TITLE: 941121 INSTALLING WARP, GETTING SYS0045 ON WINDOWS DISK #1 DESCRIPTION OF SYMPTOMS: Installing OS/ WARP passed the first phase and onto the second phase of the installation, when asks to insert the WINDOWS DISK #1, will received a " SYS0045 sector can't be found ... " If going into OS/2 and DIR on the WINDOWS DISKS, it is ok, but if trying to copy, xcopy any files from the WINDOWS DISKS to the hardfile, result the same error SYS0045 message. SUMMARY OF RESOLUTION: User has changed the floppy drives around and did not update the CMOS to reflects the changes. DETAILS OF RESOLUTION: User must go into the system CMOS and make sure the floppy drives are setup correctly. Example: If changed the 1.44mb drive from B: to A:, and the 1.2mb drive from A: to B:, on the Setup on the CMOS should reflect that 1.44mb as an A: drive and 1.2mb as an B: drive.