] | [list-admin address];in/out;copy to folder;delete message NOW;enabled. =Individual correspondents. Whenever I have more than 2 messages from an individual, I make a filter/folder. If I have no further correspondence after 6 months, I simply delete the filter/folder. These filters should appear after any return mail or audio play filters. Simple;from/to;id@xxxx.xxx;matches;in/out;copy to folder;delete message now;enabled. =List filters and such. I have a filter for the ICE list which removes all messages from Nick Knight and allows another filter to put Nick's messages in a folder all his own. =ICE filter. Simple;[MR2ICE.LIST@SECANT.COM & ! NICK@SECANT.COM];matches;in/out;copy to folder;delete message NOW;enabled. =Nick Knight filter. Simple;[MR2ICE.LIST@SECANT.COM & NICK@SECANT.COM];matches;in/out;copy to folder;delete message NOW;enabled. These filters should appear in the order shown. =Long/Short Signature. Two separate filters that call rexx procedures that create either a long or a short signature file. The tag is inserted into the middle of the signature. I can also call these scripts using msgutil. So, if I am currently using the short sig with limited info and I want to respond to a message with complete information in sig file, I can simply press CtrlF[n] and create a long sig for the current reply only. Simple[no search criteria];always;pre-send;link to rexx;show in index;enabled. =Mailbag in/out. My last two filters are Mailbag-in and Mailbag-out respectively. Simple;[No search criteria];inbound;always matches;copy to folder[Mailbag-in];enabled;delete message NOW. Simple;[No search criteria];outbound;always matches;copy to folder[Mailbag-out];enabled;delete message NOW. These two filters take any message that I don't have a filter for and moves it to either the in or out mailbag. This allows me to view my folder list and see all of my unread messages including those that would have been in the ICE inbox or outbox. As a result, I can always start up ICE with the parameter /3 and never look at the in or out boxes again, except if I'm writing a message that needs to be saved for later transmission. (It'll be held in the outbox until I complete and send it, at which time it'll end up in a filtered folder or the Mailbag-out folder. ============================================================== If anyone is interested in the rexx procedures for any of the above filters you can obtain them as well as other rexx goodies by sending me a message with subject of "ICE2u REQUEST" (without the quotes) with the word "commands" (again without the quotes) and you'll receive instructions as to how to get any of the files and/or goodies that I've been able to make available to this group. ==============================================================