This is a copy of an original message posted on the Internet in the Newsgroup COMP.OS.OS2.NETWORKING.MISC. It is provided FYI & FYE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want Personal NetWare on OS/2 Keith L. Breinholt at Novell, Inc. Please help. We in Engineering and Support at Novell feel that there is a real need for Personal NetWare on OS/2. However, Marketing keeps telling us that there is not enough market for such a product. I know better but I need numbers to prove the point. Please send email to with the following information: Your Name & phone# or email adress, Your Company name, Number of potential licenses in your company, and a Reasonable price to pay Other information that we will be looking for is any features that you want/need in PNW for OS/2. Would an update to PNW for DOS fill the need if you can run PNW in a regular Global DOS session? Thanks for your help. Keith L. Breinholt ___________________________________________________________________________ "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the probelm." "I speak only for me...and then only occasionally." ___________________________________________________________________________