OSINDVDR - HOW TO INSTALL DRIVERS ON THE OS/2 WARP 4 STARTUP DISKETTES FOR UNRECOGNIZED OR UNSUPPORTED DEVICES 09/20/96 ======================================================================= How to Install Drivers on the OS/2 Warp 4 Startup Diskettes for Unrecognized or Unsupported Devices ======================================================================= Please Read Entire Document for Full Explanation of Procedures -------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION If you have a device (for example, a CD-ROM or a hard drive) that is not recognized or supported by OS/2 Warp 4, you may still be able to utilize it by modifying the CONFIG.SYS on the OS/2 Installation diskette and by adding files to one of the other two startup diskettes. RESOLUTION The following steps will guide you through this procedure: 1. Locate the device driver for your device. A good starting place to look for these devices is on the DDPak CD which is shipped with the operating system. Some device drivers may also be downloaded from the Internet or may be obtained by contacting the manufacturer of the device. Be sure to read any README's associated with the device driver, this will tell you whether to add a DEVICE= or a BASEDEV= statement to your CONFIG.SYS. Note: If there is not a README file, look for a .DDP file. This file should state whether to use a DEVICE= or a BASEDEV= statement in the CONFIG.SYS. 2. Using a text editor, modify the CONFIG.SYS. Add the DEVICE=[filename] or BASEDEV=[filename] statement (with the corresponding driver filename) to the bottom of CONFIG.SYS. Be sure word wrap is turned off in the editor and save the file. If you already have the device driver files and READMEs, you can escape to a command prompt to modify the CONFIG.SYS on the diskettes from various places in the install by pressing F3 (the option is listed at the bottom of the screen when it is available). 3. If a DEVICE= statement is added to CONFIG.SYS, copy the specified device driver to Diskette #2. 4. If a BASEDEV= statement is added to the CONFIG.SYS, copy the specified device driver to Diskette 1. If there is no room on Diskette 1, Do Not Simply Copy the File to Diskette #2; you must do the following: BASEDEV= device drivers are loaded in order of their file name extensions: .SYS .BID .VSD .TSD .ADD .I13 .FLT .DMD If several BASEDEV= statements contain file names with the same extension, those files will be loaded in the order in which they appear in the CONFIG.SYS. Scan through the CONFIG.SYS from the bottom, looking for BASEDEV= statements referencing .DMD files, if none are found, look for .FLT files, and so on, in backwards order of the file extensions listed above. Once you locate the bottom most of these statements, move the referenced file from Diskette #1 to Diskette #2. Do Not change the location of these BASEDEV= lines in the CONFIG.SYS once you move the files. Continue moving files to Diskette #2 in this manner until there is enough room for the new driver on Diskette #1. Note: If the driver you are adding is a .DMD file and it happens to be the last BASEDEV= in the CONFIG.SYS, this file can be directly added to Diskette #2. 5. You can now restart the system from the modified startup diskettes. warp4 ______________________________________________________________________ IBM disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of fitness and merchantability with respect to the information in this document. By furnishing this document, IBM grants no licenses to any related patents or copyrights. Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 IBM Corporation. Any trademarks and product or brand names referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information.