H132880 - CoSession Information Screen Blocked By Windows95 Bar TEXT: The CoSession for Windows application preloaded on IBM PC 700 Series 6877 and 6887 as part of the Windows95 preload, may show a part of the CoSession Information window blocked by the Windows95 task bar. The Windows95 task bar prevents the user from having clear access to the "Stop" and "Next" action buttons. The solution to this problem is to simply relocate (drag) the CoSession information window so that the "Next" and "Stop" action buttons can accessed. The next release of CoSession for Windows will resolve this problem. The updated version will be available in March 1996 from the IBM PC Company BBS or through the Internet in the PC Company File Library at the following URL: http://www.pc.ibm.com/files.html Windows95 is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.