OSMMSDRV - OS/2 WARP SOUND DRIVERS FOR ESS688 OR ESS1688 DO NOT WORK 10/25/96 ======================================================================= OS/2 Warp Sound Drivers for ESS688 or ESS1688 Do Not Work ======================================================================= Please Read Entire Document for Full Explanation of Procedures -------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION You installed OS/2 Warp and supplied Windows drivers for the ESS688 or ESS1688. OS/2 sounds are fine, but Windows sounds do not exist or are at a very low volume. RESOLUTION The Windows drivers that come with OS/2 Warp do not work. You must download updated drivers from the ESS BBS (510-226-1937). Use GUEST as the logon name and password. Download the following files: 688OS2.ZIP (if you have the ESS688 chip) or 1688OS2.ZIP (if you have the ESS1688 chip) Both of these files come with updated OS/2 and WIN-OS/2 drivers. Install them using the Multimedia Install Application applet. Follow the README instructions that come with the files for detailed installation instructions. ______________________________________________________________________ IBM disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of fitness and merchantability with respect to the information in this document. By furnishing this document, IBM grants no licenses to any related patents or copyrights. Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 IBM Corporation. Any trademarks and product or brand names referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information.