CSD update for POST RELEASE Multimedia Modem V1.02 ================================================== RELEASE DATE: June 30, 1995 The following OS/2 Mwave updates have been made since the release of the OBI Multimedia Modem v1.02 retail product. This CSD includes the following fixes and enhancements: A. Installation, configuration, and uninstall program improvements for OS/2. These include: - Fix for OS/2 CD-ROM initialization problem: The CD-ROM in OS/2 is not initialized when the system is powered up. (In V1.02, the workaround is to shutdown OS/2 and warm boot the system after powering up. The CD-ROM is initialized during this second boot.) - Installs the new board driver to the proper location and adds the required "BASEDEV" line for MWBD0700.SYS to the CONFIG.SYS. (The BASEDEV update will only occur if the user does any future installations from the diskettes.) - Displays warning that uninstalling Mwave for OS/2 will make Mwave in WIN-OS/2 inoperable. The user is advised to uninstall Mwave in WIN-OS/2. - Adds Multimedia Modem path if it is not detected in CONFIG.SYS. The install program checks to see if the following files exist: MDM.DLL, MMPM2.INI, IBMLANLK.EXE, and IBMLANLK. - Adds message string asking the user if the installation program should automatically check the CONFIG.SYS. - Changes OBI default configuration settings for the board. B. Aura: Aura in OS/2 no longer closes when a MIDI application is run. (This created problems when other Mwave functions were opened.) Also, an Aura names string is changed from "MIDI" to "OS/2 MIDI Player". C. Variety of Windows install and uninstall program upgrades: - Minimum memory requirement modified from 3900 to 3500 bytes. - Ignores COM port driver statements in CONFIG.SYS when they are remarked out (needed for WIN-OS/2 installation.) - Dialog string changed to display appropriate label. - Uninstall program removes the board driver only from the directory where the configuration files are located. The program no longer depends on CONFIG.SYS to provide the board directory location. D. Improved COM IRQ checking algorithm for Windows configurator program. E. Correction of MAKEBOOT process for Mwave DOS games. To install the new files, do the following: 1. Create a directory on your hard disk called CSD. Type "MKDIR CSD". 2. Change to the CSD directory. Type "CD CSD". 3. Unzip the CSDV102C.ZIP file. Type "PKUNZIP -D x:CSDV102C.ZIP", where x is the location of the CSDV102C.ZIP file. 4. Type "DIR". The list of files you see should appears as follows: CSDV102DTXT DOS OS2 WINDOWS 5. Install the fixes. The files used to fix each of the three problems listed above are given, along with the method to install them. NOTE: In the directions below, A: is assumed to be the diskette drive and C:\DSP2 is assumed to be the default directory chosen for the Multimedia Modem code installation. If your drives and directory are different. modify the directions accordingly. A. Installation, configuration, and uninstall program improvements for OS/2. (Follow the steps for "A" if you have Mwave for OS/2 installed.) A-1. From the CSD directory, type "CD OS2". Type "DIR". The list of files should be: MWBD0700 SYS 5686 4-28-95 10:39a CONFIGO EXE 179242 6-14-95 5:05p CARD LIB 46811 6-27-95 10:59a SETUP MSG 8625 5-30-95 6:40p SETUP INS 56269 5-30-95 6:51p AURAMON EXE 103440 5-09-95 3:51p AURAAUTO CFG 1064 5-11-95 2:42p A-2. Type "CD C:\DSP2\MWOS2\BIN". A-3. Type "RENAME CONFIGO.EXE CONFIGO.BAK". A-4. Type "COPY C:\CSD\OS2\CONFIGO.EXE". A-5. Type "CD C:\CSD\OS2". A-6. If you are running OS/2 WARP, type "COPY MWBD0700.SYS C:\OS2\BOOT". If you are running OS/2 2.11, type "COPY MWBD0700.SYS C:\OS2". A-7. Remove the old copy of the MWBD0700.SYS from your system. Type "RENAME C:\DSP2\MWOS2\BIN\MWBD0700.SYS MWBD0700.BAK." Note that the old MWBD0700.SYS file is in a different directory than the new one. The old file MUST be renamed or deleted or the fix will not work properly. A-8. Edit your system's CONFIG.SYS to pick up the new board driver. Change the line: DEVICE=C:\DSP2\MWOS2\BIN\MWBD0700.SYS BUS=1150000 to: BASEDEV=MWBD0700.SYS BUS=1150000 NOTE: If you perform an installation from your diskettes in the future, the new board driver will be loaded automatically and the new BASEDEV statement will be added to the CONFIG.SYS automatically, as long as you complete step A-9 below. A-9. From the command line, type "CD C:\CSD\OS2". Insert your "Mwave for OS/2 Disk 1" into the diskette drive. Next, type the following series of commands: "COPY SETUP.* A:". "COPY CARD.LIB A:" B. AURA fixes for OS/2. (Follow the steps for "B" if you have Mwave for OS/2 installed.) B-1. Change to the Aura OS/2 directory. Type CD C:\DSP2\AURAOS2". B-2. Type the following series of commands: "RENAME AURAAUTO.CFG AURAAUTO.BAK". "COPY C:\CSD\AURAAUTO.CFG". "COPY C:\CSD\OS2\AURAMON.EXE". You will be overwriting the current version of AURAMON.EXE. Do not rename and save the old AURAMON.EXE. C. Windows install and uninstall upgrades. (Follow the steps for "C" if you have "Mwave for Windows" installed.) C-1. From the CSD directory, type "CD WINDOWS". Type "DIR". The list of files should be: SETUP INS 144247 6-20-95 12:50p CONFIGW EXE 177162 6-15-95 3:13p ~INS0762 LIB 100396 6-20-95 8:53p C-2. Insert your "Mwave for Windows Disk 1" into the diskette drive. Type: "COPY SETUP.INS A:". "COPY ~INS0762.LIB A:". You will be overwiting the current versions of these files that are on your diskette. D. Improved COM IRQ checking algorithm for Windows configurator program. (Follow the steps for "D" if you have "Mwave for Windows" installed.) D-1. Type "CD C:\DSP2\SOHO". D-2. Type "RENAME CONFIGW.EXE CONFIGW.BAK". D-3. Type "COPY C:\CSD\WINDOWS\CONFIGW.EXE". E. Correction of MAKEBOOT process for Mwave DOS games. (Follow the steps for "E" if you have "Mwave for DOS" installed.) E-1. From the CSD directory, type "CD DOS". Type "DIR". The list of files should be: CONFIGW EXE 177162 6-15-95 3:13p AUTOEXEC MWG 320 6-13-95 11:33a CONFIG MWG 232 6-06-95 11:31a E-2. Type "CD C:\DSP2\MWD\MANAGER". E-2. Type "COPY C:\CSD\DOS\AUTOEXEC.MWG". E-3. Type "COPY C:\CSD\DOS\CONFIG.MWG". To activate the fixes , shutdown and restart your computer. In addition, for the CD-ROM fix included in Item "A", rerun CONFIGO. (See your User's Manual for more information.) IMPORTANT NOTE: If you ever uninstall and then reinstall your Mwave for Multimedia Modem software, you will need to redo any steps above where files are copied from a CSD directory to the hard disk.