WATCHIT* "Make your server serve" *Copyright (c) 1994,96 Client server Networking Inc WATCHIT is a collection of programs to monitor LAN Server performance. Data is collected for analysis to provide the information necessary to maintain performance and capacity. This is the initial phase of the Beta. The code being distributed will provide data collection, dynamic and statistical displays. The analysis programs will follow shortly. To assist us in our final test of the analysis programs we would appreciate a copy of some of your data. The data for a collection period is a two file pair. These files are xxx.DTL and xxx.SUM. XXX is the month/day and minutes from midnight of the collection. You may reproduce and give this beta to anyone who shows an interest. You may not reverse engineer this beta or use it in a productive or profitable manner. Client Server Networking reserves the right to withdraw or market WATCHIT PLUS at its discretion and time table. ** Acknowledgments and trademarks ** IBM, OS/2, LAN SERVER are registered trademarks of IBM. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged. ** Using the Beta ** Requirements: 1. OS/2 2.0+ 2. IBM Lan Server 2.0+ ( including Warp Server ) 3. Network connected requester to install on. Installation: 1. Requires OS/2 2.0+ and IBM Lan Server 2.0+ 2. Unzip to any directory of your choice. ( or disk ) 3. Logon to your server as an administrator. 3. Execute INSTALL to unpack and create the desk top objects. How to use: ( Limited Help is provided by pressing F1 ) Manual 1. Start WATCHIT PLUS. 2. Use the pull down to select a server. 3. From the menu select options and collection. 4. You may select the sample period and number of samples. 5. Start collection. 6. Select graphs or data to display during the collection. ( Use the Maint program to add, rename or delete servers not configured ) Auto 1. Use the WATCHIT PLUS options and collections option to set the number of samples and time. 2. Start the TIMER program 3. Select options from the menu bar and configure. 4. Select the server to monitor and set the schedule for when you want the collection to occur. 5. Leave the TIMER program running it provides for both configuration and starting the events. ********* Let us know your thoughts and share some data with us ******** Thanks for your interest ! E-Mail **** WHAT IS WATCHIT PLUS ***** WATCHIT PLUS automates collection of IBM LAN SERVER capacity and performance statistics. Collection may be automated or manually preformed on your desktop. WATCHIT graphs mean response, sessions, shares, bytes transferred while performing data collection. Analysis programs ( not included in this phase of the beta ) will graph mean response, sessions, shares, bytes transferred,print jobs, big buffer and request buffer allocations. The graphs will direct you to the detail information needed to improve performance and expand capacity. IBMLAN.INI parameters will be compared to the collected statistics for key parameters. Session analysis provides information to determine the number of connections required and file opens. Analyze ALIAS access. Statistical data is exportable for use in your favorite spreadsheet or database. Graphs and reports may be printed for future reference. Some WATCHIT PLUS Enhancements include: 1. Data collection performance is substantially improved. 2. A single machine will provide for the collection of all your servers. 3. All the servers in the domain may be monitored. 4. While monitoring servers you may select to display: a. a continually updated graph of Mean response, Sessions, Shares and traffic. b. Current sessions. c. Current shares in use. 5. LAN SERVER 3.0 and 4.0 and Warp are supported. Client Server Networking Inc PO Box 370111 West Hartford Ct USA 06137-0111 Tel (860) 233-2951 ( formally are code 203 ) E-mail: 102443,370 Web page: