Record number: H137698 Number of altered copies: 1 Device: D/T6589 Service code: 33 ECA number: ECA009 Parts source: NONE EC number: EC000000 Publish flag: R Mandatory: Y Hit count: UHC00059 Automatic shipment: N Success count: USC0000 Availability date: 97/05 Publication code: PC50 Plant of control: 23 Date created: O97/05/12 Tip key: Date last altered: A97/06/10 Owning B.U.: USA Abstract: ECA009, SIGNAL QUALITY CONDITION PURPOSE: The purpose of this ECA is to provide a replacement PCI/ISA Riser Card to eliminate a potential signal quality condition which may occur during file transfer operations in specific systems that contain an IBM PCI Auto LANStreamer Token Ring adapter or IBM PCI Token Ring adapter (all part numbers). This condition can potentially interfere with or affect data being transferred between the affected IBM PCI Token Ring adapters and the referenced IBM PC Systems.