Novell NetWare Drivers Software Release for all IBM Broadcom 570x-based Gigabit Ethernet Adapters - including on-board Ethernet ======================================================================= Novell NetWare Drivers package with v7.02 ODI NetWare driver - from the Broadcom v7.0.2 Drivers Software CD Release. NetWare DOS ODI driver v7.07 is also included. CONTENTS -------- 1.0 Overview 1.1 Limitations 2.0 Change History 3.0 Build and Installation Instructions 4.0 Configuration Information 4.1 Driver Parameters 4.2 Additional Configuration Information 5.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number 6.0 Trademarks and Notices 7.0 License and Disclaimer 1.0 Overview ------------- This package includes the NetWare ODI driver version 6.01 for Novell NetWare support for all IBM Broadcom 570x-based Gigabit Ethernet, including the 31P6301 and 22P7801 adapter option. NetWare 4.x, 5.x, and 6.0 are supported. Broadcom silicon levels of up to BCM5705 are supported, This package is created by PackageForTheWeb, which allows users to be able to extract all files and directories into either the default destination provided or any drive destination the users wish to specify. 1.1 Limitations ----------------- This driver software requires the latest Service Pack for NetWare 4.x or 5.x or 6.0. 2.0 Change History -------------------- v7.02 October 17, 2003 - Fixed problem where fiber adapter will not default to link at 1000Mbs FD when a switch will not participate in autonegotiation. v7.01 October 09, 2003 - Fixed problem where driver hangs on Client32 if receiving packets with VLAN tags. v7.00 August 28, 2003 - Update readme.txt to reflect SPEED keyword changes. v6.08 August 22, 2003 - Added speed= option for 1000FD. - Fixed problem where fiber 5704 B0 would not pass traffic properly. v6.07 August 13, 2003 - Added support for 5704 B0. - Added a user enabled keyword that allows setting the speed to 1000FD. - Fixed spurious interrupts displayed on some NetWare systems. v6.06 May 16, 2003 - Changed code to Sync up with the latest lower module code that has more bond id checking. 05/12/03 v6.04 - Fixed OS hang with NetWare 4.2 server and machines sharing IRQs - w\multiple Broadcom Adapters. - Changed driver display string to be non adapter specific. See release.txt for later versions. 3.0 Build and Installation Instructions ----------------------------------------- Refer to the complete v7.0.2 Sw CD release. 4.0 Configuration Information ------------------------------- Refer to 3.0 above. 4.1 Driver Parameters --------------------- Refer to the moreinfo.txt file included with this package. 4.2 Additional Configuration Information ---------------------------------------- Refer to 3.0 above. 5.0 WEB Sites and Support Phone Number ---------------------------------------- IBM Support Web Site: IBM Marketing Netfinity Web Site: If you have any questions about this update, or problems applying the update go to the following Help Center World Telephone Numbers URL: 6.0 Trademarks and Notices ---------------------------- The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM eserver xSeries Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Broadcom and NetXtreme are trademarks or registered trademarks of Broadcom Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others 7.0 License and Disclaimer --------------------------- THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.