Record number: H16420 Device: D/T6588 Model: M Hit count: UHC00000 Success count: USC0000 Publication code: PC50 Tip key: Date created: O97/07/11 Date last altered: A97/07/14 Owning B.U.: USA Abstract: COSESSION HOST INSTALLATION FAILS WITH SHRINKWRAP WIN95 SYMPTOM: When restarting Windows95 after installing CoSession Host, the system shuts down completely. Normally, the system should restart automatically. PROBLEM ISOLATION AIDS: This problem occurs if the customer has installed a shrinkwrap version of Windows95. The shrinkwrap version of Windows95 does not contain the correct video device driver. FIX: If the customer has already installed CoSession and is experiencing this problem, restart Winodws95 in Safe Mode and install the appropriate Windows95 video driver from the Ready To Configure (RTC) CD. Otherwise, install the appropriate Windows95 video driver from the RTC/CD before installing CoSession Host. -CoSession is a trademark of Artisoft Corporation. -Windows95 is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SAS KEYWORDS: PSY2 PSY2OPER PSVP PSVPOPER D/T6588 D/T6888 6588 6888 64250F_1 PSY2PROG PSVPPROG