I'm a fairly recent OS/2 convert. One of the first problems I found was that OzWin, my Windows CIS access program, had severe problems making a connection - so much so that it was pretty much unusable. On advice from people in the OzCis forum, I downloaded and installed Ray Gwinn's SIO drivers. These cured my initial problems (apparently caused by Windows for Workgroups comms drivers - Windows 3.1 users don't seem to get this problem). Installing Ray's drivers (BTW, if you use them - please take the time to register on SWREG) caused a new problem. The Internet Access Kit (IAK) in the Warp BonusPak stopped seeing the modem. All other comms programs (e.g. OzWin, OS/2 CIM, HyperAccess Lite) worked fine, but the IAK was unable to get a response from the modem (in my case this is a USR 14,400 fax modem). Since I posted a query on this, and got my problem resolved, I've noticed a number of other users with similar symptoms, so I decided to post this little file to help in getting over the hump. The first thing to point out is that Ray Gwinn actually documents that some users may need to set the MODE DTR on for their COMx port. It's buried deep in the documentation, but it is there. To test if it is a COMx port setting problem, open an OS/2 command prompt and type : MODE COMx DTR=ON where "x" is the serial port your modem's connected to. Now try the IAK dialler again. If this resolves the problem, the following line can be added to your CONFIG.SYS to enable the setting every time you boot Warp : RUN=D:\OS2\MODE.COM COMx DTR=ON I would also suggest you download PPP.ZIP from Library 20 of OS2USER. This not only provides PPP support for the dialler, but also has a much improved interface. Des Dougan, 100553,2152