Over the past few weeks, there's been some confusion between Miller Freeman's two OS/2-specific publications: OS/2 DEVELOPER, and the new OS/2 MAGAZINE (the original press release called it OS/2 COMPUTING). I hope this information will clarify the differences. -Alan Zeichick, Editor, OS/2 Magazine OS/2 DEVELOPER has been published by Miller Freeman for IBM for more than a year, but it is now an independent publication, owned by Miller Freeman, for corporate and commercial developers using OS/2. OS/2 DEVELOPER's editor is Dick Conklin, CompuServe 76711,1005. For more information, contact Cathy Passage, publisher, at CIS# 71673,1163. OS/2 DEVELOPER is published bimonthly. Developers can apply for a free subscription, or subscribe for $39.95 for six issues. To subscribe to OS/2 DEVELOPER, call 1-800-926-8672 or 708-647-5960, fax 708-647-0537, or CIS# 71572,341. OS/2 MAGAZINE is the new publication by Miller Freeman for OS/2 power users and for those who manage other OS/2 users at work. Each issue will contain useful, hands-on "how-to" articles objective comparative product reviews and more. For more information, contact OS/2 MAGAZINE's editor, Alan Zeichick, at CIS# 76703,756. OS/2 MAGAZINE's premiere issue will carry a December 1993 cover date (it will appear on newsstands in mid-November). The next issue will be dated February 1994, and OS/2 MAGAZINE will be published monthly thereafter. All subscriptions will be paid at $39.95 for 12 issues. To subscribe to OS/2 MAGAZINE, call 1-800-765-1291 or 415-905-2334, fax 415-905-2233, CIS# 71572,341.