SAMdisk ------- Version 3.8.8 (2015-07-08) -------------------------- - Added D88 support for 1D and 1DD disk types - Added .1dd output extension for 1D/1DD in D88 container - Added cylinder count detection to D88 image reading - Added support for .2d raw format - Fixed destructor crash bug in gcc builds (Linux and Mac) - Fixed TR-DOS false-positives by requiring .trd extension - Internal code fork from SAMdisk 4, which has now diverged too much Version 3.8.7 (2015-03-08) -------------------------- - Added support for Deep Though .DTI images (Jupiter Ace) - Added --ace option to scan for Deep Though encoding in flux images - Added --new-drive option for fast stepping and use of disk-change line - Added License.txt to clarify free usage and lack of warranty - Changed to --old-drive behaviour by default, ignoring BIOS drive type - Changed to use cyl 0 instead of current head position for rpm measurement - Fixed incorrect CHS handling of large BDOS disks (8GB+) - Fixed false-positive on tracks using placeholder 8C 15 CRC - Fixed false-positive where tracks matched both XOR and SUM checksums - Fixed output of single-sided raw images Version 3.8.6 (2014-12-23) -------------------------- - Hotfix for crash during 8K sector reading (thanks Gorski!) Version 3.8.5 (2014-12-21) -------------------------- - Added support for reading HxC .HFE images (currently MFM only) - Added preliminary support for TrinLoad network targets (SAM Coupe) - Added deleted files to TR-DOS directory listings - Added white-listing of two unused 8K track formats - Added .88D/D68/D8U/2D as alternative file extensions to D88 - Added support for D88 images with wrong endian for sector count - Restored running 8K checksum logic to better catch false negatives - Fixed FDI image writing setting the appropriate checksum bits - Fixed wasted space in FDI images by limiting to 2-bit sector sizes - Fixed user cyl range being ignored when writing extended TRD images - Fixed crash when reading UDI images containing blank tracks - Fixed potential crash when removing duplicate sector copies - Fixed comment and label propogation from source to target Version 3.8.4 (2014-08-26) -------------------------- - Added drive wobble for weak sector extraction from a single revolution - Added warnings for multiple-copy incompatibilities with EDSK format - Added warning is only copy of sector data is truncated at index mark - Added warning if blank tracks are missing from end of EDSK images - Removed lax 8K CRC condition that was masking real data errors - Fixed crash on short sector removal during flux data processing - Fixed multiple copies of fake 8K sectors being kept, bloating images - Fixed MBD images being read in the wrong track order Version 3.8.3 (2014-05-26) -------------------------- - Fixed creation of truncated FDI images - Fixed potential crash reading multiple copies of over-sized sectors - Added SAMdiskHelper support for BDOS and Pro-DOS devices - Improved detection of Pro-DOS mass-storage media - Improved detection of errors in 8K sectors Version 3.8.2 (2014-03-24) -------------------------- - Fixed bad CRC calculation of overlapped sectors - Added automatic gap2 preservation for converted KBI-19/CAAV-19 tracks - Added --keep-overlap to retain full data size in overlapped sectors - Relaxed gap removal checks after final sector for cleaner conversions - Allow zero-sized gap3 filler during gap removal - Allow EDSK final track header to be shorter than index size Version 3.8.1 (2014-03-11) -------------------------- - Fixed data extent bug reading from stream images (SCP/RAW/DFI) - SBT images now auto-execute under SAM DOS, even if not natively bootable Version 3.8 (2014-03-09) ------------------------ - Added support for SuperCard Pro .scp flux disk images (MFM+FM) - Added --pll option to control PLL method with flux image scanning - Fixed --head giving ambiguous option error due to typo - Fixed KBI-19 format slightly overhanging track wrap - Improved EOT handling of flux images containing just one revolution - Changed --slow-step to --old-drive to better match usage Version 3.7 (2013-06-24) ------------------------ - Added support for KryoFlux and DiscFerret stream images (MFM+FM) - Added preliminary support for D4M (FD-4000) disk images - Added hex output with --hex or -x, with limited hex using --hex-ish - Added --no-gap4b to ignore gap data after the final sector - Added --abs-offsets to show absolute rather than relative sector offsets - Fixed 'extra byte' EDSK extension being used unnecessarily on CRC errors - Fixed crash during CPC weak sector sniffing due to no-data 4th sector - Fixed regular image reading reporting transient disk errors - Improved support for ED images, including 2.88M raw images - Improved gap reading support for IPF images - Changed raw track parsing to ignore headers with ID CRC errors - Changed raw image writing to use only first cyl to determine format - Relaxed D2M sniffing by removing system partition type (0xff) check - Reduced gap sync requirement to remove more unwanted gaps Version 3.6.1 (2013-05-22) -------------------------- - Fixed gap3 override issue during conversion of --all-gaps images Version 3.6 (2013-05-19) ------------------------ - Improved gap extraction for floppy, IPF, and DMK sources - Improved track length and sector positions using track data - Added warning if FDC refuses to read sectors (128-byte MFM) - Added