Record number: H135606 Device: D/T9546 Service code: 33 ECA number: ECA001 Parts source: LOC EC number: ECF00499 Publish flag: R Mandatory: N Hit count: UHC00000 Automatic shipment: N Success count: USC0000 Availability date: 97/01 Publication code: PC40 Plant of control: 23 Date created: O96/12/05 Tip key: Date last altered: A96/12/06 Owning B.U.: Abstract: 9546 & 9547 THERMAL BASE PAD FOR EVEN HEAT TRANSFER. PURPOSE: A new option has been developed to evenly transfer any heat that escapes through the bottem of the 760 ThinkPad. FEATURES: Type, Machines Affected Model, With and/or Feature/Device B/M to be Service System Stage B/M Description Installed Hours Hours 9546 B/M9999999 MOD U3A U3B U4A U4B B/M9999999 00.5 00.3 U3L U13 U28 U1C U2J U11 U21 U22 U27 U1A U2A U2B U2H 9547 B/M9999999 MOD U48 U4F U6F U6G U3F U4R U4S U6R U01 U31 U0A U3A U0R U3R PHYSICAL CHECK: Model 760 C/CD/L/LD/E/ED/EL/ELD systems mentioned in the FEATURES section that have customer complaints of excessive base heat. PREREQUISITES: NONE COMPANION: NONE CONCURRENT: NONE DETAIL: Because some users prefer to use the 9546 or 9547 on their lap, IBM has designed a thermal transfer product which is called a "thermoplastic energy transfer pad". This product, when attached to the underside of the unit, evenly transfers any heat that escapes through the bottom of the machine. This is especially useful for customers who use a ThinkPad in their lap and feel uncomfortable with basic heat dissipation that occurs with any mobile computer. The Thermal Pad Kit, FRU / CRU P/N82H8966, will be given to any customer that feels the base of the system is to warm for use on their lap. The normal method of delivery in the US and Canada will be by direct shipment to the customer from the IBM Help Center. NOTE: The above Help Center action does NOT require the use of this ECA. WORLD WIDE HELP CENTERS THAT SUPPORT CRU SHIPMENT TO CUSTOMERS. Canada - IBM's HelpPC 1-800-565-3344 US - IBM PC Company HelpCenter 1-800-772-2227 =============================================================== |NOTE: This ECA should only be installed during the following | | situations: | =============================================================== This ECA can be installed by a CE or Dealer following normal ECA terms and conditions if it qualifies under the FEATURES and PHYSICAL CHECK areas and one of the following conditions occur: 1. The customer requires servicer installation instead of a direct CRU (Customer Replaceable Unit) shipment. 2. The IBM geography does not support direct CRU shipments to customers. Servicers should order the Thermal Pad FRU Kit P/N82H8966. NOTES: This ECA will expire December 31, 1997. Order FRUs locally and record all time using Service Code 33, ECA001, other office 990. SAS KEYWORDS: PSY2 PSY2ECA D/T9547 THINKPAD UNCLASSIFIED ****** HSF PRINT RECORD REQUEST COMPLETE 12/06/96 HUBER, GARY F *****