minor EDSK extension for exact-multiple gap data sizes - Added CRC16 support to existing 6K sector checksum tests - Added detection of unwanted duplicate sectors in bad disk dumps - Added support for 1MB TRD and SCL images - Added --trim option to write only used sectors to TRD images - Added --no-data for data privacy during disk diagnostics - Fixed wrong location of rate/encoding extension in EDSK header - Fixed SCL input having cyl/head reversed, so file data was wrong - Fixed modification effects being applied to merge target on read - Fixed image gap3 not being preserved during floppy writing - Fixed false CRC warning in gap data of deleted sectors - Fixed false FDC corruption when all track CHRN values were 0 - Changed SCL input CRC fatal error to a warning - Changed to require --fix to missing weak sectors and gap CRCs - Changed to ignore no-id and id-crc sectors from IPF and DMK Version 3.5 (2013-01-07) ------------------------ - Fixed interleave and skew values for Pro-Dos .cpm images - Alignment tweaks to some output formatting - Restored code signing to help download validation Version 3.4 (2012-08-14) ------------------------ - Added create command for blank HDD and floppy images - Added basic IDEDOS partition listing - Added checking of good sectors to track repairing - Added support for Velesoft DSK/DS2 transfer images - Added --chrn to trust ID header over physical location - Added --no-1m to skip 1Mbps data rate scanning - Restored --byte-swap for Atom/AtomLite conversion - Improved ATA identify data handling - Improved scan output to report warnings above affected track - Fixed recognition of DSC/HDR, CFI, LIF disk images - Fixed floppy image conversion to .raw dump - Fixed repaired sectors retaining original track offset - Fixed detection of oversized tracks with just 1 sector - Fixed HDD firmware string missing final character - Fixed log file including empty status messages - Fixed AL+ boot sector being mistaken for MBR - Reverted to Visual Studio 2005 for old CPU compatibility Version 3.3 (2012-06-14) ------------------------ - Added built-in support for zipped and gzipped files - Added support for repairing 8K sectors with bad CRCs - Added support for raw hard disk images - Added identify device data reading, where available (non-USB) - Added --hdf to force HDF version (10 or 11), with v1.1 now the default - Added --no-identify to ignore source identify data - Added --no-cfa to suppress CFA festures in generated identify data - Enhanced identify to include CHS/LBA28/LBA48 sector counts and CFA - Enhanced verbose disk list to show serial+firmware and MBR partitions - Changed disk list to show all devices by default, not just BDOS - Fixed repairing to blank target tracks, with new density check - Fixed HDD access beyond 4GB boundary, extended -s range to 2TB - Fixed SAD image writing with custom sector sizes - Fixed status messages being written to log and not erased correctly - Improved FDC integrity checks during sector reads, for suspect hardware - Improved total sector count to CHS mapping Version 3.2 (2012-04-08) ------------------------ - Added general support for 1Mbps data rate, used by ED disks - Added 1Mbps support to IMD images, using new track modes 6+7 - Added --tty option to output console messages to non-console streams - Fixed crash reading gap data from oversized sectors (thanks Philippe!) - Fixed crash using --verify when writing non-simple images - Fixed gap data trimming when writing FDI+IMD images Version 3.1 (2012-03-18) ------------------------ - Added --repair option to help combine damaged image dumps - Added write support for D88 images - Added support for IMD mixed sector sizes - Added record name from source basename, if no label available - Added more file sizes for raw image recognition - Added verbose track output for floppy->image dumping - Fixed IMD creation using 500Kbps instead of 250Kbps - Fixed bit alignment during IPF track wrapping - Fixed converting images to BDOS format when setting label - Increased --rescan matching distance from 32 to 64 bytes - Updated to zlib 1.2.5, using zlibwapi.dll instead of zlib1.dll Version 3.0 (2010-06-20) ------------------------ - Largely re-written again, for non-uniform track support - Added +3 protections: Speedlock weak sectors, OperaSoft 32, various motor bug fixes - Added CPC protections: Speedlock/EA weak sectors, Infogrames/Loriciel gaps, KBI-10, KBI-19 - Added support for many disk image containers, including EDSK, TD0, DMK, IPF - Added support for zip, gzip and bzip2 archives using zlib1.dll and bzip2.dll - Added directory support for MGT, TR-DOS, Opus, Didaktik and Amstrad CP/M - HDD support for drives up to 2TB, with improved lock/dismount and safety checks - Changed to Unix-style getopt for command-line options - Removed embedded fdrawcmd.sys driver Version 2.0 (2004-11-27) ------------------------ - Completely re-written, including a new floppy driver (W2K or later only) - Added format, verify, directory listing and scanning support - Works with virus scanners that previously blocked direct access - Consistent speed on all controller types Version 1.1 (2003-07-29) ------------------------ - Missing disk errors now cancel the copy process Version 1.0 (2002-12-08) ------------------------ - Initial release by Dave Laundon, with NT4/W2K/XP support - Uses SAMDISK.SYS and SAMDISKL.SYS drivers for 10-sector disk access